Letter to House Select Committee on Intelligence. Darryl Robert Schoon

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Letter to House Select Committee on Intelligence - Darryl Robert Schoon

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Hartmann’s provenance makes Bruce Rappaport look like Mother Teresa. If Bruce Rappaport was a USB hub of covert criminality, illusory respectability and political sociopathy, Dr. Alfred Hartmann was an über-hub. David Whitby and Alan A. Block in The Organized Criminal Activities of the Bank of Credit and Commerce, BCCI, refer to Dr. Hartmann as follows:

      6. [footnote] Dr. Alfred Hartmann, director of Swiss Military Intelligence, former general manager of Union Bank of Switzerland and later chairman of Hoffman LaRoche. Hartmann resigned from La Roche following a price-fixing scandal involving the European Community…Main board director Rothschild family bank holding companies and general manager Rothschild A.G. Zurich. Resigned after payments by [Rothschild A.G. Zurich] to the alleged assassins of Roberto Calvi (Banco Ambrosiano)…..director of Intermaritime Bank (Bruce Rappaport), Royal Bank of Scotland (Switzerland). Hartmann was chairman of BCCI’s audit committee (Luxembourg) but has never been investigated by the SFO (Serious Financial Office/Switzerland) or the FBI…

      45. [footnote] Gold played an integral part in BCCI’s money –laundering operations. BCCI gold dealings for Colombian drug cartels were passed through BCP (Banque de Commerce et de Placement) in association with Rothschild A.G. Zurich (Dr. Albert Hartmann).

      More on the activities of Dr. Hartmann is found at David Guyatt’s Deep Black Lies website: ..Of more than passing interest in these matters is Dr. Alfred Hartmann, who had run the Banque de Commerce et de Placement (BCP), Geneva, for many years…large sums of money earned by .. market rigging activities were laundered through the BCP. Hartmann was also the Vice Chairman and General Manager of Rothschilds Bank A.G. and the vice president of the CIA connected Inter-Maritime Bank [Bruce Rappaport’s bank]. The BCP is also said to have played a part in the Iran-Contra affair. This cannot come as any great surprise, for Hartmann was known as a long-term CIA asset. His contact or "controller" was none other than Edwin Wilson, the CIA operative who we earlier learned specialized in gay and pedophile blackmail stings against political targets…He is also known to have specialized in creating financial “fronts” for the CIA. Dr. Hartmann, meanwhile, would later become a senior executive in BCCI, the bank that provided a full service to drug lords, gun-runners, terrorists, gangsters and the US and European intelligence community.

      The information on The 1001 Club and Edmond Safra came from the Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP). ISGP also has information on the highly secretive Le Cercle, a group composed of pan-European nationalists, white racists, extreme right-wing Catholics, and right-wing Americans, e.g. General Vernon Walters (suspected of involvement in the assassination of JFK), William Colby (Director of the CIA), William Casey (Director of the CIA, Chairman of the SEC and golfing buddy of Bruce Rappaport) etc.

      For more information on Le Cercle, ISGP recommends reading Rogue Agents by David Teacher.

      For free download, see http://mediafire.com/?2qvkx4nvdj9zyk6.

      Another member of the exclusive 1001 Club—along with Edmond Safra, Dr. Alfred Hartmann and various Rothschilds, e.g. Baron Edmund de Rothschild, Baroness Nadine de Rothschild, Edmund L. de Rothschild, Baroness Guy de Rothschild, etc.—is the founder and chairman of Barrick Gold, Peter Munk.

      The ostensible purpose of The 1001 Club is to raise funds and support the World Wildlife Foundation. Whether The 1001 Club is a true service organization or the Rotary Club for the Dark Side is unknown.


       The only difference between the killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida and the US invasion of Iraq is scale. On February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was no more armed and no more a threat to George Zimmerman than on March 19, 2003 Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was threatening the United States of America.

      My generation came of age during the 1960s, an era of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, fueled in no small part by LSD, the psychedelic elixir introduced to America by the CIA’s ultra-secret MKULTRA program.

      Personal note to the CIA for the introduction of LSD to the youth of America: Thanks!!!

      Our generation’s opposition to the Vietnam War, our support of civil rights for all—including blacks and women—and our desire for peace was considered by some to be un-American.

      Un-American does not describe who or what we are nor does it in any way define America. Ronald Reagan’s ronin, his errant cold-war warriors now deeply embedded in America’s power structure hijacked America, depleted its financial resources and robbed the nation of its future…and 9/11well, now that’s un-American.

      What happened on 9/11 constitutes high treason; and if America doesn’t have the courage to demand the truth of those responsible at the point of imprisonment and death in a public forum, this once-great nation will suffer the fate of those who lack the courage to face their past in order to face their future.



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