Silver. Susie Harris

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Silver - Susie Harris

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concerned. That Morgana had disappeared before anything else had happened in either of our worlds. Oberon had called for Michael and myself. When only Michael had appeared both the fae and my brothers and sisters had searched for me. They had concluded that whatever had happened to Morgana must have happened to me. Michael was a mess. Galadriel had petitioned the Valor to take him to the fae-blessed realm to bring him back from despair. They had agreed as the fae council held Michael in high regard for all he had done for the fae.. But that's another story that will have to wait for another day. When he came back he was solid but not the same. I interrupted her then and asked who had looked after Hov while he was gone. I couldn't imagine the Valor allowing him to come to the blessed realm. The fae never liked any of Gna's kind or anything to do with their magic.

      She laughed then; it was such a magical sound and said of course not he had stayed with Loki in the human realm. This information shocked me a little, as Michael leaving the care of someone so special to him to Loki seemed a little strange. Although on second thought, Loki did love animals. He certainly would do his best to never harm one, so perhaps it was a logical choice and Hov did love him. So I guess it made some sense. Perhaps the relationship between Michael and Loki had grown a little since I last saw them...

      I did ask when Loki had returned from Nibiru and she told me it was a few years before this incident. She said no one had missed me during this time. She guessed they had just presumed I was with whoever they weren't. She was ashamed that she had not even noticed or thought anything of the coincidence that no one had seen me since Loki had left. She said she couldn't have missed me at her wedding in case I was wondering because Oberon had forbidden anyone but fae to attend. Relationships between our kind has always been on again and off again. So I presumed it was off again at that time. I put her at ease saying we live such long lives it isn't unusual for us not to be seen for centuries; so a human was not surprising that no one noticed my absence. It was actually something I was counting on when I decided to become human.

      I apologized for not checking on her and I hoped married life was agreeing with her. She smiled with a glow on her face and said it was wonderful. I promised to send a present to her and Red as soon as I was able. She bowed her head and said it was not necessary my thoughts were enough. She is such a beautiful being inside and out that comment just reminded me of that.

      I asked her to continue with what had been occurring as obviously I felt like somehow I was supposed to do something about it. She agreed on the later so continued telling me of the events I had missed.

      Apparently it was several months after Morgana disappeared that the first of our kind was taken. It was Brap, though not one of the hierarchies he was skilled at finding metals and was used by both our kind and the fae to find whatever metal we needed. He didn't have any other duties other than that.

      According to her Oberon felt he was a greater loss to her kind as we had taken him for granted only calling on him when needed. They had respected and loved him. Including him in their lives. Perhaps she was right. We have stopped looking out for each other and socializing together. Considering nobody had noticed me not being around until Morgana was taken. We should be more observant of each other, considering we are supposed to be watching out for humanity. Perhaps watching out for each other should become a directive as well.

      She continued to explain that after this incident Oberon had grounded all royalty. The wizards were sent for and were tasked with finding out what had happened.

      Several months later they still didn't seem to have an answer. They reported that they could still feel a faint thread of Morgana’s life force in the human realm.

      Then Michael had returned to them and said that several of his brothers and sisters had been taken. He was very concerned. He said there seemed to be massive amounts of our power being collected but he could not trace the locality. Every time he went to a position that he had centered on, it was gone when he arrived. The only thing he had been able to see through telepathy was a curtain of heliotrope or bloodstone in what he thought was feather shaped patterns. He also spoke of a growling sound.

      This is all that I had seen when I had been able to connect to San during him being taken. I had not noticed that the bloodstone looked feather like in appearance but looking back...he was probably right.

      She said there had been two others of the fae taken recently. One was a keeper of records and the other a wizard. Both were in the human world when it happened. That is when Raziel had come to stay in Valinor. Oberon had agreed to this as the knowledge he had collected over the years of the fae is not something they wished to share with anyone. Oberon helped Raziel hide the library of records in Eden so that no one would find it. That is why I wouldn't have been able to find the entry in Eden, or Raziel for that matter. I hadn't searched the fae realm. At least I knew now he was safe.

      Oberon had then called the legions into training as Raziel counseled him too. He felt that whatever is occurring with the loss of my brothers and sisters was only the beginning and the fae should do everything in their power to prepare for the worst.

      She then told me that when I had visited Valinor I had caused a great turmoil. Because I was right, they had seen me even with the cloak on. The only thing they saw was a silver flash of light appearing to shoot into the sky then dissipates into nothing. They were perplexed but not frightened when they sent the first legion to investigate. It had only been when I had created the energy form that they had become concerned. They had followed it out the exit and then had seen the tree almost immediately transforming before their eyes. Larimor was that legions captain and he had appeared before Legolas very shaken explaining what had occurred. That entire legion now had silver highlights in their hair. But Larimor had veins of silver running up his arms. He had touched the tree while it was obviously absorbing my power.

      Legolas had gone to try and investigate the tree but the entry was now a solid silver line reaching towards the sky. He had also touched the vein and his hand was almost a solid glow of silver.

      The wizards had been called and they said that the power used was pure light energy. There was no negative energy in it. They had never seen anything like it but Raziel said he had. Apparently on Nibiru some of the buildings are made of this exact compound. He believed our Father made them. But he said the energy did not feel exactly the same it was lighter and slightly softer.

      Oberon was extremely angry. He said if our Father had sent someone to his land without introduction and then closed one of his gates killing a gate tree! Well let's just say he was severely insulted.

      Raziel had taken his wrath and tried hard to explain that no one had seen our Father on earth for centuries. Perhaps whoever this force was, was not acting on direct orders from him. He had said he knew no one of our kind that could perform such magic. But Oberon had not been sated. The travel ban was reinforced and all of our kind was to appear before him if they requested entry.

      After this we both sat there for a while not speaking. I eventually broke the silence and asked if their wizards still felt that all who had been taken where still alive somewhere. She said that at this time that is what they believe they could feel a small spark from each who had been taken but could not trace it, with their magic or Raziels.

      She then turned to me and said that after what I had just told her perhaps my Father had given me these extraordinary powers to fight whatever is attacking us all.

      I said that seems to be the only conclusion I can come to. But I didn't want to leave my human life to take this on full time. So where should I go from here.

      She suggested that I should reveal myself to Michael. She felt it would be the right thing to do. The least it would do is give Michael peace to know I am alive and well. I told her that I was concerned he would ask me to give up my human life. She said and she was right that Michael can ask but cannot order me

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