Pleasure's Spear. Shannon Cook

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Pleasure's Spear - Shannon Cook

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or not?

      Mandy and Kate end up living happily with each other for many years and end up starting a family of their own.

      The big question is, does Mandy's father Lee ever come to accept his daughter's sexuality? Or does he hate his daughter for who she is for the rest of his life?

      Every day, there are some people that are part of the gay community that have to deal with being either disowned by their parents or being discriminated against in the community.

      This is a fictional story about a young woman who has to put up with a lot of backlash from her father just because of who she is. But Mandy stays strong and true to herself. That is important for people that are part of the gay community to do. Stay true to yourself! Only you can make yourself happy. Don't ever let anyone try to make you someone that you are not!

      Now, most of the things the main character, Mandy, endures is the absolute worst-case scenario of what happens when a parent finds out about their child's sexuality.

      It is important to always remember that when times get difficult, hang in there no matter how hard it gets! Things usually always get better!

      As a lesbian myself, I have experienced both physical and verbal attacks against me because of my sexuality. That hasn't changed who I am. That's what I hope for all of my family in the gay community. Never let anyone change who you are!

      Attention: This book might bring back bad memories to some, but don't worry, hopefully, the romantic scenes will make up for it. This book is intended for adults at least 18 years and older because of some of the descriptive topics in this book.

      Lastly, just note, that if you are part of the gay community, and you are struggling with emotional damage, there is always help out there 24/7 if you need it.

      Chapter 1

      A young woman tiptoed slowly down the stairs of her parent's house late at night trying not to wake anyone up. Slowly reaching out her hand for the front door handle, she hears her father clear his throat behind her.

      "Where are you going, Mandy?" Her father asked from the upstairs balcony overlooking the grand foyer.

      Mandy froze in her tracks. Her father was very strict about going out late at night. She turned around slowly and watched in fear as her father come down the curved staircase heading towards her.

      Lee got face to face with Mandy and crossed his arms. "Where are you going young lady?" he asked his daughter again. This time in a more firm and demanding tone.

      Mandy didn't know how to respond to her father. She was fearful of him. She stood in silence just staring up at him. She didn't want to inform him she was going to see her date. Especially since her date was another woman.

      For her entire life, Mandy's father has expressed much hatred towards the gay community. She never knew what caused this hate. He never went into much detail, but he had advised her many times that if he ever found out she was homosexual, there would be hell to pay.

      "Nowhere." Mandy finally responded, as she slowly walked past her father and back up to her bedroom.

      Lee slowly followed his daughter up the stairs, he went back into his bedroom laid in bed next to his wife Barb.

      Barb rolled over and faced her husband. "What was going on?" she inquired.

      "Mandy was trying to sneak out again."

      "Secret boyfriend?" Barb laughed.

      "She wouldn't say. I just wish she would stop trying to sneak out of the house so late at night!"

      Barb sighed. "You know dear, she's twenty-three. She's an adult. I know you just want to protect her, but you need to let her start living her own life."

      Lee laid and stared at the ceiling above. "I know. I'm just not ready to let go."

      Lee's wife put her arm over him, hugging him as they laid in bed. "What would you have done if my father wouldn't have let me go out, and see you?"

      Lee laid there and thought for a moment. His wife was correct. "I'll be back." He got out of bed and went over to Mandy's bedroom. He knocked on the door softly. "Hun, are you still awake?" he asked.

      Mandy opened her bedroom door slowly, she had been crying. "Yes, father?" she asked as her voice trembled.

      Lee could see his daughter was upset with him. "Why were you trying to sneak out so late at night?" he asked Mandy. "Do you have a secret boyfriend you'd wish to tell me about?"

      Mandy still didn't know what to say. Lee placed a gentle loving hand on his daughter's shoulder. "It's okay, I'm going to let you go out tonight to see him. What is his name?"

      She wiped away tears from her eyes. Was her father really letting her go out this late? She looked her father in the eyes. He seemed sincere. "Alex, their name is Alex," she said without hesitation. Mandy was relieved that her girlfriend had a gender-neutral name.

      Lee smiled. "What does Alex do?"

      Mandy wasn't expecting her father to ask her what her partner does for a living. She didn't want to tell him exactly what Alex does. She didn't want her father to go to Alex's workplace behind her back, and discover that Alex is actually a woman! "Don't worry Dad, Alex works a full-time job."

      "That's good to hear, now please promise me you'll be home by 2 am."

      Mandy gave her father a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "I promise I'll be home by two." She ran down the stairs, put on her shoes and left.

      She drove over to Alex's family farm and met up with her girlfriend in the barn. Mandy covered her nose as she walked in. The barn smelled strongly of cow manure.

      "Do we have to keep seeing each other in here?" she asked Alex while covering her nose. "This smell is nauseating! Doesn't it bother you?"

      Alex just shrugged. "When you've lived with it all your life, you don't notice it much. Besides our only other option is to go inside, but we risk the chance of my parents finding out about us."

      "I take it your parents are just as much against gay people as mine are?" Mandy asked.

      "No," Alex replied shaking her head. "They just think I'm too young to be dating. I keep telling them I'm twenty-one! I'm an adult! As far as being a lesbian, I'm sure they will understand. My father's best friend is a gay man. They've been friends since they were young boys!" she looked at her girlfriend curiously. "Why? Are your parents against gays?"

      Mandy nodded her head. "My father especially, he hates gay people!" she paused for a moment trying to think. "I'm not too sure about my mother though, she's never mentioned anything about her views on gay people."

      "So that's why I've never been invited over! I understand now." Alex smiled at Mandy and began to run her fingers through her hair slowly. "So tell me, what's on your mind right now?"

      Mandy reached out and pulled Alex into her arms. "Only you right now Hun."

      The two young women took off their clothes, and they began having sex on a bed of hay on the barn floor as the moonlight beamed in upon them. Mandy laid upon Alex french kissing her, then slowly moving her mouth to her

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