The Zen of Joy. Matti Anttila

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The Zen of Joy - Matti Anttila

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“In that moment, start feeling a smile — not on your face but all over your being — and you will be able to.

       It is not a smile that comes on the lips; it is an existential smile that spreads just inside.

       Try and you will know what it is, because it cannot be explained.

       No need to smile with your lips on your face but just as if you are smiling from the belly, the belly is smiling.

       And it is a smile, not a laugh, so it is very, very soft, delicate, fragile — like a small rose opening in the belly and the fragrance spreading all over the body.

       Once you have known what this smile is, you can remain happy for twenty-four hours a day.

       And whenever you feel that you are missing that happiness, just close your eyes and catch hold of that smile again, and it will be there.

       In the daytime as many times as you want, you can catch hold of it. It is always there.”

      How long did that actually take you? 2-3 minutes? Is that about right? And how long will it take you the next time you want to “catch hold” of that inner smile and feel the happy feeling again? What do you think? 2-3 minutes again? Or maybe just a few moments? Literally just a few seconds?

      If you have a few seconds right now, try it out for time. Go ahead, I’ll wait and be right here when you are done. Check your watch, catch hold of the inner smile by closing your eyes, breathing shallowly through the mouth and feeling the warmth of it spread from your belly to all over your body. Now look at your watch again. What was your time? I did it while waiting for you. My time was about 13 seconds. Do you think you may be able to find 15-60 seconds occasionally? OK, that is your first assignment.

      Your first mission, should you decide to accept, is: Anytime you feel like it, whenever you want, stop and feel the inner smile. (Time commitment: 13 seconds) It matters not if it is once a day or every hour on the hour. (Say, that’s a good idea, don’t you think?) All that matters is that you accept the mission and JUST DO IT!

      Put this manual down now and stop reading. Come back to it later; and you will remember to come back to it. When? It matters not. This is not a race. There is no timetable. You get to do this at any pace you want. You get to set the agenda and the timing. Come back to it when you feel the inner urge to do so. OK? And be sure to enjoy the process. Allow yourself to luxuriate in this. Luxuriating can be done for just a few seconds. It doesn’t need to be taking a day off to spend at a spa. That’s a great thing too, but there is no need to save up your luxuriating until you have time for that. You can do it for a few seconds and still get great benefit.

      I do mean it. PUT THIS MANUAL DOWN NOW! Don’t let me catch you reading any further until you take at least one day to one week to luxuriate with this wonderful, awesome, delightful and energizing exercise/protocol called the Inner Smile. See ya next time.

       Don’t move the way fear makes you move.

       Move the way love makes you move.

       Move the way joy makes you move.


      Protocol # 2 Lifting Money Worries

      Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. -Oscar Wilde

      According to the “Barefoot Doctor,” money concerns or worries seem to afflict many people. Even the wealthy can have money worries. The CBS 60 Minutes program did a piece on the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, who is worth $2 Billion. Jerry Jones confessed that he was worried about losing it all and going bankrupt. So, you and I are not alone with our money concerns, and…

       Worry of any kind can affect your health.


      Let’s see what we can do to lift or ease the worry around money. This is a “qigong” technique designed to lift money worries. Thanks to the “Barefoot Doctor,” who says this technique has worked for countless people to ease their money worries.

      People have worked hard but not seen their income reflect that hard work. This technique works on the principle of the Five Elements theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) by strengthening our “inner earth.” As you may know, TCM lists five elements that need to be in balance: earth, air, fire, water and metal.


       By strengthening our earth element, we magnetize ourselves to receive inbound wealth.

       Here is how to do it:

       Stand comfortably, feet about shoulder distance apart.


       Imagine a silk cord at the top and back of your head, pulling your head up. This allows your spine to lengthen easily, effortlessly. It pulls your chin in a little as the silk cord gently eases the spine. Imagine the vertebrae being like pearls on a string, suspended by this silk cord.


       Notice any tensions in the neck, upper back, lower back. Allow those tensions to ease. Rock gently back and forth, finding the spot where you are most centred, where you are using the least amount of muscle strength to hold yourself in place.


       Do the same rocking side to side, again finding the spot where you are using the least amount of muscle to hold yourself up. Now, bring your hands together in front of you making a fist with each hand. Let the fists come together to touch each other in front of your belly. Hold the fist shape firmly but not tensed.


       Breathe in gently to the belly and the lungs together. Allow your diaphragm to come down and your belly to come out as you breathe in. As you breathe out, allow your fists to go forward while sounding the sound of HUUUUUU.


       No need to overextend either the fists or the breath. Be gentle. The arms should form the shape of a circle while doing this. When you have finished breathing out, breathe in and bring the fists back to starting position.


       Repeat for a total of 6 times.


       Then, stand still with eyes closed. Imagine you are standing in a field with plants all around you. Those plants, instead of vegetation, imagine rolls

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