Exploring Connections.

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      Exploring Connections

      DH Steppler

      Copyright © 2012 DH Steppler

      All characters appearing in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

      With that said, yes, the characters in this story are fictional; though I have taken a few liberties in borrowing names and certain personality traits from my own loved ones in creating these characters. The names were used because the name fit the character.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      For Ollie, Kevin, and Margaret


      My family, my brothers and sisters, and my children, Margaret, Kevin, and Ollie are the connections in my life that I wish to recognize and thank for their continued support and unconditional love. As we meet people and wonder why they are so familiar, we need to recognize that a connection may be due to an innate bond, a deep rooted familial relationship. I feel that profound unity with those who make up my inner circle but am always looking for a lost link or a missing connection in order to bring them back to the fold and into the arms of the collective and welcome them home.

      Discovering Tut Connections

      Before I even opened my eyes, I knew that I was in trouble. Just by the sounds that Charlie made while he waited for me to wake up; I could hear the worry in his movement, walking from one side of the bed to the other slowly then quickly and then sitting on the side of the bed next to me. He didn’t wait for me to open my eyes to know whether or not I was conscious, it didn’t matter. He pulled me into his arms and cradled me in his lap while whispering.

      “Please wake up Woman, please Helen.”

      Charlie kissed me tenderly over and over, on my forehead, my eyes, and my nose while repeatedly asking me quietly to wake up. My eyes opened to seeing him kiss my nose. When I got a good look at his face, I saw how distressed he was.

      To try and relieve some of his concerns I smiled at him, the only thing I could do for a matter of a couple of minutes. It would take another moment until I’d be able to talk and then another moment or more before voluntary movement was possible.

      Since nothing else was at all possible, I just looked at Charlie. His physical presence was and is commanding just by the amount of space he takes up. He is a big man and handsome. He stands tall so he seems even taller than 6 feet, 4 inches. His health, fitness, and strength were all used to do his best to please me as my lover, my partner, my man, and my protector.

      With speech available to me, I still didn’t speak. I saw the fear that was still there in Charlie’s eyes while he brought his large lovely lips to mine to kiss me for real, a kiss that I could participate in. With that kiss, the strength began to return to my body and I could, once again, move and control my own limbs. With that control, I moved to get even closer to Charlie. The side effect from that kind of ‘out of body’ experience was uncontrolled passion and sexual desire after the initial five minute paralysis.

      Feeling the relief in Charlie’s demeanor for my consciousness was sweet. He got involved in the passion part of the routine and removed my clothes, not an easy task while I was working to get more and more of him. Knowing that I was a handful for Charlie had no bearing on the need that had become urgent within me. Through the frenzy that I presented, he masterfully and gracefully joined our bodies assuaging my intense need of him. Even though most of my ‘out of body’ travel worried Charlie, he enjoyed the way I needed him upon my return.

      His quiet, high pitched moan was sweet music to me and the feel of him inside of me brought me balance. Charlie wasn’t a passive lover; he made an event out of most of our sexual experiences. Right then his aim was to sooth me; he never missed that mark and met my need for him every time.

      After our lovemaking, or should I say, after the sex, because we made love in everything we did. We were all about loving each other. We lay cradled in each other’s arms still kissing and touching and caressing.

      As was the routine for us I started with my questions.

      “How long?”

      “Nearly 24 hours.”

      Charlie answered with a touch of emotion still in his voice.

      “Anything unusual?”

      The questions were routine but Charlie waited for me to ask every time.

      “I’d say that 24 hours is unusual.”

      His voice still carried a quiet anxiety.

      “I’m glad your voice is back; though you sound a bit hoarse,” Charlie said.

      Charlie was referring to the fact that he’d not heard me speak for many weeks due to an injury to my vocal chords. In order to heal properly I didn’t use my voice and we had gotten used to communicating without speech. Charlie wasn’t a talker so the quiet wasn’t unusual for us anyway.

      For a matter of minutes we were quiet. I was trying to piece together the events of the previous 24 hours and Charlie was waiting for me.

      Other physical needs became urgent and I dashed to the bathroom. Charlie joined me when I turned on the shower. Having a shower with Charlie was a rich experience and always involved another coupling event.

      As we were leaving the bedroom, I felt the presence of our best friends, a connected couple, and turned to Charlie with a question on my face.

      ‘What’s going on?’ was the question and he fully understood my expression and need to know.

      “When you didn’t come round in 10 hours I got nervous and called Michael and Lu. They got here about 4 hours ago.”

      He explained while pointing in the direction of the guest room.

      “We spent the first couple of hours talking about how reckless you are; just to let you know.” Charlie warned me.

      His arm around me, we took our coffee to the table in the middle of the vegetable garden to start the day because the greenery nurtured us and added to the richness that blessed our lives. Even though the sun was already up, we toasted its arrival as is our custom every day.

      “To the great orb in the sky, may you shine on us your warmth and light and may we use this day in the service of one another, cheers, thanks a lot, eh?”

      Charlie liked to give the toast and begin the day

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