It's Rising Time!. Kim Kiyosaki

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It's Rising Time! - Kim Kiyosaki

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       Chapter 8 It’s All About… You

      PART TWO Acquire: Gaining the Knowledge to Make It Happen

       Chapter 9 Question the “Expert” Advice

       Chapter 10 Finding Real Advisers

       Chapter 11 Sending Out an SOS

       Chapter 12 Expect Unexpected Turbulence

       Chapter 13 Figure-atively Speaking

       Chapter 14 Take the “Numb” Out of the Numbers

       Chapter 15 Debt Is Not a Four-Letter Word

       Chapter 16 The Investor’s Prize

       Chapter 17 A Different State of Mind

       Chapter 18 A Recipe for Raising Capital

       Chapter 19 Good Partners = Good Deal

      PART THREE Apply: Bringing It All Together

       Chapter 20 Four Assets Are Better Than One

       Chapter 21 Good Deal to Great Deal


       Chapter 22 Getting Started… in Business

       Chapter 23 Ruffles to Riches

       Chapter 24 Choices and Journeys

       Chapter 25 A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

       Chapter 26 Sweet Inspiration

       Real Estate

       Chapter 27 Getting Started… in Real Estate

       Chapter 28 Turning Problems Into Profits

       Chapter 29 Taking Calculated Risks

       Chapter 30 Partners in Life, Partners in Business

       Chapter 31 Practice Makes Perfect

       Paper Assets

       Chapter 32 Getting Started… in Paper Assets

       Chapter 33 Focus on the Fundamentals

       Chapter 34 Bouncing Back from Broke

       Chapter 35 Taking Stock of Your Life


       Chapter 36 Getting Started… in Commodities

       Chapter 37 The Silver Lining

       Chapter 38 Assets Are a Girl’s Best Friend

      PART FOUR Achieve: Realizing Your Financial Dreams

       Chapter 39 Aligning All the Pieces


       Final Thought


       About the Author

       References and Resources


      It’s Rising Time! is a call to action for women who are ready to take that next meaningful leap in life. It’s Rising Time! is for women who want to grow and expand beyond where they are today. It’s Rising Time! is for women who have a vision of what they truly want in life and are willing to go after it.

      The Economist magazine recently stated: “… the next giant economic growth wave won’t come from the Internet or China or India, but from empowering women.”

      The CEO of Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, said in a speech not long ago: “The truth is that women already are the most dynamic and fastest-growing economic force in the world today. The 21st century is going to be the ‘Women’s Century.’”

       It’s Rising Time!

      It’s Rising Time! focuses on that world that you and every woman throughout the planet live on today—our financial world. It’s about money, yet, as you will find throughout this book and as you apply this information, I think you’ll find that it’s about so much more than that. It’s Rising Time! is the affirmation with yourself that this is your time, no matter what, to reach your dreams.

      Why “no matter what”? Because reaching a big dream takes daring, resolve, and old-fashioned guts. This game is not for little girls. As my friend Dionne says, “It’s time to put on your big-girl panties.”

      Why “no matter what”? Because too many women quit. They quit on their dreams and, more importantly, they quit on themselves. Many women love the idea of being financially secure and independent. They get excited. They get started. They may read a book or attend a seminar. They begin their process, and then they hit a bump in the road. They make a mistake or life just interferes, so they decide, “This is too hard.” And they quit.

      This book is not It’s Lazing Time. This book is It’s Rising Time! To become powerful, grow larger and soar requires rising above what is comfortable and known and stepping into what may seem at times foreign and clumsy.

      It’s Rising Time! is about what it really takes to go from where you are today financially to where you want to be. And what it takes may surprise you. Whether you are a novice to the world of money or are actively pursuing your financial dreams, It’s Rising Time! will challenge you to continue to rise up and move beyond where you are now—beyond what you think you can achieve—so you can have what you want.

      I will share real-life stories, stories from businesswomen and investors who are open and candid and tell it like it is. This is not theory or academia. Understanding

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