Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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for the ok from my troup but mainly from Charlie who just nodded.

      “Sure Wyatt, whatever you need.” I said.

      Wyatt disclosed a bit about the ‘Big Bash’ that’d be happening the following evening and Millie, when she spoke, talked almost nonstop about the state of readiness the office was in to receive Denice and Amanda’s visit.

      Every now and then I’d catch Michael and Lu in an ‘I love you’ eye lock. The conversation was not lacking as both Wyatt and Millie were verbose to the extreme and in good moods.

      In Wyatt’s office he handed me a report that he’d put together regarding my financial portfolio and those who were trying to gain privileged information about me and my holdings.

      The name at the top of the page was Cary Colton, a lawyer who’d tried to insinuate himself into ‘Three Women’ which I put a stop to and actually 86’d him out of the store front office in San Francisco.

      “I have buttoned down any loop holes that I can think of that would give him any direct information about you or the companies you’ve an interest in.” Wyatt was assuring me.

      “Wyatt, this guy makes me nervous. He’s the brother of Gene Handy, the guy who tried to kill me a couple of times.”

      I wanted Wyatt to know the seriousness of having Cary Colton anywhere near our companies.

      “Thank you, Wyatt, for being diligent where Colton is concerned. He’s not the most ethical guy, so watch out for anything that’s not on the up and up.”

      When I returned to my chums they were still seated at the breakfast table drinking coffee and chatting.

      Charlie greeted me with one of his ‘hello’ kisses and hesitated only a second with our faces close as he whispered in the quietest whisper “I love you, Woman.” The sound of his ultra quiet voice and his breath on my cheek was quite a draw; subtle and sweet foreplay.

      Michael and Lu were interested in doing more experiments with ‘universal travel’ and wanted to debrief first thing in order to move on.

      The four of us went to Michael and Lu’s place and met up in the guest room where we’d first debrief and then try some more experiments.

      “After yesterday, I’ve got a better understanding of what we’ve done in the past. Helen you said just the right words.”

      Michael started the conversation.

      “Si Elena,” Lu added.

      “I understand why you travel when we don’t want you to.”

      I said. “Lucy, why don’t you report first?”

      “I report: after we hugged up and I was not afraid, I see the specks and listen to Elena. When Elena said to step into the middle of the dancing specks with my brain I did. Holding Michael’s hand was good. I felt like air, very light. I feel a reconnect and I feel Michael with me. We were on a ribbon and I could feel that ribbon wrap around us and push into us, squeezing and squeezing until we squeezed together and pushed us into each other. That was so good. Being all together with Michael was wonderful, beautiful. I know he loves me, I could feel his happiness when we were wrapped up in the ribbon. There was no where to go but to each other.”

      Lu stopped and looked at Michael to get his agreement with what she’d said. Michael smiled and nodded.

      “When I woke up I was, how you say, horny.” Lu said.

      “We make love like crazy, very good. That is my report.”

      We all sat there adoring her, she was so cute and funny and serious at the same time. I had a flash of what it would be like to be united on a current or ‘ribbon’ as she called it with her and quickly cast the thought aside as Michael made his report.

      “As soon as we jumped I actually felt Lu release her hold on consciousness.”

      Lu stopped him with a look of understanding and said, “Si, me too.”

      “Lu and I have not discussed the travel because of our process of debriefing all together. All of what she said is part of my report as well. I’ll add that accepting responsibility for the success of the travel gave the experience a different feel. Controlling the current was as easy as a thought. The squeezing that Lu mentioned was nearly the same as when we’re in the pool.”

      Michael stopped for just a moment and retrieved our schedule from his pocket; took his time to look for something.

      “I didn’t read the entire process but now I see that you’ve scheduled some pool time for the four of us. Things just keep getting’ better.”

      Michael again took the moment to recognize how incredible it was to be part of something cosmically special.

      “To finish my report I’d like to comment on how easy it was and what a pleasure it was to be absorbed into Lu. It was hot!”

      He leaned over and kissed Lu who’d read his body and was ready to receive him.

      We waited for them to finish their cuddle for a couple of minutes and then I asked if they needed more time and should we postpone the next step of the experimental training until they’d met their need for each other. Charlie showed me that he was ok postponing the training so that he could also meet his need for me.

      “What is next step?” Lu asked with excitement her interest peaked.

      “Next we separate you physically and teach you to find each other on a current. Michael will be in your room and you’ll stay here in the guestroom. I’ll be here with you and Charlie’ll go with Michael to monitor and keep him safe.”

      Charlie and I made eye contact and I felt a slight reconnect and smiled at him.

      “Let’s take a stretch break and meet up here in about 20 minutes,” Charlie suggested.

      We hugged up in our four person huddle and then went in different directions. Charlie turned to me when Michael and Lu left the room.

      “Listening to their reports made me, as Lu put it, horny.”

      Charlie kissed me one of his deep lovely kisses.

      He didn’t need to try so hard, I was on the same page and all go. Ever practical, I locked the bedroom door. Charlie and I satisfied our carnal need for each other and at the same time shined a light on our ever expanding love.

      “It’s impossible to get enough of you. Woman, I love you.”

      “It’s the same for me Lover.” I said hugging him.

      As a team Charlie and I changed the bedding. It was a quick process for us because we did most things together. Then we took a shower which was another fun experience. The ‘stretch break’ took us longer than 20 minutes but it was time well spent.

      Like clockwork, Michael and Lu arrived exactly as we were ready for them.

      “We’ve taken bigger steps than we thought we’d be able to and I’m glad of that but I also don’t want to push too hard. That said I’d like to suggest that this experiment

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