Still Invisible?. Elvin J. Dowling

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Still Invisible? - Elvin J. Dowling

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declared: “America was never America to me." And he was right, I must admit. Especially, Hughes observed, as it relates to her citizens of color.

      "O, let my land be a land where Liberty/ Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath/ But opportunity is real, and life is free/ Equality is in the air we breathe./ There's never been equality for me/ Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free." America was never America to me". (Hughes, p. 15-21).

      In eighteenth century America, when the framers of the United States Constitution embedded within the Declaration of Independence the three ideals that made its citizens quintessentially “American,” namely the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” those inherent truths were initially guaranteed only to white men with money. Initially... What is less understood, however, is that in twenty-first century America, one can’t truly enjoy "life," and the "pursuit of happiness," without the “liberty” one needs to search for them in earnest. And that's where I come in...

       I am Lady Justice.

      In 1507, with the publishing of the Waldseemüller Map, which included the newly "discovered" continent that would thereafter be called "America", the country that would become the United States has been a complex ideal of one nation, theoretically indivisible, but in reality indelibly divided and perpetually angry, one side with the other. Moreover, since its organizational inception in 1776, the country has been continually locked in an epic struggle between the sociopolitical realities of those fighting for change, versus the intractable views of those urging "more of the same". And, at varying points in its history, one ideal has prevailed over the other. Throughout this time, however, as a nation established by and for "white slave holders who wanted to be free", willing to decimate an entire group of people - namely Native Americans - to take the land for themselves, America's name and reputation has been met with skepticism and wariness almost everywhere. But, to be fair, that's only one aspect of what can arguably be described as the "greatest country on earth."

      Since the founding of its republic, America's brand has also been synonymous with hope, opportunity, and "generosity; of spirit"; welcoming those from around the world willing to contribute to our society, an opportunity to enter through the golden door of liberty. With that being said, however, America is also known for standing with the oppressed, responding to tragedies and natural disasters and promoting economic opportunity and free market capitalism all around the world. As a force for good, the United States has stared down the world's most scurrilous dictator, Adolph Hitler; defeating Nazism and fascism in one fell swoop. As a beacon of hope, America has held aloft the lamp of liberty for those who seek better opportunities. As a land of unending opportunity, America has been the only place on the globe that someone with nothing can make something of themselves.

      Time and again, the United States has risen to the call of leadership and, in doing so, has continued to secure democracy and defeat tyranny for countless individuals "yearning to breathe free". I should know, I helped to make all of that happen. As the ultimate protector of freedom, I, too, sing America. I just pick my lyrics carefully and always put my best foot forward. After all...

       I am Lady Justice.

      In my America, justice is often an expensive proposition. So, "tip me now, that way I will know how to serve you!" For it is I, who stands between you and the ravenous wolves, chomping at the bit, waiting to tear you limb from limb. And whether or not I cast you into the depths of the "just us" system (as some have come to call it), has little to do with your guilt or innocence, and more to do with your pedigree. If you've got the "complexion for protection" or a mountain of money--preferably both--then by all means... let's make a deal. If not, take your chances.

      It has often been said, "the more things change, the more they remain the same." I can vouch for that. Times have changed, and so have I. Sort of... You see, unlike the year 1952, when Ellison introduced us to his "Invisible Man" (what was his name again?), in today's America, freedom is no longer just black or white--but green! "It's all about the Benjamins baby!"

      Now, I consider that progress!

      When self-described socialist minister Francis Bellamy wrote the "Pledge of Allegiance" in 1892, he posited that America was a utopian meritocracy, “...with liberty and justice for all.” President Ronald Reagan once called our nation a "shining city on a hill." And they, too, were also correct! So which America is it? The answer is ... all of the above! Has America changed since its founding? Absolutely! But, on issues of racial equality and equitable treatment of all her citizens, the concept of making the necessary changes to achieve these goals has morphed from moving with "all deliberate speed" to crawling along at glacial pace in the view of those who are deleteriously impacted. As such, until the promise of liberty is extended to each and every citizen, without regard to race, creed, national origin or orientation, this land will never truly be free, and I will always be for sale. "In God I trust... All others pay cash!"

      Kindest Regards

      Lady Justice


       (A drawing of Lady Justice: "The Personification of Fairness")

      Will It Ever End?

      Throughout the history of America, the United Sates has gone to great lengths to marginalize men of African descent, from the moment enslaved men and women of color were forced ashore onto the banks of Hampton, Virginia in 1619, until today; where black men represent one-third of America's prison population, according to John Gramlich of the Pew Research Center. In his article, "The Gap Between Blacks and Whites in Prison Is Shrinking," the author points out the fact that even though the chasm that existed between the inordinate number of blacks that were incarcerated versus their white counterparts in crime has decreased over the years, African Americans are still overrepresented in the prison population, illustrating a system of jurisprudence tilted towards partiality. In his analysis of the racial dynamics that color the criminal justice system, Gramlich noted the following: "The racial and ethnic makeup of U.S. prisons continues to look substantially different from the demographics of the country as a whole. In 2017, Blacks represented 12% of the U.S. adult population but 33% of the sentenced prison population. whites accounted for 64% of adults but 30% of prisoners. And while Hispanics represented 16% of the adult population, they accounted for 23% of inmates." If America is to ever realize her full and utmost potential, she must first begin by understanding that criminalizing individual existence has never been the answer. When given the opportunity to excel and succeed in every aspect of American life, Blacks have demonstrated time and again that capacity, character and commitment are universal abilities that transcend racial politics.

      On April 16, 1952, two days after the release of what would be Ralph Ellison's only novel, New York Times writer Orville Prescott set the example for other white journalists to follow when he publicly acknowledged that Ellison's brilliance could not be ignored, when he declared "Invisible Man" to be "the most impressive work of fiction by an American Negro which I have ever read." (Prescott). In a country already fraught with racial strife, with the recent murders of Harry T. Moore and his wife Harriett, who became the first martyrs of the civil rights movement when they were killed by a bomb placed underneath the floorboards of their bed on Christmas Eve, some

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