Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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you playing around on the inside of me last night Woman?”

      Charlie asked a straight forward question.


      I gave him a straight forward answer.

      “More,” Charlie demanded playfully.

      “I went looking for you, for your current in the universe and it was as easy as thinking about it to find you and being with you was really good.”

      Charlie continued to look at me with a look that said that he expected more from me.

      “How do you feel, Lover?”

      I asked him a straight forward question.

      He smiled bigger.

      “Good, really good.”

      “Yes, you do.”

      I said as I strattled my leg over him and collected his morning woody into me.

      His high pitched moan upon our joining always heightened my pleasure at our coupling. He was happy and enjoyed the attention we gave our physical relationship. We always greeted the day and paid tribute by making love. We both expected it and wouldn’t miss it. We had a mutual craving for each other and that worked for us.

      Before we went to the garden and would be unable to be alone for awhile, I took advantage and started the conversation.

      “While we’re in London, would you rather stay at Michael and Lu’s place or at ‘The Miles’ or in the servant quarters?”

      “Miles’ quarters; you need to handle his things, remember?” Charlie said.

      “Plus it was nice being there away from the hub-bub.”

      I caught Charlie smiling to himself.

      “You gonna let me in on it?” I asked.

      “Just thinking about you finding me last night; I like the thought.”

      Charlie grinned and reached across the table to make contact with me.

      We both felt the reconnect at that touch and I was on his lap in a heartbeat with my arms around his neck.

      Pulling me even tighter to him Charlie whispered into my neck. “I love you Woman, more every minute.”

      On the way to the airport, Michael started the discussion.

      “Lu and I talked and think that we should take baby steps while teaching Lu and Charlie to travel.”

      Both Charlie and I agreed.

      When Charlie made eye contact with me he said, “We’re in for another adventure.” Looking at me but speaking to all of us.

      “When we see you next I’ll have mapped out a training schedule for our connected newbie’s. If you want, I’ll email it to you before we get there so that you can have time to think about any changes that you see may be necessary.” I said to Michael.

      “Lu and I had a laughing fit last night talking about the interesting things we could do as a group and what we could do to better the world like stop crime before it happens and find missing people, solve old murder cases. Lu saw us as a team of super heroes and we’ve been coming up with names ever since. Lu came up with ‘The Truth Crusaders’ and ‘The Hind Sights’.”

      Thinking of it, Michael started laughing all over again and we laughed right along with him.

      Charlie joined the naming game with, “The Pleasure Seekers.”

      I added, “The Answer Finders.”

      Lu said, “The Know-It-Alls.”

      “Helen, is there a chance that you could design us a ‘Super Hero’ team costume?” Michael said while laughing.

      I truly wished I hadn’t heard him say that because pictures of ideas started to jump into my head of the four of us in look-a-like caped outfits one second and then in another second, I saw us in the alter-ego costumes of average adult humans but all of them with some look-a-like identifying feature. I pushed the ideas away but would bring them out and play with them when alone for the fun of it.

      “Do you guys know about Ollie and Mattie’s engagement?” Charlie asked Michael and Lu.

      “Ollie and Mattie are getting married?” Lu clarified and asked at the same time.


      “No date yet; maybe after the Olympics.” Charlie gave what he knew in as few words as possible.

      “Ohhh,” Lucy groaned. “No more talk of the Olympics, until we see you in our home. Agreed?”

      We all agreed.

      Our good bye at the airport was an effort for each of us; separating didn’t feel good and hugging each other did. We hugged up over and over again until they boarded the plane and were on their way home to London.

      Charlie and I stayed close on our walk from the airport to the truck; we were comforting and being comforted.

      “Teach me tonight.” Charlie requested.

      All the way home I sat snuggled into him feeling something new growing between us, a deepening need to be even closer. His hand on my inner thigh I had to quiet a passion that was nearly impossible to stall. After some very deep breaths, Charlie put his arm around me. The move enabled me to get closer and before I knew it I was biting him on the chest.

      “Woman.” Charlie moaned.

      “Please, let me get us home.”

      I took more deep breaths and apologized to Charlie for my lack of control.

      “Lover, am I right in thinking that you want me to teach you to travel on the currents tonight?” I asked.

      “Yeah.” Charlie was positive.

      I’d wanted to be with Charlie for that out-of-body experience; to couple with him on a spiritual level for some time and knew better than to get my hopes up too high but just thinking about it made me a bit giddy at the prospect that it would happen soon.

      Crossing the ‘Golden Gate Bridge’ Charlie pulled me into him in recognition of what the bridge meant to us. I felt him kiss the top of my head. After that I closed my eyes and leaned on him feeling his breathing and the rise and fall of his chest all the way home.

      Back at the house and since Tut was taking his morning nap, we weren’t waiting for the evening as both of us walked straight through the house, kicked off our shoes, and crawled into the middle of the bed. We propped up the pillows and positioned ourselves huddled up so that both of us could see Ricky, the ring on my right pinkie finger.

      “When I taught Michael how to travel, he used ‘Hellie’ as the catalyst that carried the particles and the invitation. We’re lucky that

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