FUN Can Be Murder. Jacqueline Fleming

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FUN Can Be Murder - Jacqueline Fleming

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thanks to her plastic surgeon. She always accommodates him by doing whatever he wants, hoping of course for help in getting movie roles. Occasionally pouting and whining when he disagrees with her or doesn’t want to do what she wants. This, Keiran admits, annoys the shit out of him.

      “You act like you don’t even notice me here, running my soapy hands all over you.” she complains.

      “Actually, I was just about to get out, he says as he pushes her hands off and turns to rinse the soap off, I ran into an old friend this afternoon (just a small white lie he thinks to himself – not an old friend yet) and have agreed to meet for dinner. Why don’t you ring up your friend, Trish, who just happens to be in the area wherever we are.” he said with slight annoyance as he steps from the shower. Trish is Stephanie’s best friend or at the very least her favorite gal pal to party with. Keiran doesn’t party, not anymore, not ever again, and he wouldn’t normally care if Steph did, but everywhere in the world they go to get away Trish is not far away.

      Since Keiran wouldn’t normally make such a suggestion it raises her suspicions. “What friend are you meeting, and why can’t I come along?” Steph whines.

      “Look,” Keiran says losing his patience just a bit, drying off, “I’m going to do my thing tonight, why don’t you just do yours and we’ll chat tomorrow.”

      “Fine.” she said with a very flat, angry tone. She knew better than to push him though. If she pushed he would just shut down completely and there would be no chatting tomorrow. She didn’t think he would be out with another woman anyway since she’s too pretty for him to turn his back on. He usually just went out with some guy that happened into the area to play cards and smoke cigars, or he rented a motorcycle and went for a spin and he’s definitely not getting her on the back of one of those things. Separate tonight will have to do. She intentionally stays in the shower until after he leaves the bathroom. When she finally begins to dry off she notices that it is nearly six-thirty and she catches a glimpse of Keiran as he is leaving the suite. Seeing him dressed in a navy blue suit, with a crisp white shirt, which he left open at the neck, cuffed sleeves and shiny loafers she knows, she knows that he is not merely dining with a friend. He looks…like a man dressed to impress a woman. Her heart sinks and she reaches for her cell phone, “Trish, hey it’s me Steph…let’s PARTY!” she exudes trying not to sound hurt.

      Chapter 5

      Keiran exits the taxi taking a deep breath to settle his nerves as he walks into the lobby. Every time he enters this hotel, it takes his breath away with its obscenely beautiful, over the top extravagance. So opulent and awe inspiring beautiful a simply perfect place to meet someone like Kathryn. Nervous now thinking that the chances of her not even showing up tonight are great, his gaze travels around the lobby, noticing the various groups of men in their traditional dishdashas, couples and families, and then he stops dead still as his eyes fall on a woman standing in the middle of the lobby with her back to him speaking to a manager of the hotel. He takes a sharp breath and notices his pulse quickening, his mouth suddenly dry and a lump in his throat. God is she beautiful! Her gorgeous hair, cascading in curls down her back, the Vera Wang navy blue dress that she is wearing scooping to the small of her back exposing her perfectly tanned, smooth bare back. Seeing her standing there so regal and so seemingly comfortable in the surroundings causes a stirring in his mind and groin. He begins walking in her direction while letting his eyes continue drinking in her image, down her long legs to her gold, high-heeled sandals, with one strap over her toes and one thin strap around her ankles. She is an incredible sight and at that very moment he knew he had to have her.

      Very quietly he approaches his left hand in his pants pocket and with his right he reaches up and gently touches her elbow which causes her to look at him and smile, setting him at ease immediately.

      “Hi, it’s so good to see you,” she said smiling and sounding genuinely happy to see him, “this is Basil; he is one of the hotel managers. Basil, this is Keiran.”

      Reaching out offering his hand Keiran responds, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Basil, you must be very proud to work at such an incredible resort.”

      “Yes, very much so, may I show you both to your awaiting table?”

      “Please.” Keiran responds while putting his hand on the small of Kathryn’s back.

      The touch of his warm hand on the small of her back sends tremors up her spine. She concentrates to keep from shivering as a result. Smiling as she looks up at him, she turns to her left in front of Keiran to follow Basil. In so doing, Keiran is able to walk beside her on her left keeping his right hand on the small of her back where it had landed moments before.

      Basil escorts them into the Al Mahara restaurant located on the ground floor through the simulated submarine ride that the staff made sure was empty save for themselves. Its sweeping aquariums, soft lighting, and harpist made it an excellent choice. Basil shows them to a private table nestled in a corner tucked away by two aquariums. It’s almost as if they are by themselves surrounded by an array of tropical fish. “Please let me know should you require anything else, Mr. Reece,” as he nods at Keiran, and then turns and nods towards Kathryn, “enjoy your time with us.” A simultaneous, “thank you” and, he quietly disappears.

      A bottle of Cristal champagne is at the table and two glasses already poured, along with some warm bread slices, assorted cheeses, and fresh chopped fruit. Keiran picks up a glass, lifting it he says, “To you” and Kathryn does the same responding, “And you” she adds with a smile. Just looking at her makes his heart sing. She is wearing hardly any make-up at all he notices, a subtle lip gloss, no rings, small unassuming earrings, no necklace around her long slender neck, her sleeveless dress coming to a moderate scoop in the front with a twist detail just to the right of center under her breast in an accordion pleated detail, revealing a navy jacquard print. She is however, wearing six or seven thin gold bracelets on her left arm that tinkle like little wind chimes whenever she moves her arm. He tries to shake the appraising thoughts from his mind by taking a long drink of his champagne. Reaching for the bottle to top off their glasses he asks, “Have you dined here before?”

      “No, this is my first time in this particular restaurant. I have eaten upstairs in the Al Muntaha; the food was fabulous so I am sure we are in for quite a treat tonight. Have you dined here before?” She asks hoping that this is indeed his first time here as well. She can’t help but notice the suit, looks like Armani she decides. It fits his broad shoulders, the sleeves ease down his long arms, perfectly tailored.

      “No I haven’t but I have had drinks upstairs in the Skyview Bar though.”

      “One has the most unbelievable view from there, don’t you agree?”

      “Yes, incredible.”

      “I’m so sorry,” she says with a nervous giggle, “this is all very new for me and I’m a bit nervous. I’m sure I will be able to relax a bit as we enjoy our dinner.”

      “Absolutely nothing to apologize for, you don’t look the least bit nervous to me, just more gorgeous than ever.”

      She blushes and averts her eyes as she tries to find the right words to graciously accept his compliment and settles on a simple but heartfelt, “thank you.”

      The server approaches to take their order, reaches to scrape the crumbs from the table he accidentally knocks over Kathryn’s glass of ice water onto her lap. All at once it became very chaotic, Kathryn gasps at the coldness of the water, leaps to her feet to try to shake off the excess water, Keiran stands, angry at

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