The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past. Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past - Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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of fat babies. In the end the subject was death, and the possibilities of staying alive while invoking remedy.

      Ray Ray explained the nature of this action and some of the names behind the scheme. Explaining why this was a two-step process to once again gain the support and the confidence of the congress, and the nation to deal once and for all times with the issue of Castro.

      He shared with them a shooting was under design to implicate the Direccion General de Intelligencia as a criminal organization which was directed and sanctioned by Castro and his brother Raul to contain civil disobedience and the lethal action against the political enemies of the state. Ray Ray wanted the two men to be a part of the team of shooters. They would get the high-powered rifles with the super-scopes and would be placed above the traffic on a railroad trestle, an overpass; a roof... taught how to leave a tainted trail to the door of a conspiracy. They would be paid well to begin immediately at the Farm to be trained and there was to be a bonus upon the completion of a successful job.

      Ray Ray did not mention any of the other members of the shooting team. Only that they were led by men with deep backgrounds in all forms of clandestine operations, respected for years of dedication and participation in outings and all dedicated to the prospect that Castro had to go and a Free Havana to flourish as in days of old.

      He did not tell them Flynt or Wagner by name. He did not tell them who the target was or where the shooting would take place. They accepted that this was a moving target and they would be briefed when the final detail was known. The other thing that Ray Ray did not say was that they were going to be-asked to make certain they missed the target.

      Michael Flynt's wife was not your run-of-the-mill puff piece left to run the Georgetown Brownstone, attend coffees and cocktails, smile and play footsies with local congressman, long since beyond their prime but with the potential to direct traffic or contract of a political nature.

      On the contrary she was bright, witty and very pretty in an artsy way. She was unique in a crowd of Gucci’s, she designed her own label and most of the women sought the name of the designer. Mick was man enough to give her a wide berth, which often included a thorough denigration of the CIA and the ruthless government it served.

      And these politically inflamed conversations carried over into the private conversations of the couple.

      "Mick, the dearest man in my life, I wasn't denigrating what you did in Guatemala, and I admired you for your role, if not politically than in other ways. The fact that you left no bloody trail, I admire that." she said.

      "Yes I try to be efficient and limit the violence." He said.

      "Of course there would have been no need for an operation if Guatemala hadn't taken back all the land belonging to United Fruit Company." She suggested.

      "Is that really the provocation?" he asked.

      "I love the way you say efficient." She smiled.

      Yes Mick was so clever to disguise the CIA's interest in Guatemala (or was it United Fruit) when Mick developed the strategy employed by the North Vietnamese to send propaganda over the radio transmission, broadcasting from Honduras with messages designed to place pressure on the leftist government and disrupt the daily lives of the people.

      This was a broadcast from hell; the government of Guatemala could do no right. In the midst of the propaganda, a bomb was dropped from a single engine plane into the middle of a parade ground. The broadcast would have the citizens to believe an eminent invasion of fifty thousand troops with air cover would soon descend upon the cities like locust. The reports on the radio were so descriptive and believable that within two weeks the government fell without a shot.

      A decade since and Mick moved on. The CIA put him in charge of developing corporations as advance mechanisms to gather intelligence for the planned operations in places like Yemen and Kurdistan.

      During this period he discovered several CIA assets with important holdings in sensitive parts of the hemisphere. One of those involved United Fruit and there were banks, sugar, oil, coffee, cocoa and arms. A montage of holdings designed with motives, often operated by men with criminal records, including prison time. Mick saw there was a natural bridge between the interest of business and intelligence.

      He had always been taught that the road to wealth and privilege was to follow the wealth. American genius aside, the road to the development of any invention was fraught with traps from lawyers stealing it, to the virtual loss of control to share-holders and hostile take-over’s and the money lenders. Mick believed that a man had to bide his time while on the look-out for assets that could be verified and then leveraged in a TRUE ARBITRAGE.

      The CIA held huge collections on intelligence of most of the southern hemisphere. Mick had invested time in Cuba, designing business plans with the blessings of the Batista government. He'd arranged mineral surveys, land development analysis, drilling contracts and Casino franchises. He traveled all over the world to discover its discontent...and when all else was failing around him, he still had the unproven oil properties in Cuba.

      After Batista got the boot, a plan was put into motion to invade. Mick set-up several dummy corporations, which in many cases were difficult for him to determine who was what and that was a good thing. The corporate board always contained close family and former high-ranking intelligence officers. It was a business plan based in large part of the greater world where business has an almost surreal sense of overlap. This plan differed, it was tighter, and these were men dedicated to the perfection of history and their place in it.

      Louis Wagner had discovered that JFK would not support air cover for the Cuban invasion. No one could believe how cruel and stupid this was on the part of the President.

      Michael Flynt arrived from Miami, wrote a letter of resignation and flew back to Miami to be with the exile leaders under wraps in an old barracks at Opa-Locka in order to prevent leaks on the landing. He knew the men were not prepared to heal the carnage on the beach to friends and family and he wanted to be there to console them.

      From the moment the CIA monitored a rebel broadcast on January 1, 1959, announcing that the tyrant Batista had fled the country at 2:00am and that Fidel Castro was now the leader of the country. From that moment until now, four and one-half years later, Louis Wagner had been in one plot or another to retake Cuba. His wife called it "The last call for the dining hall".

      He'd have nothing to do with the gambling interest that carried cash out while buying off government officials sending camping bags through the Bahamas to the banks in Switzerland. He wanted nothing to do with those Dagoes.

      Chapter XI


      "I want to apply for a job." A young man said to Rita Simpson, Guy Banister Detective Agency the rattle of the big front door. She was startled to see the young man standing three feet from her. It was disconcerting because she was alone. She would ask Mr. Banister if she could lock the door until Mr. Ferre' came to work, giving her the chance to "size them up."

      But she decided in that brief moment that she wouldlet this young man come in. That was her first mistake. Looks are deceiving; this was a natural born killer who disliked most people, especially women.

      Rita smiled at him, her bright red freckles spread across her nose and her green eyes sparkled. The young man had often fantasized about red­headed women. There were many jokes in the barracks about the flaming red bush and how intensely hot red heads where. She had very white teeth but she was on the frumpy side. He did not smile back.

      He was

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