Demeter’s Dream. Tony Thistlewood

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Demeter’s Dream - Tony Thistlewood

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finding Demeter and your half-sister, Persephone, is my absolute priority. That’s one of the reasons I came to you first. I thought Perse might have contacted you.’

      ‘No, she hasn’t,’ she said and then placed her hand reassuringly on my arm. ‘Look, you do have enemies here now, as Hephaestus warned you. Hera is one, of course. She hates Demeter for taking you from her, and Hera would certainly like to put a sizeable wedge between you and Demeter. However, I don’t think Hera would risk a direct conflict with you unless she had some pretty solid support.’

      ‘Have you someone in mind?’ I asked.

      ‘Ares would be top of my list. He has hated me since the Trojan war and would love to get even with me by destroying the great Zeus because he sees you as my protector...’

      ‘And I hope I am,’ I said.

      She affectionately squeezed my arm.

      ‘I see the Trojan sympathizers, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite, as your likely foes,’ she said. ‘My advice is that you should avoid them and Hera until you have linked up with Poseidon. Hermes and Hephaestus will also support you although I doubt they will be of much use.’

      I knew that Hephaestus had once unsuccessfully tried to rape Athena. She had every right to despise him, and yet she was far too generous spirited to hold a grudge. I loved her dearly for that. It is that generosity of spirit that is generally so lacking in the modern mortal world. There are exceptions, of course. There always are. Hephaestus had a lot to answer for. After his assault on her virtue, Athena chose to remain a virgin and became known as Athena Parthenos, Athena the Virgin – a rather exaggerated statement of her lifestyle, I have to say.

      ‘Whatever you decide to do, do not forget your immortal abilities here on Olympus. Many are saying that you have lost your godly touch. You must show them that they are wrong. Their antagonism will soon fade in the light of mighty Zeus’s powers. And watch your back with Hera. She may want to make a trade with Demeter’s life; Hera cannot be trusted.’

      ‘You think she has Demeter?’ I asked.

      ‘I doubt it, but she will certainly have something to do with it.’

      ‘Will you become a mortal and join Demeter, Perse and me?’ I asked.

      ‘Why?’ she asked suspiciously.

      ‘Because the United States badly needs people with your moral integrity, intelligence, trustworthiness, and ability to think strategically and compassionately.’

      ‘Thanks for that,’ she said, laughing and affectionately squeezing my arm again. ‘I’ll think about it,’ she added.

      ‘You are with me in this, aren’t you? I asked.

      ‘Of course, I am,’ she said.

      KK growled, which disturbed me, and by now you should realize why it did.

      Yet it was what she said next that really sent shivers up and down my spine.

      ‘Did Perse enjoy the chocolates?’

      Chapter 9

      Mary Themison could see that her husband was deeply troubled. He had recently been to confession, and it was a long time since he had done that. She took hold of his hand and squeezed it gently.

      ‘Even if Posey does know about your…’ she paused, not sure how to continue, ‘…your little indiscretion with Eve Até, it was a long time ago and there is nothing he can do because I know all about it…and so does God,’ she added eventually.

      ‘That’s true,’ Adam said and patted her hand. ‘And you are the only one that matters to me. Even so, he could force my resignation.’

      ‘Sometimes I wonder if that would be such a bad thing. Why you ever wanted to go into politics in the first place is beyond me. Isn’t ambition a sin?’ Mary said with feeling.

      ‘I don’t think so; not if the ambition is to help good defeat evil. Apart from that, I suppose it was the usual reason: I want to make a difference to our country, and you can only do that from the top.’

      ‘And that’s what this Operation Olympus is all about? Making a difference?’ she asked.

      ‘Yeah, big time.’

      ‘Do you think that it will happen without Paul Dias?’ Mary asked.

      ‘It has to, although it will be a lot, lot harder. Paul is a good man; relatively young, intelligent, tough and with the kind of moral backbone that has been sadly lacking in modern leaders of this great country of ours. He’ll make a fine president one day...if he pulls through.’

      ‘Yeah, and Ann will make a fantastic first lady, too. Talking of which, have you set eyes on the present incumbent recently?’ Mary asked with a wicked twinkle in her eye.

      Adam Themison knew his wife well. Although there was not a malicious bone in her body, she could not hide her distaste for the president’s wife, at least when they were alone. It was even a greater effort when they were in public.

      ‘She is occasionally dried out and wheeled out, when it can’t be avoided,’ he said. ‘Fortunately, Posey has a very attractive VP to stand in for his wife, when needed. And that, incidentally, has happened all too frequently recently. Tongues are beginning to wag.’

      ‘Oh, Posey’s safe enough. Peta Hopeit is after his job, not his wife’s,’ Mary said.

      ‘Not even as a stepping stone?’ he suggested.

      ‘You really are a naive old sweetie,’ she said, laughing.

      ‘You will have to explain that.’

      ‘Oh God! Peta plays for the other side…’

      ‘You mean…you mean she is a lesbian?’ he asked incredulously.

      ‘Oh, well done, Einstein. That’s exactly what I mean.’

      ‘But she has got a twenty-odd-year-old son…’

      ‘Yeah, and what a problem he has turned out to be. Lack of a father’s influence, some like to think,’ she said.

      ‘I thought the boy was at Harvard?’

      ‘Allegedly – on and off. And no one knows who his father is. That must leave a scar?’

      ‘How do you know all this? You always avoid Peta Hopeit. Why do you do that, by the way?’

      ‘Oh, come on, sweetheart! Peta is absolutely gorgeous. I fade into the wallpaper next to her. A gal has her pride, you know.’

      ‘My darling, you glow from the inside far more than the Peta Hopeits of this world could ever do. But how do you know all this anyway? Or are you just surmising?’ he asked.

      ‘Oh, no, it’s all from my very informed sources,’ she replied firmly.

      ‘Am I allowed to know the identity of your informed

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