Ambitious Youth. Peter Takis

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Ambitious Youth - Peter Takis

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       Money doesn’t know how old you are!

       Stop letting poor people tell you a teen can’t be wealthy!

      Ambitious Youth: 4 Keys To Doing Big Things At A Young Age is the product of my incredible and challenging year long journey in the unpredictable world of business. I want this book to be right to the point, easy to read and inspiring.

      Just imagine! In the following 4 chapters I’ll describe the keys to my success that took over a year to learn. Exciting stuff hey?

      If your not familiar with myself or my companies, I’ll briefly go over a few things below:

      My name is Peter Takis, I’m 16 year old high school student from Winnipeg, Manitoba.

      My successes in business includes creating a thriving clothing company: Local Advancers, my brand is now sold in several retail locations and shipped worldwide on a daily bases. I also write & manage my popular blog: My blog is geared towards inspired young entrepreneurs like yourselves! Plus, I recently launched my social networking consulting service: Nova Networking. I essentially teach small to medium sized companies how to use twitter efficiently for maximum profits.

      I do all this while balancing grade 11 academics with high level athletics.

      Recently, I’ve been featured on several major media outlets including: radio stations, newspapers and countless blogs.

      Fortunately my success has allowed me to socialize with other successful young people on a daily bases like Timothy DeLaGhetto, D-Pryde, Drew Howard & others.

      All in my life may seem hectic, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

      But like most of you reading this book, my life started out pretty boring and regular. I live in a pretty average house, and my parents have normal jobs. Unfortunately, people often jump to the conclusion that my success in business must have been thanks to business savvy parents, but that’s simply not the case. The truth is, my parents are awesome and super supportive, but they have a hard time turning on a computer and haven’t grasped the concept of text messaging yet. Simply put, what I have done, I have created with no help.

      Just hearing that, you should be motivated even more! You see, it doesn’t matter where your from or who you know, you can make it business, right here, right now!

      Personally, I have always been super interested in business and being successful in general, but at the time I was outrageously lazy and super uneducated in business and marketing. Sure, I could solve a mean math equation, but school never prepared me for creating a business. But one day I decided to buy my very first business/ self development book back when I was probably just 14. I read it within a few days! That $5 book was all I needed to look at my dreams more seriously. Finally I started reading books non-stop, it became infectious! The next thing I knew I was finally able to scratch “uneducated” off my list and focus on my incredible laziness. So believe it or not, I decided to read self-development and motivational books non-stop. They all taught me to stop making excuses and to “just do it!”. So I finally got up & started working my butt off on my way to a healthier and more successful life.

      Flash forward about a year and a half later: I know own 3 thriving and booming companies, I’m frequently doing interviews, still reading books when I get the chance, and perhaps best of all… making lots and lots of money.

      Those incredible successes and rock bottom low points helped me create this 4 key, teen specific guide to doing big things at a young age.

      Quick tip: You see how fast a snowball effect can start and finish?! I decided to buy just one $5 book and just over a year later I’m in great shape and running 3 successful companies! This can be YOUR potential snowball effect starter!

      I honestly believe that deep down, every teen wants to be successful. We want to do more and be more. Unfortunately, most of us have been lured into thinking that teens can’t be wealthy and that we should put our passion and our dreams to the side until after high school or college. The funny thing is, that most of the people who tell us this are broke adults struggling to make ends meet. Also, they typically don’t know the first thing about business.

      These adults or blogs or whatever, have told us so many times that business is a cruel place, it’s no wonder so few teens will actually start! Also by constantly reassuring us to wait, it allows us to procrastinate and get lazy.

      We just have to accept that our lives, and our bank accounts are they way they are because of our actions. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody just gets rich, just as nobody just turns poor. We make steps that are either positive or negative everyday. Eating fast food is a negative step on your way to healthier living, just as saving $20 is a positive step on your path to richness. Whatever steps we take, translate into money.

      Your probably all pumped because I said “money”, but trust me, that’s not the only thing I’m after!

      The keys I’ll explain in future pages will work. But as you know, knowledge is useless unless applied.


      Basically, knowing these 4 keys won’t make you a penny unless you apply them. That being said if you do apply the following keys to your business goals and dreams, the profits have no limit.

      Here is an easy way to understand that knowledge is useless unless applied: An overweight person KNOWS they WILL lose wight 100% of the time if they just eat less and excersize. That’s proven! But will they actually eat less? No. Will they go for that walk or jog? No. So that knowledge is completely useless!

      So as your reading the following pages, please apply the knowledge I offer.

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