Your Internet Pie. Jerry Holliday

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Your Internet Pie - Jerry Holliday

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      You may have noticed the last two case studies were partnership duos. Many people have found that teaming up with someone who compliments their skills and talents can have a momentus effect on their progress. Bouncing ideas off each other, working as a team and pulling each other up by the bootstraps when things aren’t going well is a great reason to take this route.

      There are many more examples of people from all walks of life that have got into the information publishing arena and built a successful online business from it.

      Equally for every success, unfortunately, there are hundreds of failures which could be down to many different reasons; wrong mindset, impatience, not following a system or jumping from one idea to another. Shiny object syndrome, where someone jumps from one ecourse to another that teaches them different systems is a common problem and something that many newbies get caught up in. However there is absolutely no reason why you can’t succeed!

      Focus and determination is a common trait amongst successful infopreneurs.

      Before You Start

      Having the correct mindset to achieving success with your Internet project is essential.

      Your enthusiasm, certainty and belief will fuel life into your products and services and as a knock on effect they will become better and more beneficial to your customers.

      Your passion will shine through!

      Taking action on this enthusiasm will be the next step to you achieving success, giving you better results which in turn will give you the motivation to continue building your online business. Getting good feedback on your products and services and a following of fans, customers and prospects should further boost your confidence and encourage you to keep moving onwards and upwards.

      It is very much like a self propelling energy with each step fueling the next one.

      This isn’t a mindset or motivational book but you have to believe you can succeed. It is extremely important to shake off any negative thoughts you might have and visualize your impending success.

      Some people doubt their basic ability to learn new things and this can be the obstacle that derails them before they ever get started. However, if you can shake off this attitude and remind yourself that there is nothing you can’t learn then this need be nothing more than a small bump on your road to building a successful online info business.

      It’s certainly true that terminology and techno speak can make learning a lot harder. If you don’t understand the meaning of a term or word, simply ‘Google’ it to find out. In fact I use Google to overcome most technical problems and always get the answer I need.

      Remember that you are not engaged in a competitive race. If you need to spend an hour or so researching something, then take the time and do it.

      As well as learning about Internet marketing, it is a good idea to get acquainted with basic Internet tools as well. There is a world of online marketing tools available. Some of them are free, while others may cost something. There are some basic things that any Internet marketer will need to know and learn about using these tools.

      Learning before you go out and start assembling the tools will help you keep the right attitude for two reasons. First, you will be able to side step grabbing the first tools you see and holding on to them as if they were the Holy Grail of marketing. While there are a lot of great support tools and software on the market today, there is also a lot of junk.

       Take a deep breath and step back for a moment.

      Remind yourself that you are in an investigative mode. Make note of tools that arouse your interest, but don’t leap on them until you have learned more about Internet marketing and how to apply the tools. Then you will be in a better position to evaluate what value, if any, a particular tool has to your marketing model and plan.

      Secondly, do not set yourself up to fail before you even begin. Like the old saying goes, “too many cooks spoil the broth.” Engulfing yourself with a bunch of tools in a random fashion will only serve to confuse you and divert your attention from your goals.

      Just like the spiral can propel you forward in a positive way it can also work against you if you’re convinced you will fail from the outset.

      Keep focused, keep moving forward. This will prevent you from getting bogged down in details, some of which are probably not essential to learn right away.

      This guide aims to provide you with a starting point and roadmap to getting your online information business up and running, along with all the resources and tools that I have used in the past 8 years of Internet Marketing.

      There will always be challenges, but an individual who is dedicated to selling and productizing their passion and skills will see these situations as stepping stones to success, rather than a brick wall that cannot be climbed.

      One thing to realize is that no matter how positive you try to be, there will be days when it seems like nothing is making sense. Recognize that you will have those days, but also remind yourself that every successful person from the beginning of time has also had them.

      When you feel the frustration level rising to the point that it threatens to undermine your positive mindset to your marketing studies, it is time to take a short break. Push back the chair, turn off the computer, and get out of the house and get some fresh air. Go to a movie, take a walk, have coffee with friends. The point is to change your location, the view around you, and the focus of your attention for a short period of time.

      Giving yourself this short break will do wonders for your concentration abilities. Chances are very good that when you return to your computer and pull up your study documents, things will make a great deal more sense.

      Ok let’s get to work!

      Organizing Your Online Business

      To make life a lot easier for yourself it is a good idea to have systems in place that help you keep organized.

      The main buzz on the Internet at the moment is all about working in “the cloud”. The cloud refers to the access and use of resources such as documents and files stored online from multiple devices such as computers, smartphones and mobile tablets.

      Google Docs A good starting point is Google. If you’re familiar with gmail, you’ll know that you can also access Google Docs, which allows you to import word documents, or excel sheets that can be shared with other collaborators. You can also share calendars, use the google reader to subscribe to multiple blogs via their RSS feeds and access other Google services.

      Google Apps is aimed at businesses and can give you the same options as Google Docs but with the some additional extras such as moving your domain over to their nameservers. This will allow you to set up multiple email addresses (i.e: [email protected], [email protected]) through Google Apps.

      Documents and Calendars can then be shared and synced privately between your group.

      Google chat allows instant

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