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THE WILL OF GOD - Eileen Tan

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      To the Holy Spirit; the person whom I am working with; receiving His discernment with points and course in writing out this book on the subject of: Stepping into… What’s is The Will of God; which of course are subjects relating to God’s Will. I believe all of us should come with a mindful spirit to desire to learn more of what God has in store for us. I am called to write it out, and of course, it took me almost three years, before I made the decision to write, as like everyone else here on earth I have to work and at the same time having to go through the pressures of daily lives. I believe God’s Will is for everyone; its’ for His purposes for us; is also for everyone wanting to know what’s His will. My walk with the Lord is more than 27 years and through all these years, I learn a lot, with experiences through Him and with Him. I pray that all be blessed and be inspired as one read and learn to participate in His Will.

      To my brother, Sunther Muniandy; as being promoted to heaven on May 29th, 2018. With honor and respect, I truly agree he is a man of God with great integrity especially to his family as well as friends and co-workers. He does great ministries with children in orphanages as well as for those who are in needs. I admire his honesty and delegation with sincerity where friendship is; for we have been friends for more than 20 years. He is well missed from our hearts for a true friendship.


       The Will of God?

      How can you walk in the will of God or how do you walk in the will of God is two different actions? God’s Will is always there from the Old Testament to New Testament. Biblically is a must and total surrender in our part. It is more of a command than a request.

      The questions: Why, is it difficult to walk in His will? Is it because of lack of knowledge or wisdom in His word? Or is it because of our weaknesses in part? I believe every individual has in its own heart desires and wishes as to how they want to walk in God’s will. The truth is, God loves you all and He wants you to have what He intents. To God, He is no respecter of person or persons. God desires all, to walk in His will. The Holy Spirit, the advocate is always here to help and guide in every step, as you step into His will.


       His Will

       Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

       In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

      Searching through, indeed there are many applications and implications to the matter of God’s Will, and most of it is in the Bible as applied. How it is applied, and how to walk into it, is the choice you make. God’s Will, will always be humility; gratefulness and thankfulness; obedience; connections with church members/fellowship; be spiritually minded; be wholehearted; be committed with excellence; be in faith; be patient; be open to the unexpected; longsuffering; and lastly boldness for God. Just want to stress on these two words - ‘patience’ and ‘longsuffering’ which of course is in synonymous with one another, and these two words serves its own purpose with actions in value. I will be using these two words further into my other two chapters, as I want to express it in different ways of understanding, because it meant a lot in our Christian walk with God. Methodically in His will, its applications, the actions and the sound of it may seem easy to follow, but it is not. Faith is mostly required and is in need to follow in this mileage to the will of God. Question is, what is faith? Faith is believing in Him, trusting Him, for it is like seeing through the invisible to the visible but yet in the natural realm, but is working in the supernatural before it manifests in the natural. That is faith!

      Understanding faith: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)

      Why am I talking about ‘faith’ before it even manifests in your walk in the will of God; the actual truth is, faith is the leading factor for all to walk in the will of God. Without faith it is impossible for Christians or believers to move ‘mountains’ in the world that ‘we’ all live in. We all need faith in our Christian walk and God gives us “FAITH”; is a gift from Him. In my experience as a Christian and believer in Christ, for more than 27 years with the Lord, has always been ‘faith’, that enables me to walk in His will, and not mine in the opposite. All of us fall and fail at the same time if the misconceptions of ‘faith’ in God is wrongly misinterpreted in our Christian life.

      Looking at Hosea 4:6 (NKJV) God says My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

      It explains Hosea’s life of faith with God. Pursue and value godly knowledge and wisdom. Understand that what you do not know can hurt you.

      How can we learn to know and be understanding God’s purpose in life? It is all about knowing His will and nothing else. If you learn to walk in simplicity and not walking with an intellectual mind-set, it helps a lot. Why? It is so, so that you will not be wrongly religiously misinformed. The truth in God’s will is; learning more of Him; learning to cultivate intimacy with Him; building a relationship with Him, communing with Him; waiting upon Him in patience and with perseverance. Do know when you pray, you pray with Him and not pray to Him? It makes a whole lot of difference when you pray in this manner. This is part of God’s Will. His will is far more and beyond, and all it takes, is just a little effort in your part and just go forth and follow Him. Yes, I agree it may be difficult for some to walk or flow with God as according to His will; but it can be done when you pray and not if you pray. There is a big difference. Do know God is always here to guide and to help.

      In God’s divine purpose, mankind is created as spirit beings. Therefore, whenever we are praying, we are actually praying spirit to spirit with God. Through Him and in Him we flow spiritually with Him, into His divine will without any difficulty or being lame. Dramatically, yes, it may look so impossible to act upon in God commands or requests, but it is possible we can as we learn to submit to Him, for all things are possible with God. Knowing Him and be with Him, we can move mountains with Him. No excuses but take the challenge!

      Though my words may sound positive in agreement with God to follow His will in such an easy manner and to some it may seems it is not so. The question is; it always lies in your disciplinary action with God. Do you believe or do you not believe in what God is doing for you? I do agree in disagreement that some or some may not have the desire to do for what God has desire for them to do in His will. But it is good to learn and to acknowledge what the bible says about; it says all scriptures are given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness for Him. Therefore, it is His Will. (Withreference to - 2 Timothy 3:16) (NKJV)

      Quote: by Henry B. Eyring

      YOU CAN PRAY TO KNOW HIS WILL, and with the honest desire to do whatever He asks you to do, you will receive an answer.

      Scriptures relating to His Will: -

       Romans 12:1-3 (NIV) v1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. v2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. v3 for by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

       Proverbs 2:6-9 (NIV) v6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. v7 He holds success in store

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