James Penberthy - Music and Memories. David Reid S.

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James Penberthy - Music and Memories - David Reid S.

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Empire Games running pants. They came back with my initials embroidered in gold just below the waist. The girl was nineteen, tall and good-looking with dark eyes and a love of music. Her name was Dorothy Kerin, but they called her Judy, and she lived with her mother in a boarding house in Kew. When I first caught sight of her I became convinced that there was more to life than eternally being housemaster in a boarding school. Soon after the presentation of the South African running pants, Judy got into the habit of making her way across the grounds of the two colleges. On these visits, I played to her selections from my gramophone records, while lying on the floor of my housemaster's rooms. Sometimes I dashed across the playing fields to her place.

      One night I [arrived at the boarding house after Judy and her mother had gone to bed in the same large room. I was kneeling in earnest but quiet conversation beside Judy's bed.] The lights were out and her mother was in another bed only three feet away. She was wide-awake! Soon after this her mother introduced the subject which had never crossed my mind - marriage! I was shocked but had to face the fact that this was a situation from which there could be no easy escape. And so we were married [in August 1940] in my father's house with my father officiating. Judy wore a butter-coloured dress and looked extremely beautiful. We made our vows in a room appropriately adorned with murals of women with no clothes on. There was no way of avoiding the bacchanalian intrusion of my brother's paintings. Every room in the house was decorated with the same "shameful" art works. My best man was a Presbyterian clergyman's son named "Lofty" Elliot. "Lofty" enjoyed the decor and, after the ceremony, whisked us away to a discreet hideaway in the Melbourne hills.

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