Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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kind of trill that felt like a cosset and then he butted his head into Charlie’s arm. Tut, Charlie, and I were a family and Charlie recognized that Tut was trying to comfort him and support me at the same time.

      It wasn’t difficult for Tut to get the attention of everyone in the room and all of us loved him with our words and our actions. He liked to be touched and wasn’t shy about letting us know when he wanted physical attention and we were, in turn, eager to do his bidding. We had a mutual ‘love fest’ going on between the five of us.

      Tut entertained us and moved from Charlie to Michael to Lu; when he was through with each conversation, he moved on.

      To Lu Tut said, “Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me,” to start their conversation.

      Lu had her come back ready.

      “No, you kiss me.”

      While Lu and Tut teased each other, I went to the kitchen to clean up the morning dishes that were still sitting on the kitchen counter. Charlie followed me into the kitchen to get the coffee pot and kissed me on the back of the neck on his return to the table. I watched him as he walked away from me; I checked out his body, his muscled back and small waist and sweet, compact butt, not a bit of the extra weight that he carried when we first met. Taking moments to appreciate Charlie was a pleasure that I indulged in regularly and I always felt a swelling of my love for him during those moments and was grateful for him.

      Michael came into the kitchen looking for more food and helped himself to what was still in the skillet on the stove, just a few potatoes and a couple pieces of bacon. As he was reaching around me to get another fork he bumped me with his hip. That action caused us both to refocus and wrap our arms around each other in a need that was always surprising, overwhelming, and urgent. The rush of sexual desire that was initially present during a full body reconnect with Michael had started to piss me off but then the calm and peace set in and we gave each other perfect balance. It was a trip every time.

      When we were calm again we disengaged and continued on with what we were each doing. Michael took his second helping back to the table and joined Charlie, Lu, and Tut where he enjoyed his extra food and then sat sipping coffee with the others. I collected the dishes from the table, finished the kitchen clean up, and perked another pot of coffee.

      “Are we gonna have a catch today?”

      Michael asked probably already knowing the answer because we were the best competition for each other and needed to keep in shape for the Olympic Games that were only a few months away.

      Charlie had created a place in our large garage for a ‘Catch Arena’ using the equipment that was designed by my son Kevin which included an electronic tote/score board and swivel chairs placed strategically around an area mat. Charlie and I had incorporated a ‘Catch’ into all of our evenings usually just after we did our walk-through and lock-up. We kept the routine for discipline and the regular practice we needed to keep our game sharp.

      Coming back to join the group at the table I saw the fatigue in Charlie’s eyes. That sweet man had been up all night in worry of me. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I rubbed his neck muscles and worked to massage away his tension. The feel of him under my hands was nearly electric; the man turned me on with a touch. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear.

      “Any chance we could go back to bed for a little more sleep and a whole lot more lovin’?”

      Charlie responded by pulling me in tighter to him and kissing me on the neck. He looked at Michael and Lu and spoke his few words.

      “We need rest; you probably do, too.”

      Then Charlie picked me up and took me to our room where we stripped and crawled into bed. After making love, I napped for an hour and a half and then could no longer be in bed. I unwrapped myself from Charlie’s sleeping arms and headed for another shower.

      Being a creature of routine and habit I quickly dispatched with the chores for the day and then went into the office to work on a design that I’d started a few days before. I had a deadline and wanted to get the project off my plate so that I could concentrate on my guests and not work.

      Michael poked his head into the office while I was putting the final touches on a design for a ‘signature suit’ for one of my brother-in-law’s friends. The man liked the suits that I’d designed for Sam, my brother-in-law, and requested that I create a design just for him.

      His name was Roscoe; I only met him the one time when I was measuring him and taking photos. He refused to dance with me at first because he said that he’d never learned and didn’t want to embarrass himself. When the music began, he had no course but to dance with me as I presented myself to him in dance stance. After he joined me in the dance-hold he had no trouble moving about the room to the tune that was playing. I used the time to multitask – dance and observe how his body moved as I always found the knowledge helpful while designing a ‘signature suit’.

      Michael wanted a private conversation with me regarding the ‘red travel’ and the length of time that it took from me afterwards.

      “Hey Baby.”

      Michael started the conversation with an endearment.

      “Michael.” I said.

      “Lu still sleeping?”

      “Yeah, how about Charlie?” He asked.

      “Yeah, I’m the only one who got any sleep around here. I’m surprised you’re awake.”

      Michael came to the desk to see what I was working on and to get a full-body reconnect from me. I stood to receive his embrace and we wrapped our arms around each other and accepted the goodness that our connection brought. We both moaned our acceptance and once again were surprised at the strength of the rush of need and desire that our touch brought us and then the welcomed calm and balance and in general just feeling good.

      “Let’s talk about the travel. We need to have the date ready and a chance to discuss it and look for any issues – to be forewarned and all that.” Michael said.

      “This particular trip has given me a little insight and I need time to figure it out. We can have that discussion when we’re in London unless you’ve something to tell me right now.”

      Michael looked at me for a moment without saying a word, took a couple of breaths and then launched into the real reason he was still awake.


      He started off calling me that sweet endearment again.

      “Sometimes it feels like you have us by the short hairs. Needing you, we have no choice but to respond every time you’re in trouble and it seems you’re in trouble a lot.”

      “Well Michael,” I responded.

      “I appreciate you being there for me. Do I not reciprocate and am I not there for you in return?”

      He didn’t have a ready comeback so I continued.

      “I was not ‘in trouble’ as you put it, at least not this trip. I’m sorry if you guys thought that I was ‘in trouble’ and came running…and God that’s incredibly loving and means so much to me but I, in fact, was just fine. Baby the trip just took a long time, that’s all.”


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