Genesis.... Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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Genesis... - Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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Frank, we’ve gone from stealing a multi-million-dollar horse to killing a cop, and maybe even that night watchman…I say we get off this road…let things cool down, with no more killing…and we got to hide this horse.”

      “I think we should high tail it up 42 to Ohio!”

      “Are you intellectually challenged…or just brain dead?”

      “You don’t gotta hurt my feelings.”

      “Look Frank, try to follow this…at this hour, the entire state of Kentucky knows a cop is down…do you know what that means…Frank that is the worst…we are dead meat before a word is said.”

      “How do they know…is that?”

      “Frank, they know because they can’t speak to him.”

      “Oh sure, I get it.”

      “So Frank, we got to get off the highway, ASAP.”

      “What’s that ASAP?”

      “It means as stupid as possible!”

      “Mikee, you a smart guy!”

      “Yeh, look what two years at UK got me.”

      “Big Blue man.”

      Ok Frank, this is US 42, it goes to Ohio and all the way to the east coast but we are headed west, going back toward Louisville, and US 42 runs parallel with I71. In a matter of minutes, the cops are going to know that we have gotten off the interstate and this highway is going to be crawling with cops, and as soon as day breaks, they will have choppers all over us. So you see why we have to get off the road and get this van into a barn or garage for cover and some time. Got it?”

      “Sure Mikee…get off road and find a cover for van.”

      “Now Frank, up here a-ways, we are going to find a nice little side road, leading us to a safe place south of the river. We are going to turn off this highway and make our way to the first big barn we come to. We are going to pull in…secure the van in the barn…get the horse out and into a stall after we walk him about for a half-hour or so…I will secure the house while you are taking care of Hunter’s Destiny…do you agree?”

      “Ok, sure Mikee.”

      “Now Frank, I’ll need the gun…and since I have two years of college, I’ll run the show…it’s very important Frank that only one person is the boss…got it?”

      “Oh sure Mikee, but I have two guns, one for me and one for the boss.”

      “Frank, you shot the cop with a shot gun…I didn’t know you had another gun?”

      “Oh sure, Mikee…I got this “Dirty Harry 357 Magnum…the most powerful handgun in the world.”

      “Good Frank, I like your Clint Eastwood impression, but where is the gun?”

      “The shot gun is in the van and the 357 is right here, tucked safely in the back of my pants with the safety on…always have to be safe with gun, it’s no toy Mikee.”

      “So you are good with me being the boss, and I appreciate how safe you are with weapons…and as the boss I say you are responsible for keeping the guns cleaned and I will be responsible for keeping them hid.”

      “Sure thing Mikee, here is the gun.” Frank seemed pleased to be rid of it and to have someone with smarts running the show. Frank had never been anything other than a groom or hot walker, making at most $150 per week and living out of the tack room. Frank was definitely challenged intellectually and anyone could manipulate him…and now he had killed a trooper, and maybe a man at the farm but Mike doubted that the prosecutor or the court would go hard on him after a psychiatrist got a hold of him. This should never have happened…they should have given up the horse. Mike didn’t know Frank had the guns and he was shocked when he heard the blast ripping out the window of the cruiser. Frank thought he had no other choice and that is where he went wrong…when he started thinking.

      IV. The Notice Comes

      The woman in the revealing sundress, returned to the pool after the distressing phone conversation with her associate Donald. Mr. Hallahan was taking a nap. She decided to go through the buffet.

      All the men in the breakfast café’ goggled…the women made caddy remarks. The woman in the sundress basked in the sensation she was causing. It took two waiters to serve the woman coffee, two waiters came as well with a variety of juice…one came with an offer she couldn’t refuse…the other came in the restroom sink.

      The woman left her room key and a five-dollar tip. She glanced at her boss who was still napping on the chase lounge. She went to the Hyatt Hotel elevator and stepped into the glass enclosed lift…all the men in the lounge below watched expectantly as the lift rose and she floated above them…for some reason they reminded her of the Flamingo with the weighted head, taking a drink from an unfilled glass of water…dipping and nodding to nothing nor no one…hoping and lusting in vain.

      She stepped off the glass elevator at the 22nd floor and went to her room. A maid with a cart worked a room nearby.

      “The key…por favor.”

      The maid used her pass key to gain entry into the room. The woman in the revealing sundress tipped the maid generously and closed the door behind her. She stepped out of her sundress before stepping out of her high-heeled shoes. Then she sat for a while on the commode and then she let the water cruise her vagina and then her anus on the bidet’…then she stepped into the shower. In a moment she was refreshed as she toweled her golden body.

      She heard the pass key activate the lock on the door. Hallahan stood in the open doorway.

      “Hello Boss, did you have a swell nap…I thought I would just let you rest so I came to the room to freshen up a bit…maybe do some fishing for you.” She smiled.

      “And the call?”

      “Yes, it was the ass hole, Donald…told me to tell you to send the cash…the job was finished.

      “Well glory.”

      They both turned in unison when she heard the pass-key in the door lock but the security lever was attached to preclude anyone from gaining entry.

      “Expecting company?” He asked in a quizzical manner.

      “I’ve been fishing for you.”

      “Why you darling little w-h-i-t-e girl…there is a bonus in it for you if the big tuna takes the bait. There will be no excuses, and no “sorry Charlie’s.” He leered, “I’ll just watch for a while.”

      She let the waiter in, he was young, maybe twenty and very handsome…long dark hair to the broad shoulders, parted in the middle and a waist like a wasp, and he had piercing blue eyes. He was average height for a white boy… under six feet and she could see that his crotch was bulging. She took his hand and led him to the king-sized bed.

      “Do you make much money here at the Hyatt, Danny boy?”


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