Demeter’s Dream. Tony Thistlewood

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Demeter’s Dream - Tony Thistlewood

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woman, as you know, and clever with it. Early on, she made no secret of the fact that she intended to sleep her way to the top. She sees men as easy prey, putty in her hands, and she can get them to do anything she wants. She picked the wrong man in Paul Dias; he fired her.’

      Posey suddenly changed the subject: ‘Do you think that Paul Dias wants to be President?’ he asked although he didn’t sound at all concerned by the prospect.

      ‘I’d be surprised if he didn’t,’ Peta replied.

      ‘Did Paul get Eve Até the job with Jake Jefferson?’ Posey continued.

      ‘Hell, no! Paul was devastated when he discovered that she was in the White House. But she picked the wrong man again. She thought that Haden Ploutonos would make president before you. I imagine that he got her the job. I suspect it’s only a matter of time before she casts her net at you,’ Peta said.

      Posey turned away from her, so she couldn’t see him blush.

      And she removed his hand from her knee.

      Chapter 4

      ...Thou shalt not commit adultery...whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

      Matthew 5:27-28

      Priapus is one of the most revolting specimens that you could possibly imagine. He is a wizened gnome of a creature – I find it distasteful to call him a god, however minor. His appearance makes me want to look elsewhere, anywhere, other than at him. He has swarthy skin, a full dark beard under a hooked nose, while the hair on his head spikes up like a series of uneven, multi-colored corkscrews.

      And yet here he was lounging brazenly in front of me, Zeus, god of gods. Priapus’s toga, for want of a better name, was so loosely draped around his puny body that his enormous and permanently erect penis, for which he was infamous, was inadequately concealed. There is a similar condition in the mortal world called “Priapism” named after him. I shuddered in disgust at the very sight of this so-called god. And I was even more nauseated by the thought that my daughter wanted to be anywhere near this creature. I was so disappointed in her.

      Demeter rushed to me as soon as I and KK arrived at Priapus’s apartment – I wondered who had given him permission to use it. I held her tightly in my arms. The smell of her hair, the feel of her body pressed against mine, momentarily drove thoughts of the disreputable gnome from my head.

      Then across the room, I saw Persephone lying seductively on a Turkish divan. She is every bit as beautiful and alluring as her mother, and I love her every bit as much.

      Perse must have realized, from my expression I assumed, the disappointment that I felt at her choice of companion.

      ‘What?’ she said, holding her arms wide like a teenager trying to play the innocent.

      ‘What have you been doing?’ I asked.

      ‘Nothing! Just talking,’ she replied sulkily.

      I so wanted to believe her.

      I tapped KK on his muzzle. He trotted over to Persephone who patted him on his head. He sniffed, returned to me, gave a little grunt, and again settled at my feet. His grunt told me that he had sniffed the truth or, at least, had not sniffed a lie.

      ‘So, you don't trust me,’ Perse said petulantly.

      ‘It's not you that I don't trust,’ I replied, glaring a Priapus.

      ‘Well, if it's not her, then it must be me,’ Priapus said in a surprisingly deep voice. ‘I suppose I should be mortified, but, alas, I am not. Many are saying that the great Zeus has been away in the mortal world for far too long, and I'm afraid I have to agree.’

      ‘What are you doing here, Priapus?’ I asked, ignoring the snide remark while trying to remain calm. ‘You were banished from Olympus long ago, and made impotent at that time, too, I believe.’

      I thought the last barb would get to him, but I was not prepared for his reply.

      ‘Indeed, I was, and by the goddess Hera, no less. You will remember her, of course? Yes, naturally you do. However – and you will not like this – she has pardoned me and invited me to return to Olympus. Of course, you have been away in the mortal world so long that you wouldn't have heard about that, would you?’

      ‘Hera invited you to return?’ Demeter asked, clearly amazed. ‘She would not do that lightly. What were her terms?’

      ‘Well, now, that is for me to know, and you to find out,’ he replied, openly leering at Demeter as if he intended her to be his next conquest. The wretched little gnome made my blood boil. I fought hard to control the anger seething up within me. I could turn him into ashes in an instant, and he knew it. Yet I knew that Demeter didn't like me doing that kind of stuff anymore. It offended the mortals' God apparently.

      With trepidation, I wondered just what sordid reasoning was underpinning Priapus's uncharacteristic bravery. If it was anything to do with Persephone...I let that thought simmer; I dared not complete it.

      Priapus licked his lips and reached for a golden goblet on the table next to him. I pointed the index finger of my right hand at the goblet. A small lightning bolt flashed across the room from my fingertip to the goblet, melting the vessel in a splutter of molten metal and hissing wine before he could even lay his swarthy hand upon it.

      ‘Cool!’ Persephone yelled in delight.

      ‘There is no need for that sort of thing, darling,’ Demeter whispered in my ear. I nodded grudgingly. Nevertheless, I have to admit that the terrified expression on the gnome's face gave me a momentary shameful buzz. And it also gave him a sharp reminder of exactly with whom he was dealing.

      ‘I’ll ask you again,’ Demeter said quietly to Priapus, and yet there was an unmistakable threat in her voice. ‘What were her terms?’

      ‘I’m not at liberty to tell you,’ Priapus replied, yet he was noticeably nervous now.

      I tapped KK's head and pointed to Priapus. The dog bared his teeth, snarled viciously, and then stealthily, threateningly, crawled towards the now groveling gnome. Even I must admit that KK was a terrifying sight, and Priapus knew that the dog could rip him to shreds in a matter of seconds. He had seen it happen before, many years ago.

      ‘No! No!’ he screamed. ‘Call him off; call him off. I'll tell you what she said. I promise.’

      I clicked my fingers, and KK obediently calmed and returned to my side.

      ‘Well, what does the goddess Hera want you to do?’ Demeter demanded. She no longer had her arms wrapped around me but was standing with her hands on her hips and glaring aggressively at the petrified and useless former minor god of fertility.

      ‘She...she wants me to impregnate Persephone to teach you a lesson,’ Priapus stammered.

      ‘She what!’ Persephone screamed. ‘Why you two-faced, disgusting little pervert. I...’

      Demeter rushed over to her. ‘It’s all right, darling, he can't do anything to you now...’

      ‘Unless he already has?’ I asked.

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