Informed Choices in Motherhood. Fiona Lee

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Informed Choices in Motherhood - Fiona Lee

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our babies from harm.

      Whilst both flu and whooping cough can be potentially dangerous to pregnant women and their babies, according to the data, the risk of death is extremely low. The following figures from the US show the real risks of these diseases:

       Risk of flu-complication death for pregnant women: 0.000125%*

       Risk of flu-complication death for pregnant women in a pandemic year: 0.001875%*

       Risk of newborn death under three months during a non-major outbreak year: 0.00015%*

       Risk of newborn death under three months during a major whooping cough outbreak: 0.000375%*

      *US statistics reported through the NNDSS to the CDC ¹⁵

      The most effective way to boost your immune system during pregnancy is through a healthy lifestyle, and there is no vaccine that can provide the protection that a healthy mind and body can. Getting adequate sunlight for vitamin D and eating a healthy mostly organic diet are essential for keeping your immune system healthy at this time.

       Is vaccination effective at preventing whooping cough?

      There is no conclusive evidence that the vaccine is at all effective at preventing whooping cough, and much more evidence to suggest it actually increases rates of whooping cough (pertussis). One of the main reasons for its ineffectiveness is the fact that those who have had the vaccine can still contract whooping cough, and infect others with it, without having the typical symptoms (in other words they become silent/asymptomatic carriers). This was demonstrated by a 2014 study, which showed that the pertussis (whooping cough) bacteria lingered in the throats of vaccinated baboons for 35 days (Warfel et al. 2014)¹⁶

      If a new mother has had the vaccine, she can still potentially be carrying the whooping cough toxin. (It just means she may not show the usual symptoms like the unvaccinated would if they were carrying it). The same applies for any family or friends who may have been vaccinated. Anyone who has had the vaccine can still be a risk to your baby without them even knowing it.

      Some safer and more effective options to reduce your newborn’s risk of getting serious infections like whooping cough would be to make sure you breastfeed, increase your Vitamin C intake, and to also limit their exposure to anyone who could be sick, especially anyone who has been recently vaccinated. More about that later!)


      We’ve discussed vaccines, but what are some of the other ways that you can minimize your unborn baby’s exposure to harmful toxins in the womb?

       Organic Foods

      This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to limit your exposure to pesticides. Studies demonstrate that organic foods provide significantly higher levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus relative to their non-organic foods. They also contain higher levels of antioxidants such as flavonoids.

      If you can, try to eat organic as much as possible, especially when it comes to the *dirty dozen, which according to the Environmental Working Group are the top 12 foods most heavily contaminated with pesticides.¹⁷

      The Dirty Dozen food list (for 2019):

      1 Strawberries

      2 Spinach

      3 Kale

      4 Nectarines

      5 Apples

      6 Grapes

      7 Peaches

      8 Cherries

      9 Pears

      10 Tomatoes

      11 Celery

      12 Potatoes

       (This list is from a USA study, and will therefore vary from country to country.)

      One study found that women who consumed two or more servings of pesticide-laden food were 26% less likely to have a successful pregnancy than those who ingested fewer servings of these foods:

      “Higher consumption of high-pesticide residue FVs was associated with lower probabilities of pregnancy and live birth following infertility treatment with ART. These data suggest that dietary pesticide exposure within the range of typical human exposure may be associated with adverse reproductive consequences” (Chiu et al. 2018).¹⁸

      Glyphosate sold under the brand-name ‘Round-up’ is one of the most commonly used weed killers in Australia and many other countries. It is known to strip nutrients from plants and soil whilst embedding itself in food crops. In plants it binds to trace minerals and nutrients like manganese, magnesium, zinc and iron. A serious issue resulting from the use of glyphosate is its presence inside the food we are eating. Even the company who developed roundup admit that some glyphosate remains on and in food crops such as canola and corn (both of which are heavily sprayed).

       Which foods contain glyphosate?

      According to the latest research by FSANZ (Food Standards Australia & New Zealand), glyphosate has been detected in conventional almonds, biscuits, breads (both white and multi-grain, wheat, corn and rice-based cereals, oats, pasta, rice, tap water and infant rice cereal.

      A study from the Environmental Sciences Europe Journal states the following:

      “Since 1974 in the U.S., over 1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate active ingredient have been applied, or 19 % of estimated global use of glyphosate (8.6 billion kilograms). Globally, glyphosate use has risen almost 15-fold since so-called ‘Roundup Ready,’ genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops were introduced in 1996. Two-thirds of the total volume of glyphosate applied in the U.S. from 1974 to 2014 has been sprayed in just the last 10 years” (Benbrook, 2016).¹⁹

      As consumers we have no idea just how much glyphosate is in the conventional foods we eat, but what we do know is that the herbicide is known to cause serious health issues. Whilst it is marketed as safe, court cases in the USA have proven that there are serious consequences of long-term exposure including cancer. As pregnant women it is important to limit exposure by choosing more organic foods.

      For many families it may not be realistic or practical to eat organic food all the time, due to the high costs and limited availability of some foods. If it’s unaffordable to eat all organic, focus more on the dirty dozen list rather than all of your produce.

       Clean eating hack for removing pesticides from your food;

      Something I do when I can only get conventional fruits and veggies is to pre-rinse them in vinegar and/or bicarb soda (aka baking soda) prior to eating. This is an effective method for removing pesticide residue from the skin. I mix one-part vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar) to four parts water, along with a sprinkle of bicarb, and soak for 20 minutes before rinsing. Whilst some of the pesticides are absorbed into the flesh,

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