A Better Tomorrow. D. C. Dalby

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A Better Tomorrow - D. C. Dalby

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      Ward aimed a digital camera at the teenage girl and snapped a few pictures. “Depends what you like.” He shrugged. “She’s a tralk. We probably all picked her up at some time or another.” He frowned slightly. “After a while they all start to look alike.” He studied the image on the camera screen and gave another indifferent shrug. “What makes her so special?”

      The girl was in a doorway. She was short and slightly built, Her hair was blonde, but a badly dyed blonde and her makeup, even from this distance, looked inexpertly applied. She wore a short denim skirt and knee length black boots. It was hard to see her top because she wore an anorak which was zipped up against the weather.

      “Never does anything but rain here.” Stanger said. “She’s the one that got…herself…into problems when that photographer was murdered.”

      “Oh right.” Ward said. He sounded indifferent. You spend enough time in this job with the wrong people and you get like Ward, Stanger thought. Maybe he was going that way himself. Cynical. Indifferent. Rather stupid. He doubted that either of them were like that when they first joined the force. Back then, if he remembered, he thought he was about to do something useful. “What about her?”

      “Just keeping an eye on her.” Stanger said. “Routine surveillance.” It was enough of the truth for him to say it with a straight face. They were keeping an eye on Hannah McShane. Just not for the Elm Street police.

      Ward didn’t much care. He snapped a couple more pictures. “She’s being pretty quiet today.”

      Stanger watched the rain come down. “I’m not too surprised. The CID was interested in her at the time of the killing.”

      “Yeah. I remember. She killed that woman and got away with it.”

      “Well she didn’t kill anyone. The photographer was killed by some security guard who had a personal grudge against her.”

      “Same thing.” Ward said, perversely and indifferently.

      Stanger immediately gave up trying to explain the difference between being guilty and being innocent. The game was certainly not worth the candle. “You ever wonder why they were interested in her?” He tried to say that as casually as he could.

      Ward shrugged, “Who knows with the CID. Maybe they fancied her.”

      “It wouldn’t be the first time.” Stanger said. “I heard she wasn’t interested though.”

      “Same thing.” Ward said. A comment that made no sense in any context. Stanger wished he had Ward’s ability to just switch off and ignore any conversation that was going on around him. Maybe that was just another sign of the man’s general indifference.

      “Makes you wonder why a tralk like that wasn’t interested. They usually go along with whatever the CID come up with.”

      Ward shrugged. He was scrolling through the images on the camera. None of them would have won any prizes in a photographic show. “She probably just needed a bit of persuading.”

      “Yes.” Stanger said, thinking of how quickly Hannah had been arrested for murder. “You’re probably right there. That would explain it.”

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