The Red Spark. DH Steppler

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The Red Spark - DH Steppler

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I liked it.

      “Hey, hey good lookin’, I’ve missed you pretty boy.”

      I cooed to him. When he got to me, I stroked his beautiful feathered head and scratched his chest in answer to his physical request. Stroking my fingers through his feathers all the way through his tail feathers was a favorite coddle of Tut’s and I did it time and again while I spoke of my undying devotion to him.

      “I love you Tut, my sweet pretty boy. Have you missed your Helen?”

      I sweet-talked him all the stuff I knew he wanted to hear.

      “Yeah, yeah, yeah asshole.”

      Tut had indeed missed me; he butted his head into my arm over and over again to get me to touch and stroke him.

      We spent about a half an hour together before he bored of the coddling and went to find Charlie. He and Charlie liked to screech and whistle at each other daily. Sometimes it was annoying but most of the time I’d just go to the garden so they could have their fun without my interference.

      I took my coffee to the garden and sat for a time at the table in the middle of all my plant buddies. While I was there I started piecing together the meaning of the ‘red spark’ travel information that I’d acquired to that point. Even though I had an idea that I was secondary in the whole connection scenario, I couldn’t make any hard decisions yet and knew that more travel was necessary.

      Charlie went to work and Tut went to attend to his morning nap so I was free to do a little traveling. First and foremost I called Charlie to let him know that I was taking a trip into the universe if Ricky invited me with her red.

      “We didn’t talk about it Charlie, but did you get a chance to hook up the camera in our bedroom to watch me while I travel?”

      “Yes, as long as you stay in the bedroom I can keep an eye on you.”

      “I’m going to jump as soon as we hang up. I love you Charlie. Thank you for protecting me.”

      “You’re my woman, what can I do?”

      I knew Charlie would prefer that I didn’t travel via the red spark but I don’t think I had a choice. I needed to find out some stuff.

      On my bed I looked at Ricky whose invitation was surrounding me and pulling at me but I waited until she presented her red spark then I jumped. Catching the current took no effort and the decent didn’t take me by surprise. I was ready and relaxed and focused on learning whatever it was that Ricky willed me to learn. The redness was still odd and maybe a bit ominous but I tried to accept that it wasn’t going to harm me and worked to keep the peace and calm that was necessary. The turbulence and the spinning felt like an amusement ride so I looked at it as though it was based in fun.

      When the initial rush was over I found myself again on the cruise ship with Michael but that time we were in his stateroom on the bed for the kiss back. I was privy to more of Michael’s thinking.

      “This is the oddest relationship. She looks so serious; Christ, what is she going to do to me?”

      I saw the effect the kiss back had on Michael. As he clung to me in the throes of his instant orgasm, I could feel his fear as he pushed it into the background and reveled in the feelings that the connect ridden kiss back presented to him.

      “I’m in love, Jesus, that’s strong. Help! I’m going to have a heart attack. Whoa, who is this woman and is she trying to kill me?”

      Then there was nothing for an unknown period of time and I awoke with Charlie sitting next to me. Unable to do anything other than smile at him, I did just that. Charlie pulled me into his arms and cradled me in a sweet and tender embrace and held me until my strength returned. It didn’t take long before I could move so I took the opportunity to put my arms around his neck and put my fingers in his hair.

      I hoped I’d never take Charlie for granted; no one in the world had ever been sweeter to me or made me feel more loved. It was comforting to have him there when I was so vulnerable. I seized a large section of Charlie’s hair and with it pulled him to me.

      Charlie kissed me and when we separated he asked.

      “Oh, can I have you now?”

      He waited for my nod and then removed my clothes. I wish I had, on one of those occasions, timed that little ritual just to see how fast he was. When our bodies were bare we glided our skin over each other for the silky feel of it and to enhance our arousal. When our coupling began, I never wanted it to end. He made me feel whole and our joined bodies felt like the perfect union.

      A whisper in his ear was all I could manage by way of speech.

      “I’ve never been so happy to be a woman.”

      Charlie whispered back.

      “My woman.”

      We spent an hour or so in bed before I inquired after the cameras and whether or not he was satisfied that he could see what he needed to see while I was traveling. He told me that Tut had made an appearance and was a bit put out that he couldn’t wake me up to get the lovin’ that he was used to getting.

      “He was trying to open your eye lids; he stepped on your face, so I came home.”

      “Thank you Charlie, you’re the best, the best friend, the best lover, the best protector, the best playmate, the best companion, the best lover again, and the best lover again.”

      As I said those words I wriggled my body in close to him and cupped my hands on both of his butt cheeks and pulled him over so that he was cradled between by thighs. Re-gripping those sweet butt cheeks I helped to guide him into me again and hear his little moan of pleasure with the entry. Yeah, it was good, it was all good.

      Planning well would make the traveling and the experiments more thorough and more valuable. Because of good planning when I went to the kitchen to make dinner, I knew exactly what I was going to prepare and actually had part of it taken care of. Our dinner of pulled pork sandwiches and a fresh garden salad with hot cinnamon apples over vanilla ice cream for dessert turned out to be delicious and satisfying.

      Charlie and I talked about Sunday dinner at Kevin and Kathy’s place. We’d bring a basket of fresh harvest for them and Charlie said that he had finished fixing two of the shops computers that he’d like to get back to them on Sunday as well.

      Time passed at the dinner table and we usually heard from Tut before then so I was checking in the direction of the guest room every so often until Charlie whistled one of Tut’s specialty whistles. We waited for a response and were not disappointed to hear Tut come back with the very same whistle. Charlie called him to come into the dining room. Tut walked over to Charlie and bumped his head against Charlie’s leg to get a pet from him. Charlie of course obliged.

      “Our love Helen is waiting for you.”

      “Hey, hey good lookin’, I’ve missed you pretty boy.”

      Tut was in a mood and was showing me his anger by being ‘aloof’ to me.

      I tried again.

      “Tut, King Tut, Tut for short doesn’t love Helen anymore?”

      “Helen squawk, Helen, I love you

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