Astrella! By Bike To Australia & Back. Maria Grujicic

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Astrella! By Bike To Australia & Back - Maria Grujicic

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style="font-size:15px;">       She doesn’t mind

       What makes me, me

       & you, you?

       She’s one of a kind

       A big mess to make and do

       With a can do motto

       She travels the world

       She will always be my girl

      Learning To Drive

Learning To Drive

      The Port of Kalymnos, Greece

      Spending money

       Is like learning to drive

       And maneuvering

       The path of life


       Is governed by the person

       You are

       & the way it leaves

       Your hands

       Show me his friends

       I’ll define the man

       Be a good driver

       Is the message she sends

       Spend money with grace

       And wisdom as your mate

      Room For Noise

Room For Noise

      Lately I want to get up, get out

       And shout!

       It’s too quiet for my taste.

       Considerate beings

       Walking on tip-toes

      Shooshing me to sleep The opposite of awake Straining my ear to hear The end is near Take me to Greece or Spain Any day There, I see it. A place for noise With noise a comfort zone And a friend Anxiety free noise That has no end A time to sleep, rest and play In between But always, Always room for noise

      Places To Rest

Places To Rest

      There are many places

       I can rest on you

       Places I like to find

       An adventure of an intricate kind

       I start my search

       Right on the corner

       of your shoulder

       Like a ball in the slot of my eye.

       The point of my head

       Makes its bed

       Fits right in the arc of your neck.

       I turn ever so slightly

       With my forehead lightly

       On your ear

       A gentle hand and a whisper

       Have a beautiful sleep,

       My dear

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