So...You Wanna Throw A Party!. Larry Gootkin

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So...You Wanna Throw A Party! - Larry Gootkin

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are just a few of the main questions which crossed their minds. Thus, the process has begun. It doesn’t matter what type of party or event you’re having, there will always be a sequence of questions and answers when planning your party. I like to think of is as a process. This process can be a lot of fun or a major challenge. This is where I know I can help you put the joy back into your joyous event.

       What You Will Get Out of This Book

      I hope to help you down the right path when you host or plan your next party. Any party. Even if you have done this many times before, I hope you will discover some new information. Perhaps your next event will be “better” or more “special”. Whatever label you use, I want it to be great. I want you to enjoy it (with your guests.) You will also save time and money with the suggestions and tips I will share.

      Advice and suggestions are good for educating yourself but equally important is doing or experiencing what you learn. I am a doer. I learn in two particular ways, by asking many questions and doing. I hope in this book, I answer many of your questions and concerns. Then you can be a doer. ”In any event” (I use that phrase a lot. I guess because of the double meaning), my goal is to help you as much as possible. If you use any of my advice or suggestions (and you like the results), then I have succeeded toward helping you. So… as the title says, you wanna throw a party!

       A wedding, bar mitzvah, engagement party, birthday, graduation… Have you ever been responsible for giving a party? Perhaps the party is for you or someone else. Maybe you were asked to be the person “in charge”. I know from experience this can be a real challenge. For many, it becomes an unwanted second “job” because of the work involved. Sometimes it is enjoyable and sometimes not. It might also be a real pain. In fact, at times, I have heard many clients say these exact words: “I just can’t wait until it is over”. What they thought was going to be so much fun has them now feeling it’s a chore. No longer any fun. No longer exciting. No longer, a joy. That’s too bad. I hope I help you get back to your first-time sensation. To the feeling you had when you couldn’t wait to tell that stranger in the coffee shop, or your distant cousin (you haven’t spoken to in two years), “Hey, guess what, I’m having a ________! (You fill in the blank). Do you remember? I know you felt this way at the beginning. Well, you can feel this way again. It can be fun. Yes, you will have some work to do. But, try to consider it a process (or series of actions), instead of a chore or occupation. Of course, if you have never done this before, or aren’t sure which way to go…I can help.

      How can I help you? Simply put, I have been a part of celebrations for more than the last 40 years. I know, you’re probably thinking, Grandpa Larry is going to sit you down, and begin by saying, “in my time….” Don’t worry. I am not going to do that! (I’m not a grandfather). I was young when my career began. At age eleven to be exact. That’s correct. I was working professionally in the entertainment business at that age. I am still doing what I had started many years ago. Official title…bandleader and master of ceremonies. In addition, I also help my customers plan and coordinate their events. I can also help you find the right person for any facet of your party.

      I have received many compliments for helping to create memorable occasions. This is important to me. However, equally important, I help to make the experience of planning celebrations, enjoyable. From the first stages, to the afterglow of the occasion, there will be lasting memories in the mind of you and your guests.

      Whatever event you are planning, they all have special needs and challenges. However, I believe there are certain constants for each event. I want you to feel the excitement in planning, giving, joining in and remembering your party. If I can help you with any part of this, then I have succeeded. It is the main goal of this book. So, let’s begin.

      Party On, Larry!

      (Precisely, what Party were you referring to?)

      My wife is turning “fifty-something” this year. She is secretly hoping that someone will throw her a party. Many people say, “oh no, not me. Please don’t bother making me a party.” (My wife says this but I know better). She is expecting me to have a special event for her. In fact, I know that she can’t wait. Who doesn’t like being the “center-of-attention”? Just ask Shy Sheila or Private Peter. People like being honored and made to feel special. You may disagree but I have never heard anyone say, oh no, I don’t want a party. What I really hear them saying is, “I’d love a party, but I don’t want you to have to bother over me.” “Why not?,” I reply. You made it to “fifty-something”. You are graduating from college. You became a man or woman before G-d. Whatever the reason, recognition feels good. The first question I hear is “how do I begin?” ”What should I do first?” ”I need help!!!” Does this sound familiar? Are you feeling a bit anxious? Well, don’t worry, this is normal. It would surprise me if you didn’t feel this way. Let’s see if I can get you started or at least steer you in a direction that won’t be so overwhelming. We will begin with a few questions you should be asking yourself. Are you ready? Okay, then let’s begin.

      Question #1. What event are you planning? I know that question seems trite, but the obvious answer to it is important. It will lead to further questions that you must address. To be more precise, the correct questions in the beginning of your planning will help you organize the next steps that you will need to take. Suppose, the event you are planning is a birthday party. There will be specific questions that follow this answer. Each event has its own challenges. Depending on the party, these challenges will involve decisions you will have to make. If planning a wedding, you might discover people besides yourself involved in the decisions. This may prove helpful. At other times this can lead to compromises that aren’t in your best interest. It could make the difference in a “successful” event or one not-so-great. Of course, this depends on how you measure “success.” I will discuss “success” in a later chapter. For now, let’s use the birthday party for our first example we will discuss.

      You are planning a birthday party. Begin with these questions.

      1) How many guests are you inviting?

      2) When is the party going to take place?

      3) Where is the party going to take place?

      How many guests are you inviting? Perhaps you will have an intimate party for two. Or a small gathering for twenty. Say a larger reception for two hundred. Or, you’re so popular and inviting two thousand of your closest friends. Maybe you’re inviting all your Facebook and Twitter friends. But, seriously, how many guests you are planning to invite will help you decide many of the following questions. For example, if you are planning a birthday party for two hundred people on Thanksgiving weekend, you might discover that many guests cannot attend. So, the next question is, when do you want to have your party?

      When is the party going to take place? More people will attend if the event is not on a holiday weekend. There are exceptions. For example, let’s say that most of your guests are coming from out of town. Then a holiday weekend can work in your favor because they will use that special weekend to get away and come join you for your event. A mini-vacation for them. I know of many clients that will specifically pick those holiday weekends, just so family members or close friends that live out of town will be able to come in and make it. Here’s an interesting statistic. Ten to fifteen percent of your guests will not be able to attend for various reasons. They have prior commitments. Your brother can’t make your birthday because he is showing his labradoodle at the annual dog show and Rover just can’t miss it. Or your best friend hurt his eyetooth and can’t see to drive. Perhaps your high school bud had to stay-at-home and baby-sit his new girlfriend. Whatever their reasons or excuses,

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