Exploring Connections.

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face which was serious beyond serious. We kissed.

      “Lover, the first thing is to completely relax, breathe deeply a couple of times and then allow Ricky to take you. Watch her particles and inhale deeply the scents within those particles. When you feel the softness and I squeeze your hand mentally jump with me into the middle of Ricky’s particles.”

      Charlie smiled at me and kissed me again.

      “I’m ready.”

      We snuggled in close and kissed a couple more times before Ricky presented her invitation in the form of cheery particles. I looked to see that Charlie also saw them. Ricky’s particles seemed exceptionally active and bright, kind of sparkly like they were dancing in shafts of sunlight. When the softness enveloped us, I squeezed Charlie’s hand and said, “Now,” and jumped. Letting go of all things physical I drifted at first to allow Ricky to guide me to a current.

      Charlie was with me and it felt as natural as breathing to have him there. We were infused into a current of Ricky’s choosing but once there, I knew what to do and made symbiotic commands of the current to surround us and to combine and wrap us into each other. We blended into one being, completely inside of each other. The comfort of being whole and united soothed our very souls. Going from one halfs to a complete whole was a satisfying and sensual union, a union that seared our love into one glorious spiritual being.

      An hour later we were waking and in need of each other physically. Our lovemaking was tender and comforting at first and then it took on an entirely different direction and became more primal and involved some intense hair pulling and more biting. Our climaxes were surprising and had us clinging to each other.

      Later as we were cradled in each other’s arms and still breathing hard I could actually feel the happiness radiate into me from Charlie. He whispered in my ear.

      “Thank you. This is the best I’ve ever felt in my life. I love you more every minute.”

      “Yeah, I feel good too, Lover.”

      Every few days Charlie and I repeated that experience to take our love out into the universe, to wrap up as one, to unite our spirits, and love each other on that higher plane.

      London, Work and Play

      With Tut taken care of, that is to say that he was prepped about our being gone and he knew that Margaret, Ollie, and Mattie would be coming by for regular visits with him and we had given him sweet talk and kisses right up until we left, and all of our ducks in a row, Charlie and I boarded the plane to London. We actually looked forward to the 13 hour flight, for the opportunity to snuggle next to each other, to talk quietly, to touch and kiss often. Charlie’d brought a book he was reading and wanted to finish; so, while Charlie read I used the time to work on a couple of designs I’d started but hadn’t taken the time to finish.

      We carried with us the added benefit of increased creativity and accelerated mental acuity that was a temporary side effect of our out-of-body travel – our combined essences. I’d grown to expect the boost and used it to assist me for a number of assignments for the ‘Three Women’ design work I did; but it helped me in every project I was involved in. It had assisted me in the preparation for that very trip by enabling me to complete and add multiple pieces to our wardrobes, pieces specifically for that trip. Because of it I was confident that we would represent both ourselves and the company well at each of the planned events.

      It took only minutes to finish the necessary work on the two designs and then I was on to other things that required my sketch pad and a number of pencils. Doodling and drawing pictures that made me laugh brought Charlie out of his book to investigate my mirth.

      I’d doodled on my sketch pad, with the heading ‘The Time Troup’ the four of us (Charlie, Michael, Lu and me) in matching sleek and stylish super hero type costumes complete with capes, gloves, boots, and utility belts. But the funny part was that I’d added Tut in the same super hero costume to the picture.

      Charlie examined the picture for quite a few minutes and then he smiled at me and kissed me a couple of times. He went back to his book and I continued to play with the super hero costume thing for another couple of hours.

      Eventually I put a blanket over me and curled into Charlie while he finished his book. Charlie had to wake me when we touched down.

      When we got off the plane there was no Michael or Lu to greet us as there had been every other time I’d flown into London. Even though we knew they weren’t coming, we both wished that they would somehow surprise us and be there anyway.

      As we pulled our luggage through customs Charlie spied a young man holding a sign that said ‘Helen and Charlie’. Wyatt offered us a driver for our entire stay and it was nice that he’d sent a car for us. We were staying in the large apartment known as the ‘servant’s quarters’ attached to ‘The Miles’ and planned to take some time to go through, sort, and dispense with Miles’ belongings. It was a project that I didn’t look forward to.

      The young man led the way to our car. As soon as we were at the curb both Charlie and I started looking around with expectation and even more so after we caught a look at each other. We both felt the fingers of the reconnect so we were searching for our connected best friends. There they sat in our limo waiting for us. Michael had contacted Wyatt to get the incidentals of our arrival.

      We hugged up and were all smiles for quite a while. We had some exciting things happening and they were exceptionally eager to get started. Michael had printed out the itinerary that I’d emailed him along with the step by step process for teaching Charlie and Lu about the ‘out of body travel’. He said that they couldn’t wait until the afternoon to get together so they decided to just insinuate themselves into what we had going on. That worked for both Charlie and me.

      The driver took us to ‘The Miles’, gave us his card, saying that he was at our disposal and would be only 15 minutes away. Call any time and he’d take us wherever we wanted to go. Charlie tipped the young man and took my hand; we stood for a minute to admire and appreciate the beauty of the building before we walked up those elegant steps that lead inside.

      We met up with Wyatt and Millie; after hello hugs and kisses and plans to meet in the kitchen for lunch, Wyatt and Millie went back to work. The rest of us went to the ‘servant’s quarters’ to get Charlie and me settled in and to begin the process of going through Miles’ things. The three of them laughed at me while I distributed to each couple a written detailed process for the task at hand. Since I didn’t know that they would be there with us, I gave them my copy and would share Charlie’s copy.

      I set the timer so that we wouldn’t miss lunch in the kitchen with Millie and Wyatt and explained the process to them. Wyatt had at the ready for us umpteen boxes and tape and marking pens. We started the triage in Miles’ home office first going through the desk which was piled high with mail and financial reports. Using the ‘three box’ method: one for trash, one for ‘must keeps’, and one for ‘not sure just yets’, we eventually uncovered his desk. The desk felt familiar and it took a moment before I recognized that it was the same as the one I saw in the old Victorian house when I visited Tut while traveling red.

      The lunch bell went off; it was difficult leaving because the desk had so many little compartments in it; we couldn’t wait to look into every one to see what little treasure might be there. It had been so much fun going through all of the stuff that covered the desk I just knew that the desk itself would reveal surprises galore. Even though we had plans to meet at Michael and Lu’s during the afternoon for the step by step ‘out of body travel’ training that Michael and I had agreed upon, we all agreed to go back

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