Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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isn’t working for Lu. Lu, could you go get your ‘Arec’ object?” The ‘Arec’ object carried the cartoon faces of both Michael and me.

      “Arec’ should work for both of you because Michael only needs me and Lu needs both of us to make the connection complete and give her the necessary juice to see the particles.”

      I was pleased to see that Lu came back to the music room carrying the entire box of objects that I’d made for them.

      “Let’s take these experiments into the guest room. We should be practical and keep ourselves safe so that we can be monitored by the others, ok?”

      With that suggestion, we moved our experiments into the guest room where Charlie had set up cameras for past monitoring. When we got there I took over the experiment and directed Lu to sit with her back to the headboard and ‘Arec’ in her right hand. She got into a comfortable position where she could keep her eyes on the object to watch for the inviting particles. Nothing happened for many long minutes so without feeling silly, I asked Michael to kiss ‘Arec’ a few times and I did the same.

      Lu settled back against the bed board to watch for the invitation. That time it only took a minute before ‘Arec’ presented the inviting particles. Lucy got excited when she saw them. I talked quietly to Lu while we watched the particles multiply and begin to move around rapidly and sparkle some.

      “Just see them and recognize that they are an invitation that you can accept or decline. Lu, inhale deeply and try to recognize the scents that are being carried by currents within those particles like you do when you’re in the garden.” I encouraged.

      We all watched her smile when she caught scent of something that she recognized.

      When it dawned on me that we should be including Charlie in the process. I reached into the box and pulled out the ‘Us’ object that was unique because it carried the faces of Michael, Lu and me. It was one of only three objects (one for each Michael, Lu, and me) with three faces I’d ever made because the process was so delicate and costly to reproduce. After each of us kissed the object, I gave it to Charlie and asked him to sit next to Lu and lean against the headboard. Cradling ‘Us’ in his right hand, Charlie watched for the particles.

      The two of them sitting side by side on the bed staring at the little objects was quite funny but we were all dead serious. The picture of the four of us sitting on the bed, Michael and I were seated on each side while Charlie and Lu were sitting in the middle of the bed with their backs against the headboard turned out to be the exact locations to witness a new phenomenon.

      The particles showed first just above ‘Hellie’ which was held in Michael’s hand. We all saw them and just watched. While we were concentrating on the dancing particles just above ‘Hellie’ we watched the particles appear around “Arec’ being held in Lu’s hand. Lu let out a little squeal when she saw them. We all saw them. Seconds later ‘Us’ showed an invitation of dancing particles to Charlie but we all saw them. The particles multiplied and filled the space that separated us and moved as a single body toward my right side. That’s when Ricky took over and sent out her dancing particles that surrounded the others and they all glowed.

      With strained discipline we sat there and just watched Ricky’s light and particle show. It went on for several minutes and just when we thought it would end, Ricky shot two bright red sparks out into the frenzy of particles that slowed things down. We watched as the sparks disappeared and blended into the other particles. Then Ricky sent another couple of brilliant red sparks into the middle of the party.

      We all recognized the invitation and sat in wonder of the strangeness of it all. We did nothing in response to the invite except for the few words that I deemed necessary.

      “Thank you Ricky for the beautiful invitation; we promise to honor it when we have more knowledge. Please continue to invite us.”

      We sat there for a bit longer each of us carrying a silly grin in wonder of what we’d just witnessed.

      “That felt like a big step, to me.” Charlie offered.

      “You mean as opposed to ‘baby steps’? That was pretty big to me.”

      I headed for the door. They all followed me into the music room where we hugged up to gain the calm needed for a productive debrief of the experiment.

      Michael went first and used the attitude of a report – clinical and not emotional. I loved it when he took the lead because that meant that he had a direction for us to take.

      “We saw the particles come from ‘Hellie’ in my hand and then we saw ‘Arec’ release particles that joined the others. After that ‘Us’, held by Charlie emitted her particles then all the particles united and headed for Ricky. Ricky released her particles which had a calming effect on the other excited particles and they glowed before we saw the two bright red sparks and then two more.” Michael paused.

      “Is that pretty much the take you all had on it?” He asked us.

      Each of us nodded in answer.

      “Any ideas about what it all means and if we should respond to Ricky’s invitation?”

      Michael put it out there – what we were all thinking.

      “I’m afraid to jump.” Lu said quietly.

      “We can’t all go at the same time.” Charlie put in his thought.

      “Employing our ‘baby steps’ idea, maybe we should travel by twos in the beginning. Michael and I can act as guides for you two but in the beginning, there should always be two left behind to monitor. We aren’t going to be traveling red for a bit so we don’t have to worry about the travel taking more than about an hour at a clip.”

      I looked to each of them to get their take.

      Michael was eager to get to the travel part of the lesson but still adhered to our planned process of taking baby steps even though we were surprised by what we saw and then surprised by the fact that we saw the particles so rapidly using the catch objects as aides.

      “When we travel together we can use Ricky to gain access to the invitation but if the three of you are alone and want to travel on a current you’ll need your connected object. That means ‘Hellie’ for Michael, ‘Arec’ for Lu, and ‘Us’ for Charlie; making use of the objects will enable you to travel alone into the universe.”

      They each looked at the object that was their ticket to travel alone and waited for me to give them further instruction.

      “Things are happening for us much faster than we could have imagined so why don’t we do some traveling today? Michael, Charlie and I can monitor as you and Lu travel. Charlie and I can now meet up on a current the same way that Michael and I have done dozens of times.”

      “Lu is having trouble letting go and jumping. Is there something you can do that will help her?” Michael asked.

      The fear in Lu’s eyes told me that even though there was no reason for her to be afraid; she was still scared and couldn’t relax.

      I stood and they all stood. Without another word we came together in a group hug that brought each of us the calm that we needed while talking about experiments. While still in the four person huddle I asked that we all go back to the guest room and give traveling a try. I’d be there to support Lu even if I had to jump the particles with her and leave

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