Clean Hands, Clear Conscience. Amelia Williams

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Clean Hands, Clear Conscience - Amelia  Williams

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(stammering nervously) ‘No … not particularly, but I didn’t think, I mean, I thought, it was … um … your duty, to arrest me.’

      Norm ‘My duty is to ascertain the facts, not to arrest nice young women such as yourself.’

      I began twisting a tissue around my fingers nervously

      Amelia ‘But the facts are that I have just stabbed my husband and for all you and I know, he could be dead as of this minute.’

      I tried to compose myself, but I could feel my bottom lip start to quiver and I struggled desperately within myself to stop from bursting into tears.

      Norm Kennedy (looking directly into my face) ‘Amelia, if I thought for one moment that you had wilfully and premeditatedly attempted to murder Frank I would’ve arrested and charged you long before this.’

      I sighed a deep heavy sigh

      Amelia ‘I guess that’s something, if nothing, what if he’s dead?’

      Norm ‘IF, (The thick set Detective said, choosing his words carefully) ‘IF Frank dies, I’m afraid I’ll have no alternative other than to charge you with murder. The hospital will ring me here, within the next hour to give me a report on his condition.’

      He had no sooner gotten the words out of his mouth when the phone started to ring. I jumped at the sound, closed my eyes and drew a deep breath.

      Amelia ‘Do you want me to answer it, Norm, or will you?’

      Norm ‘You answer it, it may be a friend ringing to wish you a Merry Christmas.’

      I stood up thinking God this guy has got a sick, sense of humour.

      I almost fell as I ran into the kitchen to answer it. A young male voice asked to speak to Detective Kennedy and I turned to call him only to find him standing alongside of me. I stammered, ‘It’s for you, I … I think it’s the hospital.’

      ‘Norm Kennedy speaking, yes … I see … four … five.’

      He looked at his watch and I glanced at the clock on the wall. I thought that must be the time of death. Five past four, did Norm just say five past four? Oh God, I can’t think straight.

      ‘Okay, we’ll probably be there in about an hour.’ I heard Norm say, then he hung up and turned to me and said, ‘Come and sit back down and I’ll tell you what’s happening.’

      My eyes ran around the kitchen as if I was just seeing it for the first time. It was a bloody mess in the true sense of the word. There was blood everywhere, some of it was congealed, some too thick to congeal and in places it looked like thick, dark plum jam that had been flung around the floor. I felt nauseous and I put my hand to my throat in an effort to stop myself from becoming violently ill. I could feel a chill run down my spine and the goose bumps, which had risen, over my body, seemed enormous. I hurried into the living room and sat heavily down on the same lounge chair I had risen from less than five minutes previously.

      Norm ‘That was the hospital, it’s not good news, but it’s not bad news either.’

      Amelia (groaning,) ‘He’s still alive then, Thank God. What’s the bad news?’

      Norm They’ve taken him to surgery, he’s lost a hell of a lot of blood, four litres to be exact. He’ll probably be in the theatre about five hours.’

      Amelia ‘Christ, four litres?’

      Norm ‘Yeah it’s a lot, there’s only five litres in a human body so it’s touch and go for him, Amelia.’

      Amelia ‘I know. I didn’t think he’d make it down the stairs let alone to the hospital. He’s a plucky little bastard, isn’t he?’

      Ignoring the question,

      Norm ‘How did you meet him Amelia?’

      Amelia (smirking) ‘An ex-girlfriend introduced us that’s why she’s an ex-girlfriend.’

      Norm Kennedy laughed ‘How long have you been married?’

      Amelia ‘Almost fifteen years.’

      Norm ‘Does Frank drink much?’

      Amelia ‘No, not really, he only has to have a couple of beers and he’s in a world of his own.’

      Norm “He’s a two-pot screamer?’

      I smiled, because I had never heard the expression before, but I thought it described Frank perfectly.

      Amelia ‘Yes, that would hit the nail right on the head.’

      Norm ‘Has he ever hit you before, Amelia?’

      Amelia ‘Oh God that’s a good one. Yes, many times.’

      Norm ‘Why?’

      I frowned and looked at Norm shaking my head

      Amelia ‘Why? Why does he drink? Why does he bash me? Why does he do any bloody thing? If I knew the answers to those questions, mate, I wouldn’t be sitting here now, would I?’

      I burst into tears and tried to wipe my face with the now almost shredded tissue.

      Amelia ‘I’m sorry, I only wish to God, I could answer that.’

      Detective Keith Fletcher walked into the room followed by Vivian, Heather and Claire

      Detective Keith Fletcher ‘Amelia, your father and brother are going home do you want the children to go with them?’

      Amelia ‘Yes please, if they can unless you both want to speak to them.’

      Detective Keith Fletcher ‘I’ve already had a talk to them. That youngest one can talk can’t she? She’d talk the leg off an iron pot.’

      Amelia ‘Has she been giving you a hard time?’

      Detective Keith Fletcher ‘Not at all, she’s been making me laugh though.’

      Amelia ‘God. What’s she been saying?’

      He laughed a little chuckling sound

      Detective Keith Fletcher ‘She’s been mainly complaining that it’s her father’s fault that she’ll miss out on seeing Mary Poppins at the movies tomorrow.’

      Norm Kennedy roared with laughter as I glanced disdainfully at Claire who was smiling innocently at me.

      When Norm stopped laughing, I said, ‘It’s bloody pathetic isn’t it?’


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