Seeking Peace. Tiera Harding

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Seeking Peace - Tiera Harding

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nodded, “Thank you, Captain Hawthorn, we would like that very much.”

      “Come on, Esther” Clara said, “It’s time for bed.”

      Esther stuck out her lip in a pout, “But I’m not tired.” She gave a huge yawn.

      Clara smiled affectionately, “Bedtime, little star.”

      Esther relented. She came around the table and reached up to give Liam a hug. He hugged her and kissed her cheek, “Goodnight, Esther.”

      “Night, Daddy.” She waved sleepily at the aliens, “Good night, sleep tight.” All four responded with their own good nights.

      Liam led the aliens to the quarters he had had prepared for them, thankful that they didn’t run into anyone along the way, then returned to his own quarters, dismissing the security officers before he did.


      Early the next morning Liam knocked on the door to the Lemarian’s quarters. Elina answered.

      “Good morning,” Liam greeted her, “Did you all sleep well?”

      “Excellently, thank you.”

      Liam paused, “I was wondering if the four of you would agree to speak to the rest of Amity’s passengers. Everyone is very curious about you, naturally.”

      Elina nodded, “I’m sure they are. We will do as you ask, Captain.”

      “Thank you,” Liam said quietly, “When would you like to do it?”

      Elina considered, “Why don’t we say an hour from now?”

      Liam nodded, “I’ll make an announcement.”

      An hour later the auditorium was once more filled with everyone on the ship except a few security officers who were on duty. Liam led the four Lemarians in and up onto the stage. He looked out at the faces of the crowd, seeing their wonder and shock as they took in the aliens.

      He stepped forward, picking up the microphone to address the crowd, “Shipmates, I know you must be feeling a lot of different things right now. I’m feeling them too. I also know you must have a lot of questions. Our guests have agreed to answer your questions. Please treat them with the same respect with which you treat me.”

      He handed the microphone to Elina and stepped down from the stage, taking a seat with Esther and Clara in the front row.

      Elina did most of the talking for the group, but the other three participated too, Marek answering most of the questions that had to do with the history of Lemara. No mention was made of the Hok-Kar and Liam was grateful. He knew a time might come when the people of Amity would know the Hok-Kar far too well, but for now the knowledge of them would only cause fear and panic to spread.

      Finally the flood of questions ceased. Liam walked back up on stage and Elina handed him the microphone. He thanked the crowd for behaving respectfully and dismissed them. The room emptied out until only Liam, Clara, Esther, and the Lemarians remained.

      “I’m afraid the time has come for us to part ways,” Elina said softly, “We must return to our ship and resume our course, and you must resume yours.”

      Liam was surprised by how much the thought of saying goodbye to the Lemarians saddened him.

      “Let us escort you to your shuttle,” he offered.

      Elina nodded, “Of course.”

      As they left the auditorium Esther put her hand in Elina’s. Liam and Clara walked just behind them and Liam watched them as they walked. Esther was babbling away to Elina. It should have looked strange, the little human girl with her blonde curls walking hand in hand with the pale blue alien with her shifting hair color and her wings, but it didn’t, and Liam realized how quickly the alien features of the Lemarians had stopped looking foreign and started to simply look like the faces of friends.

      Too soon, they reached the escape pod bay and the Lemarian shuttle. Esther hugged all four of the Lemarians and Clara and Liam shook their hands.

      “I hope someday we meet again,” Liam said sincerely.

      He looked at Elina and Marek, “Good luck with your little one.”

      Elina gave him a smile that was tinged with sadness, “I hope you and your people find a wonderful new home, Captain Hawthorn, and I have every confidence that you will.”

      The Lemarians filed into their shuttle. At the door they turned and lifted their hands in farewell. Liam and Clara lifted their own hands in response and Esther waved furiously. Then the shuttle doors closed and Liam pressed the button to open the doors to the airlock.

      The Contest

      Two weeks had passed since the encounter with the Lemarians. Liam was off-duty and was taking the chance to spend some time with Esther, watching his daughter play. He was also thinking about the Lemarians, wondering if Elina and Marek’s baby had been born yet. Esther was dressed in a holo-suit, special clothing that allowed her to touch and interact with the images projected by the holographic emitters as if they were real. The holo-suit technology also had the ability to change it’s appearance to the specifications of its wearer. Esther appeared to be dressed in a pale pink princess dress and was currently petting a holographic unicorn.

      Liam’s personal communicator beeped, “Captain, we need you in the control room immediately!”

      Liam jumped to his feet, “On my way.”

      He looked at Esther, “Sorry sweetheart, looks like Daddy has to go to work after all.” He hurried out of the room.

      If Liam hadn’t already known something was wrong, he would have known as soon as he reached the control room. Every face in the room was tense. The very air seemed thick with tension.

      “What's going on?” As he spoke he looked toward the viewscreen and saw his answer. An asteroid was hurtling through space, headed straight for the Amity. If it hit the ship would be destroyed.

      “How long until it reaches us?” Liam asked sharply.

      “No more than ten minutes, Captain,” came the ominous reply.

      Liam bit back a curse, "Can we alter course to avoid it?"

      "No, sir, we seem to have entered a small field, altering course would simply put us in the path of other asteroids."

      Liam punched in a command on his communication device, “Security room, do you see the asteroid on your screens?”

      “We see it, Captain,” a tense voice answered.

      “Ready the weapons. Maybe we can destroy it or at least knock it off course.”

      Three precious minutes passed before the voice came again, “Weapons are ready and aimed, sir.” Liam looked again at the asteroid hurtling towards them on the screen.

      “Fire.” He watched as a beam of orange energy shot toward the asteroid. It hit slightly to the left of the center and a few shards blasted off, but still the asteroid headed towards

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