Introducing King David The Messiah: Walking WIth God. King Jr David

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Introducing King David The Messiah:  Walking WIth God - King Jr David

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the city can and will change too.

      The son goes to school from 8,30 am to 11,00 am four days a week. He also plays video games, board games, spends time with the dog, watches cartoons, and so forth.

      The husband wants to know what else there is to do aside from work. The lady says the same and knows there is no point in utopia unless there is something entertaining to do as well.

      He goes to football practice twice a week, and plays matches every 3 to 5 days. He also plays golf once a week, gets involved in the bridge league, and does yoga once a week. It is encouraged to do some cardiovascular exercise throughout the week, for maybe 30 minutes at a time, so he takes a spin class and runs the treadmill at the nearby gym. He needs to keep his mind sharp, so he takes a photography and biology class, and indulges in math riddles at least twice a week.

      And of course, the lady enjoys her free time as well. She makes pottery, takes baking classes and spends time playing the violin with the orchestra. She also wants to sing, yet her voice isn't the best, however is encouraged to write songs because it's all just for fun. She's not really into athletics, yet needs to be involved with some type of fitness, so she takes a 30 kilometre bike ride with her friends once a week, and also does pilates and uses the Stairmaster.

      The family spends several nights a week together and sometimes Saturday mornings. Because it's not recommended to dwell together 7 days a week, 365 days a week for all eternity, they both spend time with different people. When they are together, however, they enjoy playing board games, watching movies, taking hikes with the dog, picnics, the beach, potlucks, BBQs and etc.

      The son enjoys playing with his friends and wants his cousin to join too, yet the father knows it's a terrible earth still, and tells him to be patient as his parents have yet to change. However, the issue is overheard, and there is an effort to bring the cousin over. It told it is possible, yet his parents aren't the cruel sort, so it may be unwise to do this sort of thing unless of course, something wrong happens.

      Someday, peace on earth. Right now, we just have to do the best possible and take care of ourselves, and others as well.

      The End Of Hatred

      The goal is for parents to tell their kids, "Who cares if he's Filipino or she's Albanian, and we're French. Let's get some Italian food tonight and embrace the world's ethnic differences otherwise it'd be terribly boring without diversity."

      God's goal is to teach every little person the truth, "All are beautiful no matter what." And the parents can say, "Yep, let's go dancing next year in Prague then sunbathing in Jamaica the following year."

      And the Doberman can lick the Pug's face just like that too. The Tabby won't get too jealous, as long as he's riding on the Clydesdale's back.

      The Perfect Religion?

      There won't be the differentiation of faiths as we'll all know the truth!

      Isaiah 11:9 The Stone Edition "They will neither injure nor destroy in all of My sacred mountain; for the earth will be as filled with knowledge of HASHEM as water covering the sea bed."

      When people move on, they realize they are with God and learn about the meaning of it all. The same applies to everyone here on earth.

      So, in the world to come, we will learn about balance, about moderation, about kindness and most importantly, about love. Our pets will be with us too, and they will learn to be a little patient with us should they want our attention.

      The World's Animals

      God promised that all of the animals will be free as well, and that includes their release from the world's zoos. I know you may enjoy visiting them, yet they aren't meant to reside in cages, as it would be the same as sending your pet to one.

      Only criminals belong in such cages, and God said "he" will free the innocent ones someday.

      It may not be for another 15 to 25 years before the animals are back with their families. However, they cannot be released back into the wild, lest they may get confused about their surroundings and die. So, you could always write to your local zoo and ask them to transform the area to make it more spacious. One such example would be like that of Howletts Wild Animal Park in Canterbury.


      At least the animals would be happier if the zoos are reshaped, as they need the necessary space to move about.


      God promised forever and ever, "he" will be with us. There will be no end, and the beginning is only now, and then forever and ever.

      If a billion years: 1,000,000,000 seems like a long, long time from now. That is true, and it's not something to worry about and you will also be with your soulmate, no matter what.

      God even said "he" will see you in a quintillion years from now: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 and you may still be playing cricket and then shooting hoops with your best mate, because what will you do without those games, right?

      I love games too, and God says I will still be playing poker in a octovigintillion years from now: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and the sun will always shine brightly, and the stars from a distance, as always.

      In a centillion years from now: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is not enough for God! "He" promises to keep it going forever, and ever and ever (and ever). In the meantime, you may just have your 37th college degree by then, because what are you supposed to do without some education? Nah, just take a class or two every now and then, and if it takes "forever" to get a degree, then so be it.

      So what is the meaning of forever? The symbol for infinity is ∞, which displays endless plus endless plus no end and never ending forever, centillion times centillion times forever plus never ceasing. You bet. And your beloved toy poodle wants another 45 minute walk down the canyon, so do as you will.

      God says it is the truth. As always and for all time, just like that.

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