Genesis of the Guardians. Kevin Qi

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Genesis of the Guardians - Kevin Qi

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you have to make sure that you get close to them. You want them to start guessing early if you like them, because sometimes they need a bit of time until they realize that they like you. This is all about feel. I could write an essay all about this, but I'll do it later. Ooh! You think I could turn the essay in at school one day? I think I'd get a solid 95.

      I didn’t have any trouble with the lab, because, did I mention? Toby is a genius. He helped me through the entire lab. Why did a genius have to go to summer school? I have no clue. I think it was because he missed too many days of school or something ridiculous like that.

      I asked him if he was free after class. He said he was, so I immediately started planning our evening. The rest of the day went by slowly. I swear I died every time I checked the clock and groaned, thinking of how much more school I would have to bear so that we could leave. Sure, he was right next to me for most of the three and After a few years, the day was finally over. He met me at my locker and we went down to the library. I got him to tutor me on math concepts until the library closed. By then, it was six o’clock. I suggested that we go to the mall, which was conveniently close to our school. He was hesitant, mostly because he had homework, but I assured him that we could do homework together after we eat.

      And so, I spent the evening with the lovely Toby. I guess you could say it was our first date. Huh. Looking back on it almost makes me feel better about what happened next.

      I had called my dad to pick me up at 7:45, so that I could make it home in time to party with the girls, so Toby planned on leaving at 7:40. He dawdled a little when the time came, so by the time he left it was 7:42 on the verge of turning 7:43. He had stood up, and started to leave, when I began to feel pins and needles all over my body. The feeling started in my head, but gradually traveled downwards, until it touched my toes. Being one all for romanticism, I briefly debated whether or not I was just feeling lovesick. Nope.

      The instant the feeling had touched my toes, a force just, sort of came out of me. Tables in a two-foot radius that used to be bolted to the floor flew away from me, but somehow the chairs stayed. The store signs around me started dimming. Toby heard the noise and looked back at me. He frowned, and started walking back towards me. He said something along the lines of “Riley, you okay?” I don't suppose I looked very well.

      My eyes widened as he walked closer to me. “No!” I started to plead. Concerned like the prince that he is, he kept on walking closer to me. Once within two feet of me, it was like he hit a wall. Not only that, but once he hit it, it flung him back with so much force that he flew several feet. I screamed. Instinctively I started walking towards him. It seemed the two-foot barrier didn’t affect me. He stirred. He was okay! But he saw me coming towards him and pushed himself backwards, away from me. Eyes full of terror, he stood, turned around, and fled.

      Devastated, I sat down and started crying, while storeowners in the food court were panicking. I didn’t understand what I was capable of, what I could do. That took me a long time to understand, and even then it wasn’t me who figured it out. I curled up into as small of a ball as I could, and lay on the floor unmoving. This was how my dad and the police found me minutes later.

      I’m sitting in the police station in one of the interrogation rooms right now. They let me take out a notebook to do my schoolwork once they found out that I attend summer school. But I didn't actually have any homework, so instead I'm writing down my story. I have a feeling that I’ll need it soon.


      Mhm. Yeah. Blood flow normal. Nutrition normal. Heart rate normal. Brain activity normal. Well then. The doctor thought that I was just crazy and knocked myself out by falling to the floor, but nevertheless went through the motions and scientifically proved that, yes, I was indeed crazy. Hm.

      So anyway, I seemed to be fine, so the doctor let me go home. He advised that my dad keep watch over me at all times, however. He didn’t seem to think that another visit was necessary, but upon further prompting from my dad, agreed to see me again tomorrow at around the same time.

      So, I went home. Nothing really exciting to talk about. I watched Netflix the entire day, with Robert standing by as a sort of guardian angel in case I should randomly start beating my head with the remote control. Parents are great.


      The doctors didn’t talk to me about the fact that my brain waves were going crazy. I guess they thought that if my brain waves were freaking out like that while I was resting, they didn’t want to risk seeing what my brain waves would be like if I was also freaking out. However, they spoke at length with Dad, who came back looking older than I’ve ever seen him.

      Everyone treated me like I was going to die. It was a little liberating at first, but it got aggravating enough so that I would want to get out of bed and whack them with a dinner tray just to prove that I could.

      While my dad wasn’t exactly happy with the fact that I could potentially have seizures and perish any moment, he was glad that he had an excuse to spend more time with me. We watched TV into the night, waiting for the doctors’ responses.

      Eventually, they decided on a risky plan. They knew that my dad could not afford to stay in San Francisco for more than a day due to the responsibilities of his job, so they allowed me to embark on a trip back to Boston. However confusing the behavior of my brainwaves were, they all agreed that it was unlikely that I would be further harmed, and that as a matter of fact, the pain I felt was most likely shock from the activity my brain was experiencing.

      My dad was not so sure, but not only did the doctors urge him to take on this plan, so did I. Although I loved spending time with him, I knew how important his job was, both to him and what it meant for our family. Since Mom passed away in labor, my dad has had to work overtime, all the time, in order to provide for me. I couldn’t let him throw his career away because I had gotten a headache.

      So, by 6:00 PM, we had gotten to Boston, and been admitted to room 58 at Mass General.


      So, like expected, on my second visit to the doctor, he didn’t find anything wrong. To be truthful, I had almost expected, even wanted him to find something this time. Even though I hadn’t had an episode like the one on my birthday yet, I couldn’t just forget about what had happened. For those few moments, I felt so alive. I felt like a superhuman, seeing and hearing everything. It was such an empowering feeling that I had fainted. But it was okay. It was probably for the better that I hadn’t had any more episodes.

      Because Robert had told me that he would drop me off, run an errand, and come immediately back, I still had a few minutes because of how quick the examination had been. I decided to take a stroll around the hospital. I had forgotten my phone at home, so there really was nothing else for me to do. Who sits down and reads those magazines anyway?

      Somewhere along my stroll, I realized that the room numbering system was funky. My room had been room 157, but every room skipped two numbers, so that the sequence went 157, 154, and so on. It wasn’t a big deal, it just seemed like an odd quirk at the time.

      But as I approached 71, I heard a group of doctors discussing a patient inside. I couldn’t hear much, because the door was closed and they were speaking quietly. I put my ear to the door to listen. I heard bits and pieces of sentences:

      “He …. normal”



      “But it is simply exceptional!”

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