And Then There Is Love. Lori Buckman

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And Then There Is Love - Lori Buckman

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my God. I forgot” – he began to smile lazily – “believe me!” What had she expected? Had she really expected this? Had she really expected only to serve him dinner and receive a chaste peck on the cheek and a, ‘thank you for inviting me?’ My God what a liar I am!

      She reached up and drew her index finger over his high cheekbones and her thumb tenderly touched his lips. He kissed her fingertips. His extremely long eyelashes butterfly-kissed her neck up to her ears where he nibbled on her lobes. The sensation destroyed any reservations she had; she boldly reached out and lifted his sweater over his head. She gasped. His body! It was like that of a god. She shivered – how powerful it was. Suddenly, she felt so tiny and insignificant next to him. But growing even bolder, she lowered her hands to his pants to release his throbbing manhood. She gulped, backed up and sat on her bed. She reached out to his member, “Come.” And without any reservation, her hand and then her mouth engulfed it. He gasped. What pleasure! He began to pump slowly but with a grunt, he quickly pulled out of her mouth. Have I done something wrong? With the smidgeon of modesty left her, she reached out to pull the drapes together.

      He stayed her hand. “No, I want to see all of you.” She whispered in embarrassment, “I haven’t in a long time, in over a year.”

      “No? I’ll take it slow.”

      Once she was completely naked she tried to move under the covers. She had never liked her body and her last boyfriend, telling her that 125 pounds on her 5’6” frame was too overweight for him, confirmed it. But Silvio stayed her effort.

      “No, no blankets.” He repeated, “I want to see all of you.”

      He shrugged off the remainder of his clothes. Straddling her, he ran his hands up and down her body, from her throat to her thighs. A low, comforting sound from deep within his throat told her that she…excited him? She shivered in anticipation, desire and not a little fear – she had never known a man to cause such conflicting emotions in her. Both of his large hands cupped her breasts gently. He whispered, “Perfect. I knew they would be.” He bent and encircled each nipple with his hot tongue. “Barbara,” he whispered. When he gently kissed her lips it was the kiss of a lover, not a plunderer, for he had all the time in the world. His tongue stroked her mouth to ecstasy. By slow degrees her starved body relaxed, became suppler and welcoming. A picture of her recurring dream flitted through her mind.

      “Now, Silvio. Now!”

      “Not yet. Love is to be savored.”

      “I am savoring it, every bit of it but please, now!” she begged.

      “No, amore.”

      He drew his lips slowly, unhurriedly down her body and buried them in her maidenhair. She practically lurched for the sensation was pure, lovely torture. His head nudged her thighs apart – that she closed twice - and his lips found her. A beat of warmth began where his tongue touched her. She began to pull away. “What? No man…” From down below, he chuckled. Warmth began to grow with each beat and soon warmth became almost too hot, and her breathing took on a rhythm of its own.

      “Now, now!”

      He pulled away from her just as the beating was becoming unbearably, deliciously white hot.

      “Silvio!” she screamed. She grasped his head and pushed it back down.

      “No, Barbara.” He rose, kissed her lips again, and again nudged her thighs apart. The first thrust caused a whimper of delight from her and a grunt of satisfaction from him. Each thrust brought another kind of warmth but that warmth, too, grew hotter and hotter. He felt heat, too. Her coming orgasm was his, too. And when it was too much to bear, they both screamed.

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