World Enough, and Time. FastPencil Premiere

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World Enough, and Time - FastPencil Premiere

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let the meal begin,” answered Lon, ringing his little glass bell.

      Two boys and two girls entered, wearing shifts of rare silk, bearing appetizers on trays of silver: wine-soaked fruits, spiced morsels of fish, breaded game hearts, sweetmeats, and pickled lizard tails. And another round of drinks.

      The next course was soup: robin’s-egg soup, dove-liver soup, honey-grass soup. Every dish was a creation, visual as well as gustatory; every creation a masterpiece. Joshua sucked up the sensations like a dry sponge in water.

      Next began the music. The chamber quartet dressed in oranges and browns, the color of the house. Instrumentation consisted of a flute, a harp, a lyre, and a cello. The lyric strains seemed to haunt the room, subtle as memory, recurrent as the waves of a hidden lagoon. Josh had the peculiar sense that all this had happened before – that he’d been here, in this scene. These ornate decorations, this melodious hall, that pillow – the way it leaned, the fragrance of these oiled servants. He thought he’d been here; but, of course, that wasn’t the case.

      More wine. The main courses appeared. Stuffed geese, fried squid, and sautéed cow. The music changed to something lighter, the table conversation wandered gaily from bass to treble, and the evening warmed. Presently, the dancing began.

      Veiled young men and women danced as if possessed among the sculptures. Lon mentioned proudly they were his favorite concubines. He called one, whose name was Lissa. She ran over to him, sat beside him, and shared his meal as he fondled her. Another – a young boy named Peter – seemed jealous of the attentions Lissa was getting, so he came over to Lon’s other side and tried to press his favors on the Vampire. Lon grew distant, though, and dismissed them both back to the dance. Josh watched the two concubines return to the harem. As they passed, he saw their necks were bruised black and blue along the jugular tracks.

      Desserts. Custard, fruits, and cheeses. Brandies, coffees. and smokes. A ferret-faced man came out and did sleight-of-hand tricks for a short time, and then left. The fire simmered, the music calmed. Humbelly woke up, fluttered around the room a few times, sipped some mulled fruit wine from a dish, and fell back asleep. The night had become mellow.

      Puffing on a long-stemmed pipe, Lon settled back. Layers of smoke laced the room like thick, sleepy air. Previously exuberant figures began to curl in the corners. “And now,” said Lon, “the troubles.”

      Josh told him their story. Lon listened, keenly interested, nodding from time to time. When Josh was done, Lon spoke. “Jarl’s soldiers are no longer to be a problem for you, I trust. As for the other… I know this Sire Bal. He is Sangnoir. Bad blood.” Vampires always called other Vampires “Sire,” even when there was little love between them. Lon showed his distaste now by pulling his lips back over his teeth, baring his fangs briefly in the ritual grin of aggression.

      “It is not just Bal, though,” said Beauty. “Rumors are alive in the land. Humans are being kidnapped. Vampires are being named.”

      “And I’m not so sure we’re rid of the JEGS that easily,” added Joshua. “They found us over a trail I’d have had trouble following myself.”

      Lon nodded gravely. “Perhaps. As for the rumors you mention – something is happening.” He paused a moment, staring into his glowing pipe, then went on. “There is a new animal, in the south. So my people tell me. No one knows much about the creature, whether it be fish, fowl, or fiend. But some things are certain.” The others studied him attentively. He continued. “This animal is directing these abductions. Sires have been enlisted to organize the raiding parties, and the Humans who are taken alive are taken to the new animal’s den, somewhere near the Big Sticks River. What happens to them there is unknown. The Sires who participate in this genocide are rewarded – they are allowed to keep their pick of the Humans to fatten their harems.” He lowered his eyes in shame. “It is loathsome, of course. But what is one to do?”

      “And what of the other creatures?” asked Jasmine. “The Griffins, the Accidents.”

      “They are all in the pay of the Sires, though I suspect the money and gifts flow north from the new animal. In any case, these creatures all have reason to hate Humans. Accidents, most of all. I think that is why this Forest has become the main rendezvous point in the north.”

      “Why do Accidents hate us so much?” Josh demanded.

      Lon raised his eyebrows, as if he’d been asked a simple question by a child. Jasmine said, “Humans created Accidents, Joshua. That’s why.” Josh remained unclear. Jasmine added, “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you another time.”

      Lon went ahead, “It may be as simple as slave trade on a large scale. All the marauding groups meet at the southeast of the Forest and the hostages are pooled and taken to one of the pirate cities by a few of the leaders. The rest of the raiders remain here for continued abductions and general terrorism.”

      “Do you know what route they follow?” asked Beauty.

      Lon shook his head. “No, though I have some suspicions. This Sire Bal, I’m certain, is one of the captains. He will be making the journey south with the captives, I can almost guarantee. And I know the trails he’s likely to follow. We used to hunt the Rain Forest together. Many years ago.”

      “The Terrarium?” questioned Jasmine.

      Lon nodded. “You know the area well, Jasmine. From the North Saddlebacks down to the pirates’ cove.”

      Jasmine looked hard into the fireplace at an image only she could see. “That was a long time ago.”

      “As I said, many years,” repeated Lon. “And I ran there with Bal-Sire even before I knew you.”

      She turned to Josh. “Yes, I know the area,” she said.

      “It is difficult terrain to navigate,” commented Beauty. “It would be preferable to catch them before they get that far. We should leave now.”

      Lon laughed. “Only a fool would attempt my Forest at night.” Beauty stiffened. Lon caught himself. “My intent was not to imply you a fool, sir. I merely fear for your safety. This wood is black at night, and it is common to underestimate the savvy of these Accidents. A common, fatal mistake. They are cunning, these pauvres bêtes. Ugly brutes, but clever. And they know their woods. Best to stay here tonight, I think, and sally out in the morning.”

      “He’s right,” said Josh.

      Beauty frowned. “You have been kind to lead us here,” he said to Jasmine. Then, to Lon, “And you, to shelter us.” Finally, to the floor, “But I hunt alone. This tracking party is getting far out of hand. We might as well hire a trumpeter to announce us. Please, do not think me ungrateful but this is a thing for two of us, not an army.”

      Josh found himself agreeing with the Centaur. Isis hissed softly. Lon puffed meditatively on his pipe. Jasmine waited a moment until she was certain Beauty had nothing further to say, then answered him. “You’re letting Venge-right cloud your judgment, both of you. Three times over. First, you have no idea how many creatures will be escorting the hostages – it may be an army. I suspect you’ll need as may allies as you can find. Second, I’m your equal or better in a fight – Lon can vouch for that. What’s more, I’ll bet that little Cat can hold her own.” Isis growled approval. Jasmine stood up. “Third, I’m the only one among you who knows Dundee’s Terrarium well enough to track Bal, if he gets

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