Whisper Quiet. Tim Longmire

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Whisper Quiet - Tim Longmire

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a mark in my head for along time.

      Back to the mission, as I work my way back upstream to the slide I remain submerged up to my neck holding my rifle just above the surface. I am moving slowly carefully picking my way through the debris strewn, silty soft bottom of the river. Glad I have on boots that are tightly tied, each step brings forth a massive effort to break loose from the gooey bottom, this damn river is still trying to claim me for its prize.

      I reach the animal slide after more effort than I expected. The gooey bottom on the river kept trying to suck me under. Climbing out of the river I’m glad the angle of the animal slide is not very steep, my legs are wobbly from the exertion and cramping a bit still from oxygen shortage. It amazes me the distance one can push their body when needed, half of the people on the face of this earth have no idea of what they are capable of because fear prevents them from finding out.

      Once on solid ground I crouch down and survey the area around me and the trail ahead. The trail has plenty of head clearance. I immediately scan the ground for signs of human contact, no footprints just animals, but people have been here, the two cigarette butts just off the trail give that one away.

      The trail opening looks like it will provide good cover, it’s a dark opening, penetrating back into the jungle, it looks like a cave back into the jungle. I remove my Mark II from it’s scabbard as I begin my entry into it’s dark gaping mouth. I slowly move up the trail, my senses are back to their usual sharp level. Unknown and unseen creatures are moving all around me in the jungle. My presence is obviously scaring them into flight, just one more sign that man has made his presence here known. I am carrying my rifle slung over my shoulder, I need to be quite moving down this trail. If I want to keep myself concealed.

      I am still ready for just about anything. An Army Ranger is as good as five regular men with seven inches of razor sharp still in his hand, especially in the tight quarters afforded by this trial. So narrow that it would be impossible for two men to come at me at the same time. I like it. As I begin entering into the dark, shadowy abyss of this jungle trail my ears have become attuned to the subtle nuance sound’s made by the jungle life all around me. The constant bird calls, every now and then the sound of big cats, but mostly the frogs, lots of frogs and chirping insects. They remind me of the crickets back home in August, when they come out in droves and begin looking for girlfriends, God they can get loud. Let one sneak into your house and you will hunt him down like an escaped killer from jail, the constant chirping noise will keep you awake all night. But right now they are my early warning system. Those close by are hushing as a pass near them.

      My hope is that if any type of transgressors travel in my direction the critters will do the same and silence at their approach. Their steady noises are making me feel just a bit more secure. I start feeling a familiar stinging on my chest, back and legs. I need a secure more defensible spot back off this trail to take care of a little problem I have developed.

      I have some free loaders and they are starting to get to me, how many I’m not for sure but I know its more than I can carry with me. Besides letting my gear dry out and doing an equipment check is good, and the sooner the better, I am losing daylight and precious time.

      About a kilometer farther up the trail I notice the trail is starting to get brighter, I am wondering if I am about to loose my cover. As I get closer I can see why, a giant of a jungle tree has finally succumbed to its long life and fallen. As it fell, it acted like a giant scythe shearing the jungle on both sides of its enormous trunk, a trunk eight feet taller than my six foot four inch height. It has ripped through the overhead canopy and is now allowing this part of the jungle floor to see something it probably has not seen in decades, full sunlight. In its falling, it however has blocked the trail, but nature has a way of compensating for hindrances, the animals that have used this trail for years, mostly pigs will not be denied their water source. They have dug a tunnel underneath the trunk. I ground my ruck and began a slow careful low crawl through the tunnel under the tree. I cannot help but think what kind of shit will hit the fan if I either run head on into another boar or if someone is waiting on the the other side. As I approach the light from the other side, I stop and listen for any out of the ordinary sounds, everything seems to be cool. I crawl on through and pull a quick perimeter sweep, all clear. Crawling back through I decide to recover my gear and return to the other side of the tree. Putting the down tree and what appears to be the only way under, the crawl through, it will make it easier to defend myself. I am still not confident I’m not being followed from the position of the pig killing last night. Wish I could start a fire and have some of that pig, it would be great right now. Dried pork patties from a LRP will have to do.

      On the other side of the tree, I decided to retreat into the jungle along the trunk for a good safe distance and get off the trail, no more pigs for a day or two. Besides it’s going to take some time to do what I have to do, the itching has stopped now, and it just means my friends are getting better at what they are doing.

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