Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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was like a kid who keeps getting distracted while saying prayers at night and then forcing myself to the task at hand. New focus took my eyes to the next at the table, Lu. Michael’s desire and mate. She’s lovely, sweet, truly sweet, strikingly pretty, and funny and I love her dearly. She was wearing white jeans and a white blousy sweater. She and Michael were gorgeous together. Just before I offered up my wish for her I saw her slap at something around her ear and shake her head.

      Breakfast was nearly over and I still had one more wish and that was for Charlie. I’d picked out our clothes for the morning and Charlie was as pliable as could be; he always said that he trusted me and I guess I hadn’t failed him yet. His pale yellow sweater coupled with deep chocolate dress slacks were great colors for him and the design I wore matched his in that I was wearing a dress of the same pale yellow as Charlie’s shirt and my light weight cardigan was the deep chocolate. We’d agreed before we left that we looked pretty darn good and then laughed at our selves.

      In my hand I could feel the pressure of his and the slight movement of his fingers in my palm. I leaned into him again and breathed deeply nearly craving his scent. Not ‘for a man who has everything’ but ‘for a man who is everything’. For my Charlie I wished for him fulfillment.

      After breakfast we all milled around for about 30 minutes gathering information about each other. I got in line to be next after Michael and Lu to talk to Kevin. When I headed for Kevin, Charlie went to find Amanda and Rick for an update.

      Kevin and Kathy headed for some rest; they were exhausted and would call later. I blew them a kiss and changed my focus. Michael and Lu still around; I went in search of Charlie but he was only steps away. We hugged up and made plans to sit close during the ‘Big Bash’.

      “Put on your dancin’ shoes tonight.” Michael said over his shoulder.

      Charlie standing close, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him to me.

      “You ready Woman?” Charlie asked as he found my hand.

      We went to a short meeting with the other two women and after that Charlie took some time explaining what the setup was and how the projector should be run to a couple of new young recruits who would later prove to be one of Millie’s good ideas. We parted for the servants quarter’s, a late lunch, and to get ready for the ‘Big Bash’.

      “Woman I can almost hear your thoughts in my ears, if not for this buzzing.”

      He kissed me a parting kiss and I kind of floated off to pack up more of Miles’ belongings.

      By the time Charlie finished with his work I’d cleared out a closet worth of Miles’ clothing, packing up nearly a dozen boxes for the ‘Good Will’ or the equivalent in London. Two hours passed but there was a lot more stuff to go through.

      “Glad you’re back; I was just about to call and check on Tut.”

      Charlie came to me for a hello smooch and a hug up.

      Margaret answered the phone.


      “Hey Marg, I’m just calling to check up on Tut. How’re things going?”

      “It’s all good. We’re having a great time together. How’re things there? Did you see Kevin and Kathy? She asked in a hushed voice.

      “Why are you whispering?”

      “Tut’s taking a nap and I don’t want to wake him.”

      “It’s awfully early for Tut’s morning nap. What’s going on? Is everything ok?”

      Even though I felt panicky, I tried to keep it out of my voice.

      “Tut’s ok but his nap times are changing. He’s lost more feathers but his disposition is good. Every now and then I catch him in a quiet moment and he seems sad. We started playing the guitar together. I think he likes me better because of it.

      “Marg, do you know when he’ll be up again? I really want to talk to him.”

      “If you call back in about an hour to an hour and a half you can probably catch him while he’s awake.” She suggested.

      Good, I thought, I’d be able to talk to him before the ‘Big Bash’. That settled I went on to answer her other question.

      “Yes, I was surprised to see Kevin and Kathy at breakfast this morning. They look great and retired for a few hours to catch up on some down time. I’m hoping to get a chance to visit more at the big party tonight.”

      We’d be talking later so we ended the call to get to other things.

      Back in Miles’ office to continue going through the desk, I sat down and began again the triage process for the paperwork that was found throughout the file drawers down both sides of the large desk. I couldn’t really say, without consulting my ‘recall’ how long I’d been there before I noticed Charlie at the peripheral of my vision smile and shake his head.

      Turning my full attention to Charlie, I said, “What is it, Lover?”

      As the words came from my mouth, a growl came from my belly.

      My eyes on Charlie I waited for his response to my question.

      “My wife promised me a late lunch.”

      Charlie chided grinning and nodded toward my growling belly.

      My involvement so deep, the time had gotten away from me or maybe didn’t exist at all.

      Taking Charlie’s hand I pulled him toward the kitchen to make good on my promise of a late lunch. We stood looking into the open refrigerator for a moment and then went into action like the wonderful team we are. Before long we were seated at the table enjoying a couple of nice deli-type sandwiches.

      “Find anything of interest?” Charlie asked while we were eating.

      “The most interesting things have to do with Tut and Cleo, his mate of some years. She died before I was born; I found a picture of the two of them in the bottom of one of the little compartments in the top of the desk. I recognized them from my red travel. I can’t wait to show it to Tut and then to take him shopping on-line for a mate.”

      At that very moment I had an idea that I didn’t voice out loud about traveling on the currents to get to Tut, to help him be well, and to get to the bottom of the feather thing. That annoying buzzing or high pitched hum had me shaking my head to make it stop. Charlie waved something away from his ear at the same time.

      “Something bothering you, Charlie” I asked.

      “A noisy bug.” He said.

      “It’s been bugging me all morning.”

      “Like a mosquito under the covers?” I asked.

      “Yeah.” Charlie nodded.

      “Me, too, come to think of it, I saw Lu swat something away from her ear this morning at the breakfast table. And Michael, well when he was listening to a story that Denice was telling his head twitched a number of times. At the time I thought it was just the weird way he is around Denice,

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