Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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      Michael said, “Let’s not set any hard and fast rules for what we’ve got. We could easily be surprised again and I think we need to seize every opportunity to figure it all out.”

      “Ok, let’s go then,” I said.

      Michael and Charlie went off to the master bedroom where Charlie would act as monitor as well as student observer for his turn at finding me out in the universe.

      Lu had with her the catch object with the faces of Michael and me, ‘Arec’.

      “Arec’ will be your catalyst and assist in bringing the particles needed for travel to you.” I told Lu.

      Talking her through it, she responded to my lead without question.

      “Take a couple of deep breaths and exhale completely between each breath. Relax all of your muscles and let the tension leave your body.”

      I could see that she was relaxed and I felt good and comfortable enough to begin.

      “Watch ‘Arec’ and wait until the particles are present and then let them surround you and suggest the current to take. Allow your body to release its hold on you.”

      The particles presented and we both watched as they danced and grew to surround her. I didn’t tell her to jump; but she did. I watched her body let go as her muscles shut down into unconsciousness.

      Observing her as she lay there asleep and beautiful, I took the time to appreciate what a lovely gift she was to the world. In my mind I likened her to an exotic flower that helped to soften the trials in our lives just by their very existence. It felt like a privilege to be there with her.

      Just as Lu was coming round after the universal travel Michael and Charlie came into the room. Charlie took my hand and pulled me toward the door. I watched as Michael went to Lu and embraced her.

      Charlie stuck his head back into the room and said, “Debrief in the music room after.”

      We went for a walk and spent some time with the small family of gardens around the estate. Walking hand and hand and breathing breath for breath, we felt the greeting from the greenery in the moving air.

      “I understand you better now.”

      Charlie said while swinging our hands back and forth like a kid in school.

      I smiled. Our relationship and bond was getting stronger and better all the time.

      “Are you looking forward to our turn on the current?” I asked.


      We walked all the way to the end of the long fence and garden wall loving all the plants along the way. Stopping for a few minutes in the thick outcrop of the tall trees that Charlie was getting to know and learning to love like I did, we promised to return the same way and to have our way with each other in the middle of those trees, again.

      Back in the music room with Michael and Lu, I was eager to hear how the travel went especially for Lu as it was her first time out and alone in the universe to find her way without the help of connected contact.

      We were greeted with big smiles from both Michael and Lu. Lu seemed to be literally chomping at the bit to give her report so she went first.

      “On the ribbon alone was at first a lonely time and maybe afraid that I would float out into the universe and not go where I should. Michael was there and he wrapped the ribbon around us and we soaked each other up like a sponge. I’m not sure how I found the right scent and I just appeared on the ribbon. Michael, how did you get to me?”

      “The particles took me to the current but I could sense you even before we were together.” Michael said in response. “Could you sense me?”

      “I can’t say that I was aware of you before but I was glad when you found me. I felt less person before you came but I felt more with us combined.”

      Lu worked to explain what was nearly inexplicable. She was still wrapped in the ‘Oh My God’ of it all.

      “I know what you mean about ‘more’ ‘cause there’s a definite sense of openness and expanse.” Michael said.

      Hands joined, Charlie and I watched the exchange between the two of them. It was good to see them discuss and re-share the experience. I’d been there and understood the wonder and freedom while alone out in the universe. It’s an experience that you have to earn by being willing to let go of all control and release the physical world and at the same time allow yourself to be embraced by a quieter, spiritual world and allowed to see and feel and hear with greater clarity.

      When Charlie’s turn came, he was ready with his ‘Us’ object and as into the process as I was. Michael, Lu, and Charlie went to the master bedroom – Lu went with them so that she could watch from that end and I stayed in the guest room where they could monitor me from anywhere.

      When my cell phone rang, I knew they were ready in the master bedroom; I looked at Ricky and she was presenting her invitation. When the invitation surrounded me, I jumped into the middle of her particles with the idea to find Charlie. Charlie and I had been on the current a number of times but we were always together when we jumped, connected physically, which made it easy. We may as well have been connected because as soon as I found myself on the current I felt Charlie. There was no effort given at all. I just thought of him and letting go.

      We combined into one being and became part of something wonderfully clean and whole. The added boost in strength and power was exhilarating and sexy and we would carry it with us into our separated physical lives. For those moments when we were absorbed into each other the world took on a positive glow and we were rich with a shared understanding of the needs and wants of the other because those same needs and wants had become our own.

      When I was gaining consciousness the three of them were coming into the room and when I saw the look on Charlie’s face, I couldn’t get to him fast enough. He lay down beside me and we at first just looked into each other’s eyes.

      Charlie whispered, “I love you, Woman.”

      His eyes were watery with love for me and I was as emotional as he.

      Michael and Lu left us to handle our physical need for each other and as he was closing the door Michael gave us a reminder.

      “Denice and Amanda arrive in an hour and a half.”

      Charlie removed our clothes with efficiency and respect and when our bodies were touching skin to skin we could feel every little nuance of our lovemaking, we rejoiced in the feel of each and every touch. Our breath mingled and our hands moving to know it all we coupled, we joined our bodies; we became one – working to simulate the experience that we’d shared while on the current right there in our physical world.

      It seemed like only minutes had passed when Charlie said that we only had 20 minutes to get ready for the late dinner and the arrival of Denice and Amanda.

      “No!” I yelled in my head.

      “Charlie, I need more time with you when we aren’t concerned with time and schedules.”

      “You know Charlie, I feel cheated that we can’t just stay here and be together and let the rest

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