Who's Killing the Doctors? II. Alex Swift

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Who's Killing the Doctors? II - Alex Swift

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      (All published with various pen names. It does not include his scientific articles in the 1980s & 90s, Or his dozen industrial patents)


      Predicting Relationships and Marriages That Won’t Work. Vantage Press, New York, 2001 The Less Cuddly Side of Kids (An Unorthodox Compendium of Pediatrics). Vantage Press, New York, 2003 A Neurologist in Search of a Brain(Bilingual). Vantage Press, New York, 2002 Death in the Afternoon and… at Any Time (Bilingual). Vantage Press, New York, 2002 Suppressed Evidence. Friesen Press. Victoria. Canada, 2015 Frankly – The Outrageous Paintings & Controversial Family Trees of Dr. Frank Lee. Tablo Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 2019


      Idoya (or The Basques in the XXI Century). Publish America, Baltimore, 2008 Begoña (or The Basques in the XXI Century - 2). Publish America, Baltimore, 2009 Who’s Killing The Doctors? (I) Tablo Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 2019

       Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose!

       That Youth’s sweet-scented Manuscript should close!

       The Nightingale that in the Branches sang

       Ah, whence, and whither flown again, who knows?

      (LXXII, the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám)

       To my dear wife Kristine lost this past Spring of 2019, still sorely missed.

       To my children, Gretel, Benjamin and Sidra, all loved but living too far.


      To the Monreal family’s DNA, provided -unknowingly- with some great traits, lucky and successful; others fair and not so great; with the drive to work hard, to study, write, paint, create and to be different, rebellious, event to get hurt at the end…



      The characters playing in this Sequel to “FRANKLY, The Outrageous Paintings & Family Trees of Dr. Frank Lee,”are essentially the same -judges and doctors- as those entered in The Prequel to the same book (also titled “Who’s Killing the Doctors” (I)

      An important key addition here is Dr. Frank Martin our real hero in the Sequel. His wife Isabelalso plays a noticeable role. Other than for a changed name, Dr. Martin’s story, in the first half (Parts A & B) is real.


      I assume that the readers, you, have already finished my earlier novel “Who’s Killing The Doctors?, (a “Prequel” to my non fiction FRANKLY”), or that, at least, you are familiar with its core. The theme remains the same -doctors under siege, doctors and judges against the establishment- and the characters are also largely the same, now with the new figure, crucial, of Dr. Frank Martin. The story, while fictionalized into a novel towards the end, continues largely based on similar, very real events, true history.

      Dr. Martin, as Dr. Nora Phillips, is too a child neurologist -as this ghost writer- all three nearly clones of each other. The author will walk you again as in the prequel, through some of Dr. Martin’s unusual, challenging, even amazing neurological cases and how he was pursued by ‘The Establishment’ (OPC) that got him to the top of the heep… only to make him enemies and then to crash, to be killed!…

      The family of the St. Dennis -also stung by The Health System, as they appeared in the Prequel- will also get involved soon and play a major role in the fight, spearheading a valiant fictionalized counterattack, a true revolution, to free doctors fallen - and about to be killed- held in bondage by The System, The Wolves. You will see how -at much personal risk, under the radar and quite dangerous- they embark into physical action with a bang, then with imaginative, forceful -yet benign- physical ways to force the system to change itself into a truly fair and kind Health System.


      Dr. Martin’s Rise but Dangerous Exposure Becoming An Unwanted Suspect (Chapters 1 through 22)

      CHAPTER 1

       A Public, Contentious Case Of Presumed Sexual Assault

      There was hardly anything else on TV then, at least hardly anything else worth watching, while Frank Martin and his wife Isabel had supper together that Sunday – unless you liked NFL games, TV shows or Netflix instead of politics-tied-to-sex. The US Senate, at the recommendation of its Judiciary Committee, had just appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court as its 9th Justice. The strong objections by Democrats based largely on accusations of a sexual assault of 36 years earlier (while in high school) by a now psychologist Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, came just short of derailing the President’s pick: ONE vote was all it took in the US Senate, 51 over 49.

      There was no way to be truly neutral -impartial?- in the matter, as there is no way for a crowd to be neutral in a contested call by the referee of a football or soccer game; it all depends on which team you are a fun of, not on the facts. There is no true evidence, no impartial evidence. It all depends, in contested cases -in sports OR morality- on where you stand. In the case of Kavanaugh-Ford case it was the same. Believing, accepting one or the other was simply partisan. And the Republicans had the needed numbers, even if barely, and it was all in the numbers, regardless of fame, position, the President’s tilt, the FBI – OR the truth. But of course we know that in contested Media disputes there is no absolute truth. Only partisan truth.

      Numbers, we hear, don’t count in sports, just the referee. Even if later he gets hell… or if a later review costs him his job. Numbers do count in politics… and in courts with jurors – not in ‘only one judge’ courts!

      “Isabel, in matters of the impropriety of unwanted sexual behavior between the sexes, I guess physical assault counts always as wrong, everywhere, even in marriage. Outside marriage, especially in the work place, more subtle things also count as a no-no, like words, gestures, various degrees of touching, whenever unwanted by one party. Of course sexual and flirting matters between the sexes that lead to any employment position/advancement repercussions, positive or negative, all fall in the same category. Agree?”

      “Yes, Frank. Why do you ask?”

      “Because I am leading to more subtle things that I have not mentioned like intended portrayed attractiveness, clothing (type of-, length of-, see-through, revealing) and obvious or camouflaged upper or lower ‘flashing’ – not just clear ‘mooning,’ but also thigh/crotch exposure by posture… and also cleavage (when upright or if shown or exaggerated by bending). Do you agree, Isabel?”

      “That is all very complicated, Frank. For instance, proper or improper clothing for each situation is very difficult to judge. Some is addressed in the work place by ‘dress codes’ that specify length (of skirt) and amount of skin exposure -mostly

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