The Band. PJ Shay

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The Band - PJ Shay

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the other three made their way through the chaos to where Shartha was pointing. Sure enough, they could see the faint silvery-blue glint of jumagium amidst the dust and debris. Matakh gave Shartha a hearty pat on the shoulder, his aggravation gone in a flash. “Good work. Now, let’s see if we can get it out of here.”

      It didn’t take long for the four of them to pry the capsule free from the meager pile covering it, and a close examination gave no indication that it had been damaged. However, getting it up the stairs proved to be a far more challenging task. The incredibly dense jumagium walls made it surprisingly heavy, and just lifting it was difficult. It took several minutes to finally work out the best way to maneuver the container up to the ground floor, by which time they were all red-faced and panting from the exertion. Shartha had fared the worst, having sustained a pulled bicep, but he kept silent to avoid raising the others’ concern.

      After catching his breath, Matakh felt around for a few moments, finally locating the control switch for the capsule’s lid. As soon as he triggered it there was a loud hiss of escaping air as the magnetic seal was broken, the hatch flying upwards from the pressure. Recessed light strips flickered on to illuminate the well-padded compartment within, which also appeared undamaged.

      “Alright, then, let’s fill this baby up,” Meea said brightly, unzipping her case and beginning to place its contents reverently inside the capsule.

      Shartha suddenly held out a small tote bag, a faint blush coloring his ears. “I have a few more things for you guys,” he said sheepishly. “When I was trying to walk off the headache from my fall, I found some of your parents’ treasures in the mess.” He opened the bag and tilted it so they could look inside, and both of the lion siblings gasped. Nestled within the tote were several of their mother’s knick-knacks and trinkets, their father’s reading glasses, and the family Bible that had been handed down all the way from Kotaho’s great-grandfather. “I also found your parents’ safe,” the cheetah added, indicating to a small black box a few feet away.

      “So that’s why it took you so long to come down to the basement,” Meea said. She stood and walked over to embrace Shartha. “Thank you so much.”

      “You’re welcome,” he told her softly, a soft smile on his face.

      Once the capsule had been filled completely, the four set about trying to move it to the burial site. It was only a short distance, but the weight of their load made it seem far longer. Halfway along Matakh hissed softly in pain, and when Meea looked over she could see a thin trail of crimson leaking from beneath his hand. She realized that the cut on his palm had opened up again. “You okay over there, bro?”

      “Just fine,” he replied, his voice strained from the weight they were carrying. Seeing the concern in her eyes, he smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Mee. Once we’re finished you can bandage it up if you want. Just focus on the work for now.”

      Meea nodded, strengthening her grip on the capsule as they redoubled their efforts. But even so, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing now and then at her brother’s hand. The sight of his blood running down the polished metal surface made her stomach churn. She wasn’t normally squeamish, but seeing her brother hurting upset her greatly.

      When they reached the site, the capsule was gently lowered to the ground before the four cats reached for their shovels and began to dig. Working together, it only took a few minutes to make a hole deep enough for the capsule to rest in safely. Still, all the effort of the day was beginning to take its toll, and all four of them were sweating and panting by the time they had finished. Matakh’s hand was throbbing dully, though the bleeding had stopped, and Shartha was struggling to ignore the pain in his arm.

      “Okay,” Matakh told the others as they moved around the capsule. “On the count of three, we’ll lift this up and set it in the hole. Everyone, get a good grip. Meea and I will get the back, while Shartha and Timirza take the front.” He waited until everyone was in position before nodding. “Okay. One… two… three!”

      The four cats tensed their legs and lifted together, slowly and arduously hefting the capsule up off the ground. Shartha hissed as he felt the pain in his arm flare up, but he managed to maintain his grip, claws somehow managing to find purchase.

      “Everyone… alright?” Matakh forced out, straining at the heavy load.

      “Yeah,” Timirza gasped. “Now, let’s get this baby into that pit.”

      They maneuvered the capsule over the hole, and began lowering it down slowly. But it was at that point that Shartha finally reached his limit. Without warning, the dull ache in his bicep became a blinding agony, a cry of pain tearing from his lips. His entire arm erupted into spasms, and his grip on the smooth metal surface failed. Before the others could correct themselves the capsule had tumbled from their arms and fallen directly into the pit. It fit perfectly, but they were too focused on Shartha to notice.

      “Shartha!” Timirza exclaimed, taking her brother’s good hand. “Are you alright?”

      “I’m… just fine,” Shartha said, his face twisted in a grimace of pain. He tried to move his throbbing arm, but a shock of tearing pain forced another yelp from him, his other hand moving to clutch at the throbbing muscle. “I just need a moment.”

      “Where does it hurt?” Meea asked, stepping over to him.

      “My right arm,” he replied through clenched teeth. “The upper area. I think it’s my bicep.”

      Meea nodded before gingerly starting to run her fingers over the area. As she passed over the spot he had indicated, her face darkened. “This might hurt,” she warned, pressing lightly. The effect was immediate; Shartha yowled in pain and jumped away, his eyes watering.

      “What was that for?!” he practically howled at her as soon as he was able.

      “I just needed to be sure,” she told him. “And I think you’ll need more than a minute. I’m pretty sure you tore a muscle.”

      “Great,” Shartha muttered. “Are you sure it’s not just pulled?”

      “Pretty sure,” Meea replied. “I’m no doctor, but I was top of my class in anatomy and physiology. Something doesn’t feel right in your arm. And the way you reacted when I pressed down was a bit much for a strain.”

      “Just what I need,” the cheetah grumbled. “How long will it take before the pain goes away?”

      Meea looked at the cheetah gravely. “Well, that muscle probably won’t heal fully for a few days, longer if you keep trying to use it. But if you just keep your arm still, the pain should dull in about thirty minutes.”

      Shartha groaned. “Perfect. Just perfect! Now I’m no use to anybody.”

      “Hey, relax,” Matakh assured his friend. “You’ve done a lot of hard work. You just need to take a little break, that’s all. There’s no shame in that. And there’s definitely no point in trying to fight your body.”

      “What I want to know,” Meea asked worriedly, “is why you didn’t say anything earlier. I thought something was bothering you before, but you just kept quiet.”

      “I’m sorry,” Shartha said meekly. “I probably should have spoken up. But I just didn’t want to be a bother to anybody. I mean, I already held us up when I fell, and you had to search the basement and get cut up on your own. I didn’t want to seem

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