Journey of the 7th Chakra. Marc Rosenberg

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Journey of the 7th Chakra - Marc Rosenberg

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      Journey of the 7th Chakra

      A Small Boat’s Passage to Enlightenment

      Marc Rosenberg

      Copyright © 2011 Marc Rosenberg

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      To all those who shared these pages, I express my gratitude for the gift of friendship. This journey’s worth is valued greater for your participation.

      To my wife, Helene, who unlocked dormant passions of the mind and permitted these experiences upon the water to be etched into my soul, I am forever indebted. I look ahead to our continuing journey with my heart and mind open to all that is possible.


      Cover Photograph: Robert DiVincenzo. Additional Photographs: Adam Loory, Patricia Pardini, Marc Rosenberg. The Chakras illustration: The Sivananda Companion to Yoga by Lucy Lidell. Published by Simon & Schuster Inc. Copyright 1983 by Gaia Books Limited. A special thank you to Michael Shevack for his advice and inspiration.


      The Chakras

      Chakra is derived from Sanskrit meaning wheel or disk and denotes a point of intersection where mind and body meet. The Seven Chakras are defined as wheel-like energy centers at the inner astral core of each of us. Each Chakra reflects an aspect of consciousness, and together integrate mind, body and spirit that defines the wholeness of human beings. Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. The practice of Sivananda Yoga defines the Seven Chakras as centers of energy in the astral body. Life force energy known as Kundalini passes through the chakras awakening various levels of consciousness in the physical being. It is stated that when this life force passes through the Seventh Chakra (Sahasrara) a state of Samadhi or superconsciousness has been attained. Though still within the material plane this level of existence rises beyond time, space and causation revealing true Enlightenment.*

      The pursuit of enlightenment is a life long journey, its pathways as varied as each who choose to explore. 7th Chakra is a small boat constructed to transport me on a journey to SAMADHI.

      The Chakras

      The Seven Chakras

      The Chakras are centers of energy in the astral body. Six of them are located along the Sushumna; the seventh – the Sahasrara chakra – at the crown of the head. All are depicted with a certain number of petals, corresponding to the number of nadis emanating from them. Each petal represents a sound vibration produced when the Kundalini energy passes through the chakra. In addition, all the chakras except the Sahasrara have their own color, element and bija mantra, and all six correspond in the physical body to the nerve plexuses along the spine. At the base of the Sushumna is Muladhara (first chakra), which corresponds to the sacral plexus. It is here that Kundalini lies dormant. Next is Swadhisthana (second chakra), corresponding to the prostatic plexus. Manipura (third chakra) corresponds to the solar plexus; it is the main storage center for prana. Anahata (fourth chakra), located in the region of the heart, corresponds to the cardiac plexus. Vishuddha (fifth chakra) located in the throat corresponds to the laryngeal plexus. Ajna (sixth chakra) located between the eyebrows, corresponds to the cavernous plexus. Sahasrara (seventh chakra) corresponds in the physical body to the pineal gland. As Kundalini passes through each of the various chakras, different states of consciousness are experienced.

      Kundalini and the Nadis: The nadis are nerve channels in the astral body through which prana (vital energy) flows. According to the ancient yogis, there are about seventy-two thousand nadis. Of all the nadis, the most important is the Sushumna, whose counterpart in the physical body is the spinal cord. Kundalini is a dormant or static cosmic energy. It is located at the base of the Sushumna in the Muladhara chakra and aroused or activated by pranayama and other yogic practices.*

      * “TheSivananda Companion to Yoga” - ” Prana and the Subtle Body” copyright 1983 by Gaia Books Limited, London

      An Alternate State of Consciousness

       There are moments in a life when impulse supersedes reason. It is in these moments that our lives gain meaning and definition. It is the paths we choose, not those we reject, that chart the course our time on this world must take. Regret not the choices left behind; revel in the passion inspired by the choices made.

      I was naturally drawn to water. Swimming was a youthful passion that persisted into adult years. Streams, rivers, lakes and ocean shorelines dominated my visual perspective. I sold my sea kayak a year before, for reasons that defined a waning interest, available time and life’s logistics. I did manage to pursue several sailing courses over the next two years . First a basic sailing program that filled four fall weekends, next an extended weekend cruising course with my wife. And then, we devoted a week in Annapolis, Maryland to a competitive racing course that we survived with the scrapes and bruises usually worn as a badge of honor by those twenty years our junior. Helene came home content, I returned home transformed. There was an unconscious itching in my soul; a restless, yet calm energy rising within my thoughts. I needed to open new doors, in pursuit of something still ill defined.

      Labor Day week in Newport, Rhode Island was predictably enjoyable as in many seasons past. Renewed friendships, familiar restaurants, pleasant walks along the shoreline were expectations of our annual New England week of rest. On Tuesday morning a shaft of sunlight streamed through the half moon window in the loft and straight into my unconsciousness. I awoke, compelled for some reason unknown, to seek out a man I encountered several years earlier. “I need to go to Portsmouth” was my morning greeting to Helene. With no further explanation, we shared a quick breakfast and made the thirty minute drive north. Arriving at the East Passage Marina, we walked down the ramp to the rows of docks. There, on dock seven, as if awaiting my arrival, stood Garry; ball cap, Lands End jacket, jeans and boat shoes, with wisps of gray hair and a well tanned and age sculptured smile. “You’ve been here before” said Garry in a matter of fact manner. He already knew why I came. “The twenty-eights are down this way, only have two available.” Four hours later, we had been to the factory to see her in production, met Garry’s wife Donna, and chose the options, colors and extras. Without any hesitation, Helene and I had contracted for a spring delivery. We had just purchased a sailboat. This journey has begun.



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