The Red Spark. DH Steppler

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The Red Spark - DH Steppler

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more consideration than they had in the past. Lu told him how handsome he looked and Michael asked if the suit was comfortable. They both said that they were glad that he was along, especially as they could see how happy it made me.

      Once we were settled for the ride to San Francisco Michael poured us each of glass of Champaign.

      He wanted to toast the occasion.

      “To best friends, to a terrific premiere, and a good time for all, cheers, thanks a lot, eh?” We all bumped glasses and gave honor to the toast by taking a hearty drink of the expensive beverage.

      When the limo pulled up to the entrance of the theater, Charlie was the first out and he reached back to take my hand and assist me in the exit from the limo. Flash bulbs were going off constantly; we were both astounded that we were the ones being photographed. Charlie wrapped his arm around me protectively.

      After I was out, Michael followed right on my heels and he assisted Lucy in her graceful exit from the limo. There were shouts for Michael and Lu. Charlie and I just followed the red carpet to get inside of the theatre as fast as we could. Michael and Lu, the professionals, took their time and let the cameras flash. They posed with each other and smiled and were friendly to everyone.

      Once inside, we were ushered to our seats and the special began only minutes after. The four of us sat in the back of the theatre and were privy to the responses from the audience for each number. At the end of the second number I saw men and women alike dab their eyes from the emotion the song stirred in them and from the passionate delivery that Michael and I gave up for all the world to see.

      In between songs we had our playful banter that brought laughter to the theatre. The two numbers that had long musical interludes allowed Michael and I to demonstrate our amazing dance skills. The dresses I’d chosen to wear for those two songs were meant to be danced in. I felt Charlie squeeze my hand to get my attention and when I looked at him, he was smiling from ear to ear and bent his head to kiss me. It felt like he was claiming me.

      A couple of times during the show, Lu whispered to me that I was beautiful and sang like an angel. The audience also responded favorably with spontaneous applause on a number of occasions throughout the show. When the final number started Charlie squeezed my hand again and then smiled at me like he was proud of me. Michael and I gave that song the emotion it required and sang our hearts out. Glad that I wasn’t singing right at that point because there was a lump in my throat as big as my fist. I watched the effect the song had on our audience and was surprised to see that everyone in that theatre understood the meaning of the song and could somehow fit it into their own lives. There were more tears during that number than all the show combined but they were tears of satisfaction and joy over things turning out right. It was the perfect song to end the show.

      When Michael and I took our final bows we were graced to see that audience jump to their feet and clap like there was no tomorrow. At first the audience applauded for the screen but soon we saw that people had turned to face us and were clapping for the live us. Charlie and Lu joined the rest of the audience and put their hands together in a salute to Michael and me. It was quite moving, really.

      The best part for me was seeing how it all affected Charlie. His eyes were moist and filled with passion for me. I hugged him to me and he bent to kiss me right in front of the world.

      At the party that followed, we ended up being part of a receiving line and got to speak to everyone who was at the premiere. My kids were there with dates and each was wearing ‘Three Women’ designs. They looked so handsome and of course, Margaret was stunningly beautiful in her gown. Denice and Sam were also a surprise to me. Sam was wearing his ‘signature suit’ that I designed for him and Denice, oh my god, Denice looked like she was a movie star. Her dress was one that I’d created for her some time back. She cooed over Michael and me and the great show. Rick and Amanda were right behind Denice and Sam. Rick said that he knew I was talented but he really had no idea as to the depth of that talent.

      Also in that line were real movie stars and producers. David was there, of course, and had lovely words to say to us concerning our talent and the beautiful sound we made together. Charlie and I danced and tried to assuage our need for each other by being close and moving together in sensual and easy steps. The only time I left Charlie was when I was asked to dance by Michael or one of my boys.

      While I was dancing with Kevin I looked at Charlie to let him know that I was thinking of him. I knew that he was uncomfortable in certain social situations. He was surrounded by young pretty women; all of them trying hard to get his individual attention. He smiled and pretty much did nothing else. When the dance was through I went to him. He reached for me as soon as I was within a few feet of him. He took possession of me and used me as a shield from all others. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me soundly in front of anyone who cared to look. When the music started again, he danced with me and wouldn’t let me go or let anyone cut in.

      The hour was late when we finally got home. Michael and Lu retired to the guest room after I removed a sleeping Tut. Tut had a number of places that he slept so I just took him to the office, his second favorite place to sleep.

      When Charlie and I were finally alone in our room, Charlie performed his clothing removal process; it took longer than usual. The process complete, Charlie sat on the edge of the bed and stood me right in front of him. He put his hands first on my breasts and then around my waist.

      Looking me in the eyes he said.

      “Watching you up on the screen, I thought about how lucky I am that you love me, nobody me.”

      Not saying a word I moved in as close as I could get and when we couldn’t get any tighter, I whispered in his ear.

      “To me you are everything. Can I have you now?”

      “Oh woman, you stole my words.”

      At that we caressed each other and loved each other in the tenderest way during that first go round. After that sometimes things got a little rough but I remember hoping that we weren’t too loud. We did have house guests who were just in the other room.

      When the two of us had satisfied each other to the max, I decided that I needed nourishment and suggested that we make a middle of the night snack run to the kitchen. Charlie stopped me from leaving the room naked reminding me that we had others in the house.

      Michael and Lu were of like mind for they were already in the kitchen checking out the contents of the ice box. They turned as soon as they felt the fingers of the reconnect reach them.

      We got together for our hug and then I went right to the stove and made two giant batches of popcorn. As much as both Charlie and Michael loved popcorn, I knew one batch just wouldn’t be enough.

      Glad that we were all up, Michael and I had a few things to discuss regarding our red spark travel planned for the following day. While the four of us munched away on the popcorn I explained what I’d learned about the red spark portal and the cylindrical column that lead to the decent and distant history and to the ledges and layered files. I asked Michael to think of a day that he wanted to visit and the person that he wanted to focus on within that day.

      It was important that Michael understood that I was aware of his need to allow people their privacy and that the only thing that we wanted to see was intent or pervasive attitude, or a person’s motivation, and the bigger picture. I told him that I could steer clear of individual thought.

      When I was finished with my explanation, Michael seemed at a loss for words and had almost no questions.

      “Has the ‘down time’ changed?”

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