Defeating Depression. Sharon Buckingham

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Defeating Depression - Sharon Buckingham

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on how we think, feel, and behave from moment to moment. Once we learn how to recognize those patterns we will be able to change our feelings and behavior.

      More on this later.


       Hippocampus, a part of the Limbic System

      The hippocampus is the seat of long-term memory. This area of the brain takes the memories that are important in the moment and converts them into long-term memories.

      So if you have ongoing negative thoughts that keep coming to your mind over and over, you are effectively developing very negative long-term memories.

      In addition, thoughts that are significant are more firmly delegated to long-term memories. So if you are thinking that the ‘sadness’ is notable, the hippocampus is going to delegate that thought to important long-term memory because of the importance you put upon it. This has been working against you.

      These memory-making habits will keep reminding you that you are sad and enhance the depression. You need to put a stop to such thoughts and decrease the importance you are attributing to them.


       I start to think there really is no cure for depression, that happiness is an ongoing battle, and I wonder if it isn’t one I’ll have to fight for as long as I live. I wonder if it’s worth it.

       Elizabeth Wurtzel

      We have adjusted our thinking and are now ready to implement some of the specific remedies to assist us in overcoming depression. In some instances, symptoms respond well to anti-depressant pharmaceuticals. Some people find natural OTC (over the counter) remedies very helpful. Others go for psychotherapy and find help through the ‘talking therapies’. Some even implement a strategy of medication and psychotherapy.

      In many cases, remedies will need to be implemented in addition to a pharmacological regime. Of course, it is highly recommended that you consult a physician or medical professional if you think you might have depression, prior to reading this book.

      Please read this book only if you have decided that you are no longer willing to allow depression to “win” the war. It may continue to win a few battles but you have determined to use guerilla warfare techniques to establish yourself as the victor.

      Your first step is to make a contract with yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down

      “I, (your name), do hereby covenant and agree, that I will

      1. spend a half hour a day practicing one or more of the strategies outlined in this book and that designated time will be _________;

      2. try every strategy at least 3 times to see if it will work well for me;

      3. adopt at least 5 actions that will develop new habits that will entrench a successful lifestyle in my daily life; and

      4. develop a new and successful way of thinking and being, one that will be more balanced and wholesome.”

      Date your document and put it in your checkbook. In this way you can review it often as you go about paying your bills and conducting the important things in your life. If paying your bills has been a keen source for your depressive thoughts, then it is the ideal spot to focus your efforts on revamping your old way of life into something better.

      Note: if you are reading this book, you are agreeing to follow these instructions, the first of which is to make this contract with yourself. Do it now so that you can accomplish your goals. So often depression continues because people skip the necessary steps. That needs to change, NOW.

       Key 4: Make Your Commitment Official with a Signed Contract.

      Contract signed? Congratulations. You have already set a new strategy in motion. You have every right to expect success for here on in.

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