The Rising. Stephanie Doyle-Cocchi

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The Rising - Stephanie Doyle-Cocchi

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and John stood together on one side of the meeting hall and Bobby stood on the other. there was a map of the United States pinned to the wall and as each person spoke a sticker was added to an area. The map would go with Bobby, if anyone found it, it looked like a map people keep when traveling to mark the places they have seen or want to see. There would be no way for anyone to assume it was a map of hard targets set up years in advance waiting for the signal to go to war and overthrow the government. The map was filling up quickly. much of the west would be filled in within the week, once those areas had been contacted and confirmed. The goal of this movement was to have as little collateral damage as possible, they were not planning to blow up buildings or start shooting people in open areas. They were planning to take hostages and in some extreme cases kill people they felt were a threat that could not be neutralized. They were hoping to act simultaneously on scattered targets so that it would be impossible for the Army or National Guard to be able to engage any group efficiently and if it went down like they were hoping the old government would fall in a matter of days. The plan was to go back to the old way of governing, the way the forefathers had intended. The representatives from each group would form a new senate and congress and Mark would be President, that of course was not going to happen and Bobby didn't want the job, but they would cross the last bridge when they came to it. Most everyone had spoken with someone and had their flags placed on the board, they were assigned a group to travel to if necessary to put those plans in motion and report back. However, Bob, the man who had spoken up sat in the same seat watching it all take place. Bobby went over and sat in the seat next to him. "Everything OK Frank?"

      "Yes, I am glad that we are moving forward. It is what he would have done if it had been any of us. It is time, the Government isn't going to suddenly get better and we need to strike before it gets worse. However, I need to speak with you privately I have one concern and you are the only person I trust to share that with." He didn't look at Bobby he simply looked straight ahead and waited for an answer. As he was waiting for an answer John came over and said good bye. The plan was for them to leave at different times and arrive back at the house separately, again to avoid suspicion. Bobby said good bye and he headed out.

      "Let's take a walk." he started toward the door stopping to speak with Thomas briefly then headed outside. Frank was waiting for him under a large oak tree. "So, what's on your mind Frank?"

      "I am concerned we have a mole. I am local but I am representative of the DC division and you know what our targets are. I am concerned that Mark was a target today, a result of a mole in the DC group. We knew he would be in NY today, we knew about the protests against the President who was in town and we all knew how he would react if the protest got in his way. I am concerned the protest was orchestrated down to the very location of it. I am not sure what to do. If I go back to my group and set the orders I am basically giving the mole, if we have one, all the information for the most important part of this." he paused and ran his hands over his face.

      The reality if Frank's statements hit Bobby hard. He was still trying to decide if he believed it was a coincidence and now he was basically being told it was not. The DC cog was the largest and most important piece of the puzzle. "OK, go back and tell them we are green light lit, but no date. Let's see if we can flush out the mole. If there is a mole and it is not just our paranoia. I will come down in a week see if anyone is pushing about dates, etc. I am not sure how else to handle this, we cannot succeed without your group and we cannot allow them to be slaughtered if there is a mole."

      There was a long silence when suddenly Thomas came out. "Bobby everything OK?"

      "Fine, just enjoying the fresh air."

      "OK I am going to catch a ride with Marco and he will drop me at Mark's. We are going to grab a few beers."

      "OK, be careful!" Thomas was a grown man, but he was also his nephew and he watched over him like he was his own son. He was his ex wife's, sister's son but she was a drunk and a drug abuser, she had been for as long as he knew her. No one knew who his dad was, no one was even sure if Louise knew, but having a baby didn't change her behavior or her habit and so Thomas had come to live with him and Susie when he was a toddler. When he caught Susie cheating and filed for divorce he attempted to gain custody of Thomas. Because he and Susie were not his biological parents and her sister had never given up custody it was denied. However, he was lucky that the judge was sympathetic and was impressed that Bobby wanted to be part of his life so he arranged a visitation schedule that continued even after Thomas was placed back with his mother. Both Susie and her sister Louise hated that Bobby was allowed to see Thomas, but they had a great bond. When Thomas turned 18 he moved in with Bobby and had been there since. Louise had died of a drug overdose about a year ago and occasionally Susie would call or visit him, in the end Bobby was the only real family Thomas had.

      "I will, jeeze! Bet I beat you home!" he laughed and headed to the truck with Marco.

      Frank spoke suddenly. "It isn't the best plan, but it will have to do. Now that I demanded a closer date I am worried it isn't enough time to flush out the mole. The bigger problem is I am not sure there is a mole. I will assemble my group day after tomorrow. Green light lit no date. We will expect you a week from then and in the mean time hope for a miracle." The men shook hands and half hugged patting each other on the back and headed back inside. Most of the men had gone and Bobby shook hands with Peter, Marco's dad and the head of this local group.

      "I knew your brother in law pretty well, we had been friends and comrades in this movement long before he moved here. Frank is right about several things. Sooner is better than later, Labor Day looks like we were not an organized machine, it might look like we rose up in three months as a result of what happened and we don't want to look like that, If we expect the support of the average American we need to look like we are organized and that we know what we are doing. That we are a BETTER choice than what we are being force fed. Next, the 5th is the perfect date, I love the idea of 4th BBQ's everywhere being a cover for the final staging area. He is also correct if he just told you that there is a mole in the DC group." the last sentence shocked Bobby, how could he know that is what they were talking about? Was this group bugging the trees? That was a violation of the charter rules.

      "What makes you think that is what we were talking about?" he tried to play it off, but he had already reacted to the statement, there was no going back.

      "Mark thought there was too. I don't think he believed they would try to take him out. If he had thought that he probably would have been more careful out there today. However, he was concerned about a small group down in DC who have many questions that don't relate to their piece of the puzzle. Everyone knows that the whole point to the way he set this up is no one knows the whole thing except him, and maybe a few others. This allows people to feel safe that they only know their part and others DON'T know their part. It allows deniability and if it was a disaster lesser charges. He was planning to handle it himself, but mentioned it to me on a fishing trip not too long ago. The concern was DC is a crucial part of the operation. It has to be flawless. He often felt if the rest of everything fell apart we could still be successful if DC was. What can I do to help without getting involved with DC's piece?"

      "Right now nothing, did he happen to know or say who he was worried about?"

      "No just that it was a group of 8, he wasn't sure if all 8 were moles or one of the 8 or a combination. However, they are too nosy and he didn't trust them. They might not be moles, they could just be too eager and he wasn't a fan of that either. Either way, if they think you have all the information you might now have a target on your back."

      "Thanks, will let you know if you can help in any way, but right now just work on your piece and I'll see you at the 100th anniversary!" the men shook hands again, Bobby retrieved his phone from the box in the lobby and headed to his truck. He got in and started to drive out. As he was driving he noticed a piece of paper wedged under his wiper. He pulled over and pulled it out getting in and driving

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