The Love Of God-Book-1. robert givens

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The Love Of God-Book-1 - robert givens

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      The first resurrection is either the initial conversion that each elect believer receives or the resurrection bodily of the dead elect believers at the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

      Considering either position we the elect believers, Christians will exist triumphant with Jesus Christ God incarnate our Redeemer.

      The elect believers, true Christians from all ages will not go into eternal death, Hell or the Abyss, or the Lake Of Fire and Brimstone, because they are sealed with the very person of God Almighty in deed the indwelling Holy Spirit Himself forever.

      The unredeemed have received justice with the lord‘s decision to pass over them, by allowing them to serve their justified sentence in everlasting death, perishing throughout eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone.

      Christians are the redeemed elect of God that have been saved through the finished work of Jesus Christ our Lord. We have received the everlasting seal of God Almighty indeed, The seal of the person of the infinite Holy Spirit of God will dwell within our individual finite lives forever.


      Abyss, The

      a-bis´,hea bussos): In classical Greek the word is always an adjective, and is used (1) literally, “very deep,” “bottomless”; (2) figuratively, “unfathomable,” “boundless.” “Abyss” does not occur in the King James Version but the Revised Version (British and American) so transliterates, a bussos in each case. The King James Version renders the Greek by “the deep” in two passages (Lk 8:31; Rom 10:7). In Revelation the King James Version renders by “the bottomless pit” (Rev 9:1, 2, 11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1, 3). In the Septuagint abussos is the rendering of the Hebrew word, tehom. According to primitive Semitic cosmogony the earth was supposed to rest on a vast body of water which was the source of all springs of water and rivers (Gen 1:2; Dt 8:7; Ps 24:2; 136:6). This subterranean ocean is sometimes described as “the water under the earth” (Ex 20:4; Dt 5:8). According to Job 41:32 tehom is the home of the leviathan in which he plows his hoary path of foam. The Septuagint never uses abussos as a rendering of, sheol (= Sheol = Hades) and probably tehom never meant the “abode of the dead” which was the ordinary meaning of Sheol. In Ps 71:20 tehom is used figuratively, and denotes “many and sore troubles” through which the psalmist has passed (compare Jon 2:5).

      But in the New Testament the word abussos means the “abode of demons.” In Lk 8:31 the King James Version renders “into the deep” (Weymouth and The Twentieth Century New Testament = “into the bottomless pit”). The demons do not wish to be sent to their place of punishment before their destined time. Mark simply says “out of the country” (5:10). In Rom 10:7 the word is equivalent to Hades, the abode of the dead. In Revelation (where the King James Version renders invariably “the bottomless pit”) abussos denotes the abode of evil spirits, but not the place of final punishment; it is therefore to be distinguished from the “lake of fire and brimstone” where the beast and the false prophet are, and into which the Devil is to be finally cast (Rev 19:20; 20:10).

      Title: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

      Edition: First Copyright: Electronic Edition STEP Files Copyright © 1998, Parsons Technology, Inc.

      Publisher: Parsons Technology, Inc.

      Publisher Location: Cedar Rapids, IA


      Members Of The True Christian Church need not worry about What goes into the Abyss.


      The Abyss is strickly for the handling of those predestined for the Lake of Fire and Brimstone after the final judgement


      I ACCEPT the Gospel

      I accept the Gospel because it is true


      We Must Accept The Gospel Of Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ Our Lord


      accept,approval, agree, consent


      Accept the gospel is the message going out to all mankind as the Holy Spirit brings salvation to those given to the son by the father


      Accept the gospel or perish in everlasting destruction goes out to the fallen adamic race whether Jew or Gentile


      39 My child, it will be better for you if you accept my decisions without complaint. Do not ask me to defend my actions or to explain why one person is favored and another seems slighted. The answers to these questions go far beyond your comprehension.

      Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380–1471)


      1 Corinthians 2:1-16

      Preaching in the Power of God

      1When I came to you, brothers, I did not come and tell you about God’s secret£ with rhetorical language or wisdom. 2For while I was with you I resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3It was in weakness, fear, and great trembling that I came to you. 4My message and my preaching were not accompanied by clever words of wisdom, but by a display of the Spirit’s power, 5so that your faith might not be based on human wisdom but on God’s power.

      God’s Spirit Reveals Everything

      6However, when we are among mature people, we do speak a message of£ wisdom, but not the wisdom of this world or of the rulers of this world, who are passing off the scene. 7Instead, we speak about God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden, which God destined for our glory before the world began.£ 8None of the rulers of this world understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. 9But as it is written,

      “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,

      and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”£

      10But£ God has revealed those things to us by his Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the deep things of God.

      11Is there anyone who can understand his own thoughts except by his own inner spirit? In the same way, no one can know the thoughts of God except God’s Spirit.

      12Now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we might understand the things that were freely given to us by God.

      13We do not speak about these things in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words£ taught by the Spirit, as we explain spiritual things to spiritual people.£ 14A person who is not spiritual does not accept the things of God’s Spirit, for they are nonsense to him. He cannot understand them because they are spiritually evaluated. 15But the spiritual person evaluates everything, though he himself is subject to

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