Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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      “Hug up for Lu.” I said.

      We hugged until she was calm and comfortable again. Michael and Lu lying side by side on the bed with ‘Arec’ between them they waited for an invitation. When the particles showed, Lu smiled and looked at me.

      “Look at the particles and then mentally step into them. I know that you caught a scent the last time so if you catch another scent, just stay with it and jump into the middle of it. As long as you and Michael are touching, you’ll stay together.”

      Lu looked at me and smiled. Michael said, “Now,” and they were gone. Charlie and I watched as they slumped into each other in their unconscious state. I checked the time and then we left the room.

      In the music room Charlie showed me the good bead he had on our space travelers on the screen of his phone. We figured we had about an hour to play in the music room before they came round. Charlie used one of the guitars stored along the wall and I played the piano. Anything that Charlie wanted to hear, I played. It was best when Charlie and I played the same song. We laughed and sang for the entire hour and then we went to check on them.

      Michael and Lu really didn’t need us; we just checked to see that they were ok and then we left them alone to dispense with the sexual energy generated from that experience.

      We told them to give us a call when things were more peaceful and Charlie and I headed back to ‘The Miles’ via the back route, over the garden wall and through the side door to the servant’s quarters. Climbing the wall again, me first and Charlie moving close behind was fun and child’s play but the mood changed instantly as we stood for only a moment at the top making note of the sensational ‘Transylvania-ish’ London sky and holding each other. The vista carried with it an adult seriousness that sobered us and gave us other ideas.

      We talked about calling Tut and decided to wait until a bit later because by my watch Tut would be taking his morning nap.

      Going in through the side door, we were in a hurry with a somber adult agenda but otherwise not much clarity. Charlie dispatched with our clothing quickly and took me to bed while he kissed me multiple times; his lips soft but urgent whispering, ‘I love you’. Even in our hurry to couple there was no clumsiness. Our bodies knew each other well and for me it was like dancing; Charlie was easy to follow. The times when I took the lead Charlie relinquished it to me in a smooth transition so it was easy to switch things up at any given second. After we had satisfied each other, we lay happily while Charlie was running his fingers through my hair and kissing me absentmindedly, whispering in a voice nearly inaudible, ‘I love you’.

      “Why do we bother with clothes?” Charlie asked.

      “So that I can have the pleasure of you removing them, I’m just sure of it.”

      While I lay there, still feeling Charlie’s touch, tender and nurturing, my mind drifted to the fascinating experiments we’d been through only an hour before. The process and objects were ‘spot-on’ successful and next we’d teach the Newbies how to get to each other when not physically close. Not wanting to ‘jump the gun’ I couldn’t help but see that with the power of the four of us, our travel in the red could be more controlled. Those thoughts alone were motivating.

      Charlie and I languished on the bed touching and stroking but pretty much in our own heads. Michael called to say that he and Lu were through for the day but he couldn’t wait to debrief after breakfast; he was encouraged by our success. Even though I was disappointed that we weren’t going to conduct anymore experiments that night I was satisfied to stay put for the rest of the evening.

      We called Margaret to get a report of how Tut was doing and of course to talk to him about when we’d be home and how much we missed him. We thought we might talk to him about the research we’d done online looking for a mate for him. Charlie deemed it important to get Tut’s take on everything that we were doing on his behalf. I agreed.

      “Hi Helen.” Margaret answered the phone and sounded happy and upbeat.

      “You’re not coming back early, are you? I really like spending time with Tut.” Margaret continued.

      “Our schedule is the same. How’s Tut?”

      Charlie and I said the ‘How’s Tut?’ question at the exact same time. We laughed.

      “He’s ornery,” she said and we could hear that she was walking as she spoke.

      “He’s funny, he’s smart, he beautiful.”

      Her voice changed into a ‘coo’ as though she were cooing at Tut.

      “I love him.” She finished.

      Then we heard from Tut; it was one of his really annoying whistles. Charlie answered it with the same whistle only louder – and way too close to my ears. Grabbing Charlie’s phone to ‘make hot’ as Charlie calls it the cameras in the bedroom so that we could see Tut remotely. The cameras in the guestroom at Michael and Lu’s were still ‘hot’ and there for me to see and fumble around with in trying to change was the live shot of Michael and Lu in a carnal embrace. Charlie laughed when he took the phone from me and pushed two buttons and then we waited for maybe 10 seconds before we could see our bedroom remotely on Charlie’s phone.

      Tut and Margaret were sitting on the end of our bed.

      “Hey, hey good lookin’; I’ve missed you pretty boy.” I spoke my own sort of coo, having truly missed him and was moved by the sight of him on the monitor.

      Tut stood tall and faced the sound of my voice and then turned his back on me and marched to the middle of the bed. Margaret moved away from the bed; her happy face had turned to concern and worry. Tut, positioned to face in the direction of my voice; with a magician’s flair opened his wings displaying his impressive expanse.

      “Helen, squawk, Helen; I love you, Helen.” Tut cried out in a voice I’d only heard him use once and that was at our wedding.

      “Wow! Pretty Boy! You are awesome. We miss you so much. Even though Margaret’s attention is probably hard to take be kind to her; she’s trying. Maybe you could teach her a couple of songs on the guitar. She picks things up quickly.”

      After Charlie and Tut whistled their good byes and I reminded Tut that I loved him and would be happiest when we were all together again, we ended the conversation with a promise to call again soon.

      The following morning we were reminded of the work we’d put our bodies through the night before with some muscle soreness but we didn’t mind because we were reminded further of how we got sore in the first place.

      We’d resisted the urge to go hunting for food in the middle of the night and were glad of it when we saw the spread that Wyatt had provided for us in the kitchen of the big house (The Miles).

      Michael and Lu arrived only a few minutes after us. They were holding hands and smiling from ear to ear indicating that they’d had a pretty good night. Just like Charlie and me, they were ravenous and wanted a substantial meal.

      We filled our plates from the buffet provided and seated ourselves at the big round table in the kitchen, where Wyatt and Millie indicated. Having grown accustomed to the coziness of dining in that big kitchen instead of the huge dining room, we were comfortable but quiet for the first few minutes while we dealt with our hunger. When the sounds of eating settled down Wyatt was the first to speak.


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