It Can Always Get Worse. Shandy Kurth

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It Can Always Get Worse - Shandy Kurth

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felt so good to fight—it had been awhile since I’d had a real good fight. I liked fights for the most part. It really gets the adrenaline pumping, and they’re a nice outlet as long as your enemy was in front of you, and not sneaking up from behind. He took another stab at me, but missed.

      “Do something!” I heard the girl cry, off to my right.

      “He can handle it,” Andy’s voice came, adding to my confidence. It was time to make my move.

      “If you’re not gonna help than I’m gonna go call the cops,” the girl sounded close to tears.

      “Like hell you are,” I heard Slim yell.

      The guy with the knife stabbed at me again. This time I grabbed his arm and spun him around. I kicked the knife out of his hand and it clattered to the ground. I brought my knee to his stomach, and he gasped for air. Now that the knife was out of the way, the guy I’d flipped over my shoulder had recovered and was trying to take a swing at me. I tripped him, sending him sprawling on the ground and then turned and kicked the other one in the gut again. I reached down and grabbed the knife off the ground.

      “Just try me!” I challenged.

      There were red flames in my eyes. They must have decided I wasn’t messing around, and spat at my feet before getting into their car and driving off.

      “Yeah!” The guys cheered, surrounding me. “That was awesome! Man, you got the style, kid.”

      I pushed through them to the girl I’d saved. “You okay?” I asked, seriously.

      “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. She had her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. Her blouse was torn a bit by the shoulder and her lipstick was smeared a little, but she didn’t look hurt. She did have tears in her eyes, though.

      “What’s the matter?” I asked, worried. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

      “I can’t believe you just fought that guy.”

      “What was I supposed to do? Let them kick my ass?” I all but yelled. Why should she be mad at me? I had just saved her from that scum bag.

      “I just…what if they had stabbed you or something? Your so-called friends wouldn’t even help you.”

      “Hey,” Andy spoke up defensively, “he had it. If he was in trouble, we would have helped.”

      “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

      “I’m okay. Thanks, I mean. I’m sorry for being—I was just scared. Jeez—I thought—”

      “You’re safe now. It was nothing. So what’re you doing on Main by yourself on a Saturday, anyway? This ain’t the safest place to be alone, you know. The streets are a dangerous place for a girl to be on her own.”

      “A girl I met said this was the place to meet people,” she said.

      “Sounds familiar,” I mumbled, thinking about some of the girls around here.


      “The chicks do that to all the new girls.”

      “Do what? Tell them to go to Main Street on a Saturday?”

      “No, they always send them some place dangerous to see if they’re tough.”

      “That’s ridiculous.”

      “Yeah, it is. So you want a ride home or something?” I asked. She had calmed down some and her hands weren’t shaking anymore.

      “No, I have a car.

      “Well, I guess we’ll see you around then. What did you say your name was?”


      “Well, Dyan, until you find some loyal friends to come with you, stay off Main,” I instructed.

      She climbed into an old, green pick-up and drove off.

      “You got it bad, man,” Slim said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder.

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