Christian Zionism ... Enraptured Around a Golden Calf. Abraham A. van Kempen

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Christian Zionism ...                 Enraptured Around a Golden Calf - Abraham A. van Kempen

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than ultra-nationalist or heathen ‘Zionism.” Heathen Zionists have bastardized a most beautiful, God-given word to veil their crimes and ingratiate themselves on the world stage, to justify their atrocities against a defenseless people under the banner of Holy Goodness. It is worse than FAKE, it is FALSE.

      They have grimly misrepresented and gravely misconstrued true Zionism as depicted in the Sacred Texts. Many Jews are atheists not ‘Jewish’ (a religious Jew who observes Judaism). According to a 2015 WIN/Gallup Poll, 65 percent of the Israeli population “said that they are either not religious or convinced atheists, compared to just 30 percent who say that they are religious.”13

      Fake Zionism has been a rupture and a rebellion against Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The ‘return to a homeland’ with a modus operandi of ‘taking – attacking, invading, dispossessing, displacing and imprisoning the indigenous people of Palestine – rather than humbly giving as exemplified by the biblical Abraham’14, defiles all that is good and Holy in our Abrahamic Faiths. When it has emerged in the late 19th century, most religious Jews have rejected this false doctrine, Fascism veiled as Zionism.

      Heathen-Zionists reflect their former oppressors by perpetrating an ideology of ethnic cleansing and external expansion and by abandoning democratic norms in pursuit of redemptive violence against anyone who stands in their way without ethical or legal restraints; equipped with lethal modern warfare, under pretense of defense. Their godless faith is in canons of deception, destruction and decadence. They sing the praises of greed and self-indulgence. Heathen-Zionism, hell on earth, is not the same as Biblical-Zionism, heaven on earth.

      Does Heathen-Zionism warrant another world war? In my letter to President Donald J Trump15, I ask him: “How would you respond, Mr. President, to another East Aleppo but this time in West Jerusalem or in Tel Aviv”? Mr. President, you didn’t risk an Apocalypse, a world war between the US and Russia to rescue the people of East Aleppo? What if ‘they’ bomb Tel Aviv back into the Stone Age?

      Collision Course Against Judaic Conscience …

      Revealed as a dark side of Judaism, Heathen-Zionism rules and dominates the Israeli zeitgeist beguiling and chaining many Jews into believing in something they are not. This aberration ruptures civility in Israel-Palestine. Heathen-Zionism has split many Jewish families apart. Worse, Heathen-Zionists, dare in the glare of world television, torment and inter the indigenous Palestinians into concentrated encampments to live a hell on earth.

      Without the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict, there would be an internal Israeli conflict that inevitably could unglue their social fabric now fragilely held intact by the fear mongering against a common enemy. Peace could bust the socio-cultural seams between the secular-nationalists, the religious-nationalists, the Orthodox, and the Ultra-Orthodox; between the Ashkenazim16, the Mizrahi Middle Eastern or Oriental Jews, and the Sephardic communities; between the recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia; between the Heathen-Zionists (hell on earth) and the true Biblical-Zionists (heaven on earth); and could further alienate the Israeli-Arab citizens (21%), whose separation from the rest is increasing. Socially, Israel is unstable. It is even worse economically. In Israel, the disparity between rich and poor, so underreported, is reprehensible.

      Zionist leaders from David Ben Gurion to Binyamin Netanyahu have, according to world public opinion, taken many wrong turns in their territorial obsessions – their rage and blind ambitions – to expand their lebensraum. Instead of triumphing in peaceful harmony, they have capitulated to criminal misconduct – steal, kill, and destroy (John 10: 10) –, perpetrating heinous crimes against humanity, colliding against their Judaic conscience. Zionism, meant to be the light in the world, has become a prayer without end.

      Is Heathen-Zionism sustainable: create an exclusive community or kampf17, a state for Jews-only; by deploying brute force without considering the consequences of the other; by unconscionably dispossessing and displacing ‘them’ from the land with no hope to ever return with neither compromise, concession or conciliation; them or us; the end justifies the means? This perversion and aberration, this depraved, distorted and deviant ideology can never have a happy ending. Ask Nazi Germany!

      I worry. I want Israel - Palestine to survive. I am of Jewish descent. I, too, have a spiritual connection to the land. The region is my home, born as a refugee on the outskirts of Israel – Palestine on the Red Sea, a British Ship of Dutch parents. Inside my soul and within all of my being, I am attached to the splendor of its many colors, their tints and hues. I really do not know how to explain my love and deep devotion to the land, but I understand intuitively why neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis will ever leave.

      Jewish like Abraham?

      What if, in the beginning, the Jews entered the ‘Land’ with humility, recognizing and honoring the indigenous people of Palestine, like the Biblical Abraham? We cannot turn the clock back. But we can move toward a better tomorrow. There are good people. There are bad people. Good people on all sides can learn to get along. Bad people can’t. Of course, the good can become bad and vice versa because we all have the good, bad and ugly within us. Which we choose defines who we are. Right now, and for too long, the bad people in the region hijack the good people, a minority tyrannizing the scared and silent majority.

      Most Israelis and most Palestinians, tired and stressed out, seek a future without war. Both do not support indiscriminate brutality against the other. They desperately want security and peace. The vast majority of the Israeli Jews (73.8%), Israeli Palestinians living inside Israel with Israeli citizenships (97%) and the Palestinians (under enemy control in Gaza and the West bank) (85.7%) want peace, heretofore, either not realized or denied by all sides of the Divide. This is breaking news affirmed by the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute18 and the Ramallah-based Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research19. Check out their survey of Israeli and Palestinian Opinion (executive summary here20, full survey here21). Respondents include 1,270 Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem and 1,184 Jewish and Arab Israelis.

      Breaking News … They Want Peace

      Most respondents are shocked when discovering that the other craves peace and that just about all misconstrue each other’s intentions. It gets worse. Most everyone wants peace, but few agree on the route to getting there. Even if I invite only the ‘peace makers’ to partake on a feast of culinary delights buffet-style, I would have to separate them into two rooms. Why? One group, a small majority, wants a two-state solution (Israeli Jews 53.4%, Israeli Palestinians 87.1%, Palestinians West bank 50.9%, Palestinians Gaza 52.1%). The other group, a minority, wants a one state solution (Israeli Jews 20.4%, Israeli Palestinians 52.4%, Palestinians West bank 32.8%, Gaza 37%).

      But then you might think that each respective group would break bread together in their separate rooms. Wrong! Instead, they’d probably be breaking each other’s heads (figuratively speaking) arguing who’s right and who’s wrong, some

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