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It has a flagstone courtyard, medieval gray stone walls and winged serpents guarding the Gothic front door. Its appearance makes you feel like you are going back in time. It has 106 units.

      When it first opened, the building was known as having the very latest in modern conveniences. It promoted Eureka gas ranges. The Eureka ranges are long gone, but the original tile remains in most bathrooms, and the apartments retain the arched doorways, original woodwork, hardwood floors, telephone nooks and glass doorknobs popular in the 30's.

      All of the apartments are either one bedroom or studios. The accommodations are geared more towards the younger people. Most of the residents living there are under thirty. One man who has lived there for twenty five years claims that "In the early days, you had to have references to get in."

      Although the apartment building is known to be haunted, surprisingly the residents don't mind it because they remain living in the apartment units for many years. There is only a 5 percent vacancy rate as compared to the average rate which is about 13 percent. That's pretty good considering the building has an ominous appearance.

       Paranormal Phenomenon

      The resident manager of the Grosvenor twice has seen a tall, broad shouldered man dressed in a dark suit and fedora in one of the large mirrors in the lobby. He was staring at her.

      A weekend manager also saw the man in the mirror, heard silverware banging in the kitchen sink in the middle of the night and once a very bright light flashed between her and a friend in the elevator after the friend accidently flicked off the overhead light.

      The manager also states that one time when her hands were full of laundry, some unseen force pushed the elevator button for her.

      The ancient Otis elevators often skips floors or stops between them for no apparent reason.

      A woman left for the weekend and turned off all her electronics and appliances. When she returned home, the t.v. was on and on a sports channel. She never watches sports or that channel.

      When a visitor took the elevator alone for the first time, she pushed the number five but it took her to floor level eight. This is where the apparition of the woman upstairs has been seen. The elevator paused as if deciding, then eased back down and stopped dead between levels three and four.

      On the top floor there are storage units. Nobody likes going there alone because the units are crypt like and the area is dimly lit. It has a very creepy and foreboding aura about it. It is always cold even when it is hot outside. Many people have sensed a presence of a spirit there.

       My Investigation

      In October of 2009, I went on the Denver, Colorado ghost tour. We covered many haunted locations in the Capital Hill district. Although the Victorian homes appear to be big, beautiful and inviting in the daytime, they take on a dark and menacing appearance at night. Just walking around them and photographing them at night time is very creepy.

      It was a crisp, chilly night, but very clear. I was walking around the streets and I kept feeling like someone was behind me. I kept glancing over my shoulder to see if something was there. It felt like someone or something was watching our every move and listening intently to the history of the haunted locations. Was this spirit curious about us as much as we were about it?

      As usual, I started veering away from the group, trying to photograph areas that I felt the most energy. I mainly got orbs in all the photos that I took. It's incredible how sometimes when I go on ghost tours, I don't get anything in the photos and other times I get a tremendous amount of activity. This night it was the latter. Some areas felt a lot scarier than others. Overall, I felt some of these locations were truly evil and I sensed something bad happened there. I didn't want to linger around these spots too long. I would photograph the haunted area quickly and move on to the next location.

      As the night went on, it started to drizzle then snow very lightly. I had to stop photographing otherwise my pictures would be altered and not an authentic indication of paranormal activity. We did however explore many haunted places that night and I was able to get multiple orbs in six of the locations before it started snowing. The orb activity is not as compelling as other evidence I have captured at other haunted locations but the feelings that I encountered that night, as well as the morbid history behind these locations are worth mentioning. I do believe I captured some true orbs that night. If these orbs were weather related they would have appeared in all fifteen locations that night but they only appeared in six. Some were very large and bright, others appeared right in front of my camera, while others hovered around certain windows of the houses. After leaving these places I felt truly frightened and unsettled the rest of the night.

      I remember pulling up to this menacing looking building. I was impressed with the massive size of this Gothic looking apartment complex.

      I started taking pictures immediately as I got out of the car. I captured many huge white glowing orbs. One was right in front of me. It looked like it was moving very fast towards my car.

      It was very cold that night and it started snowing lightly. I took more photos while it was snowing and also got what appeared to be orbs. I compared the orb photos from before it started snowing and after it had snowed. The orbs looked very different. The orbs that were photographed before it started to snow appeared to be hard and white and seemed to have a slight trail behind them. It looked as if they were moving, burning and radiating its own light source. I believe these particular orbs were paranormal in nature.

      The other photos that were taken when it began to snow looked like they were caused by the environment and not paranormal. They probably were dust, moisture, or flakes of snow. They didn't appear as large; they were more consistent in size. They were more translucent and they didn't have a glowing or burning trail behind them.

      There was an obvious difference in the orb photographs. I sensed the charged electricity in the air. There seemed to be spirits walking among us.

      I would like to go back to Denver and explore other haunted locations. We only toured a small section of this very haunted city.

      Peabody Whitehead Mansion

       Denver, Colorado



       Silverware, pots & pans fly around by themselves / Dishes & glassware break suddenly / Lights flashing on by themselves / Sounds of ringing servant's bells & phones / Flickering chandelier / Apparition of a woman in the mirror / Strong odor of pipe tobacco / Apparition of an older man


       Haunted History

      The Peabody Whitehead Mansion was built in 1889, by architect Frank Edbrooke. He also designed "The Brown Palace Hotel."

      It is a three story brick mansion that is $6,635 square feet. It was constructed for $15,000. The architecture of the house employ's the massive masonary walls and chimneys and a steeply pitched roof of an English county house. It has a big porch and the original facade that faces the street.

      The mansion served for two years as the state governor's residence during the

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