Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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elimination and left Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb to battle it out in the final catch that reveals the ‘The Last Player Standing’.

      There really wasn’t much of a battle between me and Charlie; he was eliminated even before we had established a complete catch. He’d watched me during the catch and couldn’t concentrate on anything other than me. He wanted to end the evening and be alone in our bedroom.

      All eyes went to the ‘Tote board’ to see the praise for the ‘last man standing’ and to join in the accolades for the ‘greater player’.

      “For the catch we thank you for your tutelage and for the opportunity to learn from you. We honor your vast abilities and will work in the future to emulate your attitude and style. Thank you, oh Queen of the Catch.”

      The three of them had taken to cutting the praise phase of the catch short because they didn’t feel like they needed practice praising the Queen of the Catch, me.

      We said our good nights and then Charlie and I did the walk-trough and lock up. It was a process that I started years before so that I’d not forget anything and I’d be able to go to bed with a clean house and everything tucked where it was supposed to be. When Charlie and I hooked up, I was delighted to find that Charlie was a meticulous person like me and liked to end the day knowing that everything was taken care of.

      As we held hands and performed the ‘walk-through’ it was easy to see that Charlie had something that he was wrestling with but I waited for him to bring it out in the open between us in his own time.

      While I was in the bathroom handling my nighttime maintenance Charlie was answering his emails and then while Charlie handled his nightly bathroom routine I answered my emails. There was usually an email from Wyatt about ‘The New Holdings’ the inherited companies that we tried to manage from different countries. We stayed on top of things via electronic mail but we were both eager for our impending visit.

      Charlie exited the bathroom and I shut down the computer. Our coupling that night was quiet and tender. I watched as Charlie kissed my breasts and ran his fingers over my nipples before he suckled on each of them. Charlie started to say something.

      “Woman, the travel…” his voice trailed off and then he said nothing.

      With my fingers already in his hair, I wrapped them around a thick wad of his locks and pulled his face to mine. We kissed a deep and lovely kiss. When we parted I asked him a question.

      “Lover, why don’t you just come out and say what’s on your mind? I love you, please talk to me.”

      Charlie kissed me again, another deep and satisfying kiss.

      “You might not want me after the travel.” He said flatly.

      “Are you guarding yourself from me Charlie?”

      I was thinking that maybe he was uncomfortable with us becoming one on a spiritual level – maybe worried because he didn’t want me to know about stuff he wasn’t proud of. I really had no idea and needed more information from him.

      “No,” another flat answer from Charlie.

      Charlie positioned himself right on top of me with his arms behind my shoulders and his hands cradling my head.

      With our eyes level and looking directly into each other Charlie gave me a squeeze and then made another short statement regarding his trepidation with the ‘out of body travel’.

      “After a spiritual connection you may not want me like this.”

      Charlie moved into me to show me what he was talking about.

      “Lover, just think for a minute. After every adventure with this travel, I come back wanting you in the extreme. I not only want you to touch me, I need you to touch me. Have you forgotten what a handful I am with how much I need you?”

      “It could change with both of us traveling.”

      Charlie knew that we really didn’t know what would happen and he didn’t want to jeopardize what we had.

      “Yes, change is inevitable but we can work at keeping what we like and we like this.”

      I said as I ran my fingers over his shoulders and down his back to his backside and finally, my hands on his butt cheeks I drew him to me.

      “Trust me Lover.”

      I whispered in Charlie’s ear.

      “I see only good things for us.”

      We made love again and Charlie fell asleep with a smile on his sweet face.

      Remembering the promise that I’d made to the garden that morning, I went out into the crystal clear night air to witness a sky full of stars and was inspired to sing that promised song.

      ‘Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper, I love you.

       Birds singing in the sycamore tree, Dream a little dream of me”.

       Say “nighty-night” and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me.

       While I’m alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.

       Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.

       Still craving your kiss, I’m longing to linger till dawn, dear.

       Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.

       Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.

       But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.’

      It was good to have my voice back and to share it with the garden. They loved the sound of humans in song. I said my good night and went back to bed and into Charlie’s arms as he automatically reached for me when I crawled in next to him.

      Sleep kept its distance as I started to think about being out in the universe on a current with Charlie. Never even having tried to reach anyone other than Michael I wondered if I’d be able to recognize Charlie’s scent in the Universe.

      ‘A small experiment while everyone slept would be ok’. I thought as I focused my attention on Ricky, the ring on my right pinkie finger. She was issuing an invitation. ‘How fortuitous?’ I thought. I gave credence to my travel with the very thought that everything was pointing to the fact that I should take that opportunity and RSVP to Ricky’s invitation in person.

      With Charlie spooned in behind me and his arm holding me tight into him, I jumped Ricky’s particles and went for an experimental ride into the universe in search of a current for Charlie and I to share. The connect surprised me again and offered me no struggle in finding Charlie’s essence. With the very idea of looking for Charlie I was able to find and then join our currents. Those currents took me to Charlie in the physical.

      Having pioneered that travel to meet Michael I knew exactly what to do. With command my middle name, I took that current in and around Charlie and wrapped him in a cocoon of love and peace and then took the current into Charlie and around his heart and lungs and completely through his respiratory system. Before the darkness took me I gave every bit of my energy to that universal hug.


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