The Rassi. Sherman E. Hister

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The Rassi - Sherman E. Hister

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of the door. “What are you doing?”

      Fin turns and looks up as cold air rushes past him to say, “I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”

      “What?” Jules says seeming a little unsure.

      “I was out front pulling weeds, and noticed I was being watched.” Before he could finish talking, Jules had already seen the German shepherd and was making her way over. Fin stands to follow, but not all the way. Jules makes it into the grass with a hand extended out away from her body.

      “I named him Stone because his expression never changes.” Jules listens still moving closer to that day’s acquaintance. “You’re right.” Jules says much closer than the Rassi by then. Stone sits allowing Jules to touch him. Finto is shocked that the wild dog let someone touch him let alone that Jules felt so comfortable petting him.

      Jules runs a hand down the backside of Stone’s neck while she was in a crouching position. After seeing no danger, Jules stands back up and makes her way over to Fin. Stone follows close behind looking up at Jules. When she gets to Finto, she stops to show her comfort with him. Finto reaches down running his hand on Stone’s fur-covered coat.

      Fin explains the mystery of a deer-chasing dog running wild in the area that he had heard farmers were spotting. Ending the story for Jules saying,“I think Stone is the culprit.” With this Fin leaves the other two on the back pad to go finish picking up his pullings from earlier that afternoon.

      The Rassi had a trash bin on wheels he walked down to collect the pile on the road. He collects what weeds he pulled, and goes to a compost heap he started earlier that growing season. The entire trip he goes over what he witnessed Jules do. He couldn’t believe the connection Jules immediately had with this known deer-chasing wild dog.

      When Finto returns to the back of the house, Stone was laying underneath the chair Jules was sitting in. Jules was reading the same magazine from before, and drinking a clear glass of pink lemonade that matched the glass pitcher sitting in the middle of the patio table. The only difference was a slice of lemon floating in the pitcher.

      “That’s what I’m talking about.” Finto grabs the extra glass sitting beside the pitcher.

      “I thought you would be thirsty after all that work.”

      Fin fills his glass and finishes it in a handful of gulps. “That really hits the spot,” Fin says as he pours more from the pitcher. Finto and Jules sit for some while enjoying the day. Stone did the same. This lasts until the rain clouds, they observed earlier that day, brought its storm winds that move all the trees back and forth. Before the rain falls, Fin and Jules carry the pitcher and glasses into the house with a curious follower. Stone slinks in behind them without them noticing. Fin makes his way back to the door to slide it shut, and look for Stone. To his dismay, Stone was out of sight. Still looking outside, Fin speaks loud enough for Jules to hear him, “Well I guess our friend took off.”

      Jules, in a giggling tone responds,“Are you sure about that?” Fin turns to Jules who was standing in the kitchen. Still, about what she noticed, Jules points to the living area where Stone was laying on the carpet.

      “Well I’ll be.” Fin is intrigued by the dog’s comfort with them. “He just made himself right at home, good. I’ll need to remember to get some food for him at the store.” Fin walks to the kitchen to kiss Jules, and to find something to put water in for Stone. He does this then sets a bowl full of water on the tile floor.

      “What should we make,” Jules asks with excitement.

      “How about spaghetti?” Fin suggests.

      Stone made his way over to the bowl of water almost emptying it then making small puddles on the tile near the bowl. Turning back to where he just came from laying back down on the carpet. Jules and Fin watched this before Jules agreed with the spaghetti. “That sounds delicious.” They make enough even for Stone, cleaning what cooking utensils they use along the way to minimize their work after eating. Once dinner was through the rain stopped. Stone made his way over to the backdoors looking outward with perked ears.

      “He might need to use the bathroom,” Jules suggests. “You might be on to something.” Fin gets out of his chair

      leaving the table to open the doors. Stone bolts out making his way across the back field in the direction of the woods. “He must need to go, I wonder if he will be coming back.”

      Jules stacks the dishes on top of one another then carries the stack over to the sink. “Oh I’m sure he will.”

      Fin watches Stone run to the edge of the woods before vanishing. “Well I hope so.”

      After cleaning the kitchen together, they decide to take a drive down to the spring to watch the sun go down. They walk together to the barn where everything is kept for country living. Jules gets in the gas-powered cart they use for such an occasion. As they take the usual path, Jules closes her eyes for a moment tilting her head back and spreading her arms. She inhales the aroma a rain unlocks which also cools her skin right at the surface. The rain was needed due to several days of heat leading up to that afternoon. The night was falling as the spring appeared. Flying bugs were taping the top of the water when the cart slowed to a stop. Fin and Jules walk over to a log Fin cut for the best seat in the house. An occasional fish would swirl the water’s surface attempting to catch one of the flying bugs. As it got darker the sounds of the spring were getting louder. As they sat the sun went down while frogs gulped and creatures called. The smell was a fresh clean that breezed by. Fin and Jules kept quiet, not talking. They get back in the cart to drive back toward the barn. Finto flicks the lights on, as they drive through the refreshing evening air with the temperature seeming to drop cooler when they pass by trees. They get to the house and fall asleep.

      CHAPTER 5

      The following morning is early rising so they could make their way to the city. Finto does his early-morning rituals of prayer and pledge’s his allegiance to his country. Breakfast is eggs, bacon, and fruit. Fin follows Jules in the black rumbler leaving the farm. Jules has plenty to do that day, and Finto wants to question the court summons he received in the mail the day before. Dressed in a suit which is unusual attire for the Rassi, worn out of respect, he gets out in front of the courthouse. Without wasting any time, Mr. Negrassi goes to the front entrance. He walks directly to Drexel Sprine’s office. Finto approaches a portly woman sitting behind a desk who fumbles over her desk’s contents to press the intercom announcing that Mr. Sprine was needed by someone.

      “Uhurrrum…Mr. Sprine?” “Yes, what is it.”

      Finto stands at attention in front of the secretary’s desk, arms behind back, watching the woman work the intercom with her curl-ended grin. With a practiced pitched tone, the high squeal woman says, “A Mr. Negrassi is here.” The sound of rapid motion comes from the office. “Send him in.” The woman stands, and opens the door for the Rassi who has yet to speak. Fin enters the uncomfortable office that smells of coffee and poor hygiene.

      “Please sit, Finny, ole buddy, ole pal.” Drexel Sprine goes to the only window to let some light in through the blinds.

      The Rassi does not sit, but keeps his posture as before. “I received a note from you in the mail, Sprine. And I want to know why?”

      Drexel walks back to his brown leather chair. Reaching for his steaming coffee mug, Drexel uses a hand to hold back his tie leaning forward. “Well, we can discuss whatever it is you would like to discuss.”


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