Vampire, Hunter. Maria Arnt

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Vampire, Hunter - Maria Arnt

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don't need to get inside the building," she pointed out patiently. "I just want to talk—"

      "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid I have to ask you to step outside the tape," he said, extending a hand as if to make her back up.

      Tanya resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Look, the people of this city have the right to know what's going on here," she raised her voice in the hopes of being heard by someone within. At this point, he decided to try the hands-on approach and grabbed her arm.

      She was about to hand his ass to him when a voice called from inside the nest. "What is it, Lee?"

      "Just a vulture, sir," Lee shouted back over his shoulder.

      "Snarky redhead with a press badge?"

      Lee stopped trying to show her out and really looked at her. "Yes, sir," he said, bemused.

      A man ducked under the tape, coming out into the street. Tanya smiled. Here, at least, was one place where TV and real life agreed. Detective Bradley looked like all the detectives she had ever watched on screen: short, a little thick around the middle, balding with a horseshoe mustache to compensate.

      He smiled at her. "Cooper. I knew you'd show up eventually."

      "Detective Bradley. Just doing my job, like you." She shot a glare at Lee.

      "Of course." Bradley turned to him and said, "Why don't you see if Dr. Chase needs some help?" he suggested. "There's a lot of bodies."

      The rookie looked between Tanya and Bradley, clearly torn between his sense of duty and the desire to get the cooler job. "Sure," he said at last, returning Tanya’s glare before he ducked through the taped doorway.

      "Wow. Any greener and he could lead the St. Patrick's Day parade," she muttered.

      Bradley chuckled. "Well, you know. Better for this sort of investigation."

      She lifted an eyebrow. "And what kind of investigation would that be?"

      "The kind you show up to and poke your nose around. Twenty-six bodies, no signs of trauma. Seventeen males, nine females, various ages but no one over forty, all looked in good health," he rattled off.

      "Drugs?" she suggested.

      He frowned. "Well, we found some cocaine, but we think they were only dealing. It was all kept in one place."

      "So what's the story gonna be?" she asked, moving out of the way as a gurney rolled out the door, the first of many bodies on it. It certainly wouldn’t be the truth that he suggested to his colleagues, and she knew he would have to come up with something convincing for them.

      He sighed. "Carbon monoxide? Looks like they all went in their sleep."

      "Why aren't they pink then?" She gestured toward the body.

      "They aren’t always. Maybe some other gas, though. We don't know yet. We'll need the coroner to do some tests back in the lab," he argued. This was his way of saying he'd think of something later. "And you? I imagine you have some kind of crazy story explaining how twenty-six people mysteriously die at once with no visible cause of death. What is it this time, aliens?"

      "Nope, cult." She grinned. "I checked, there have been a lot of disappearances and deaths in this area. I think they were practicing human sacrifice," she said dramatically.

      Laughing, Bradley shook his head. "So what, they all drank the kool aid and went to bed?"

      "Exactly," she agreed.

      He rubbed his mustache thoughtfully. "So then, where would the leader of this cult be?"

      Tanya shrugged. "Took out the trash and got the hell out of Dodge," she suggested. "Maybe he wanted a clean break so he just wrapped everything up and left. He's probably long gone, hiding out in some dump somewhere."

      Bradley's eyes twinkled at the riddle. It was a game they played—she left him breadcrumbs so he would be the one to close her cases, making sure no one dug any deeper. Four years ago when she had started hunting vampires in the greater St. Louis area, Bradley had hauled her into the precinct for questioning. A group of serial killers he'd been trying to pin down had turned up dead, and she'd been sloppy.

      She had been young, and she freaked out and told him the whole truth. Fortunately, he hadn't needed much convincing. His daughter had disappeared years ago, and he’d found out the truth about vampires the hard way. He’d devoted his career to chasing down bloodsuckers, and her marks had just been his latest investigation.

      Ever since then, he'd been working with her from the inside, covering up her work and even giving her leads when she ran dry. He was the coolest cop she knew, and they both rested a little easier thanks to their arrangement. That, and she thought Bradley probably got his kicks trying to figure out where she'd stashed the Masters.

      "Well. That's an interesting idea," he said. "I'm sure the rags will pay good money for it."

      She snorted. "Yeah, they'll eat it up. Everybody loves a good story."

      He nodded his agreement. "One of the guys had a freaky tattoo. You want a picture?"

      "Sure." She hefted her camera, and he led her into the warehouse.

      It was always weird for her, coming back. She didn't get the old ‘the murderer always comes back to the scene’ theory, Tanya would have preferred to never set foot in there again. Every cop they passed was just one more witness, and it set her on edge. The warehouse looked different, lit up with halogen lights exposing every nook and cranny. It made the place seem surreal.

      Bradley showed her the body with the tattoo. It was a pentagram. How edgy, she thought sarcastically, but snapped a few pics anyway. She got more money when she had pictures to go with the story.

      “Hey, no pictures,” Davis approached them, her hand held out in the same authoritative gesture Lee had used. When she saw who it was, though, she sighed. Glancing between Bradley and Tanya, she shook her head and turned away. “I never saw anything!” She threw her hands up in the air and went on her way.

      Tanya had never liked Bradley’s partner. She refused to believe in vampires, and generally devoted her life to convincing Tom he was crazy. Why he didn’t get a different partner was a mystery to her.

      As they walked back out of the nest, Bradley asked her casually, “Hey, did you find that guy you were looking for?”

      She shook her head. “Nah. I think maybe he left town.” Honestly, she should have thought of looking outside of St. Louis sooner, but working with Bradley had made things easier here.

      He grunted, obviously having reached the same conclusion. "You got any leads lined up?"

      Tanya smiled grimly. "I've got something up in Chicago I'm gonna go look into."

      "Chicago?" He lifted his eyebrows. "That's a little out of the way.”

      "Yeah, well, I think it's a really good lead," she said truthfully. "St. Louis isn't the den of iniquity it once was," she laughed.

      He chewed on the corner of his mustache a little, thinking. "I know a guy up in Chicago, name’s Shiro. He’s a bit… overenthusiastic, but he does good

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