Fergus Farringdon the Second.. Rene Darker

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Fergus Farringdon the Second. - Rene Darker

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      Saying Goodbye.

      Chapter one.

      The early morning sun had already moved two fists from the East. For most men, they would be sitting to a morning of cooked damper and a mug of recently brewed tea. Yet, for Fergus, this would be a day that he would remember forever. But it was a day he wished would never have come, ever.

       Fergus remembered many a day. His Grandfather would express how he wanted Fergus to celebrate when he passes. Because Fergus’s Grandfather believed, from that moment, he would be ready to part from the Earths hold. Grandfather would also tell Fergus. That he was ready for the Heavens, because in life, he felt to be an accomplished man. He felt gratified with that. Fergus remembered his Grandfather's every word. All telling how his soul would fulfil the Heavens Dreamlands. And how he will find comfort in the heavens with his zest, ready for the future times existence. He also explained how a man’s spirit was able to look throughout the many realms, but only by those who rest beyond life. It was here when Grandfather believed. He would have the pleasure to witness those of the many living, men, women, and children. How he would witness their change, and thrive for a further thousand years.

      In celebrating for Grandfather, it was easier said than done. Fergus found himself with tears as they rolled down his cheeks, only to reduce to nothing. It was now he found himself saying goodbye to his most beloved family member, and greatest of friend. Fergus could not but brood over how unforeseen his Grandfather’s loss came about. He believed his Grandfather would live on forever. Even though he knew his Grandfather had been ageing for many years. But deep down, he did not want to accept such a day would come.

      With much care, Fergus placed damp soil into the depressing deep hole. Handful after handful, where his Grandfather’s casket was laid to rest. Fergus could not but apologize to his Grandfather’s spirit for the casket he rested. The casket was a tattered, shabby wooden box, with corroded nails. It was all Fergus could gather together in such a short time.

      “You had many years to go Grandfather.” Fergus managed to utter his words between his deep hearted sobs.

      Fergus’s best friend was also there to help give his Grandfather a warm send-off. But her most interest was to support Fergus in such a challenging and emotional time. Her name was Quinn Lynn. Quinn was a bright young lass. She was also the most giving and caring miss towards many of the Gullies people. Quinn was beautiful to Fergus. Her long dark brown hair with long curls which swayed down her back. Along with her large dark brown eyes which were mesmerizing when gazed at for too long. And her figure being tall and plump.

      It was rarely Quinn was far from Fergus. Together they grew every year from an age they could not remember. Losing Fergus’s Grandfather for Quinn, was like losing her very own blood born family member. Quinn felt crippled in grief as she sobbed. While remembering some very fond moments with Grandfather. With all her might though. She still managed to stand tall after kneeling from the dampened early morning dew soil. Fergus and Quinn felt as though it took a lifetime to place the soil onto the tattered coffin. Handful after handful making for a lot of tiresome work.

      Something began to happen. Fergus began to sense something. Something uncommon, unknown, and unfamiliar. From no-where there was then an unusual coolness. Together, Quinn turned with Fergus. The expressions on their faces told each other, how they had both been touched by something as one. Whatever it was, it began to transform into a very comforting warm breeze. Their hair blew over their eyes, and then a swarm of leaves swirled all about the place. Without thinking twice at what they were witnessing. The breeze had then surrounded them in cold dampened shrubberies. They began to shiver from the chill. Next, something enigmatic began to happen. They heard what appeared to be the sweetest and softest of words. That said, “be strong, love, and go as far as life take's you.” As quick as the words came, they were gone. This left Fergus and Quinn feeling somewhat mystified. For a moment they stared to each other in bewilderment.

      “Did you hear something then?” They both whispered.

      “Yes,” answering together again.

      This rendered them speechless. Neither dared to speak the words they heard. Because if they said what they experienced. The Gully peoples would believe Fergus and Quinn to be unworldly. An unworldly person was believed to be one who could influence the forces of the Gods. And an unworldly person was able to influence. How the dead pass beyond their everyday realm. If there were any intentional interactions between the living and the deceased’s passing. This may see the deceased soul not pass on to the Heavens Dreamlands. It was with this; whoever passed, would not experience a wholesome afterlife. This would see their soul to roam the lands in sorrow lost forever. What was most disturbing though. Was if the deceased suffered an undesirable passing from man’s existence. You could hear their cries in the cold dark nights. As for some of the unfortunate man or women still living. The deceased may even try to find comfort and warmth throughout the night. By finding consolation in their most beloved living family member’s living soul. This would cause one’s bones to shudder, leaving one unable to rest for many a night. As for the recipient who is possessed by their loved one. This could send some men and women crazed, and for others, it resulted in the taking of their own life.

      So, if the peoples of the Gully became aware that Fergus and Quinn had ever heard of. And from what may have been the otherworldly. They would in no doubt be abandoned beyond the Gullies borders. They would then become homeless from the Gullies populate. Which would be a destiny neither Fergus or Quinn ever thought of living. Yet, Fergus was feeling comforted. With the belief that his Grandfather passed securely in his sleep. He was thankful how his Grandfather’s soul would now be resting. In the back of Fergus’s mind. Fergus could not think of anything worse than knowing that his Grandfather’s soul, to be lost in limbo; all but taken to purgatory.

      Fergus placed an arm around Quinn’s shoulder. She felt the warmth from his embrace. He tried encouraging her by saying, “It is going to be fine. Grandfather would have passed over at will. He was a good man. How could the heavens reject him?”

      This was a farewell that would become one of the most reflective memories for both Fergus and Quinn. As one, they wiped the last of each other’s tears from their eyes. And then they placed the last of the dew dampened soil onto their Grandfather’s resting place. Fergus thought it important to bury Granfather next to his favorite, grand Oak tree. Because his Grandfather would say how it passed words to him when in silence. Fergus would at times try to listen, but he could not hear a whisper.

      Fergus then began to whistle his Grandfather’s favorite tune. ‘When the flowers blossom.’ It was a slow and sweet tune. Quinn had heard Grandfather whistle it many times. This comforted Quinn. The whistling also captured another family member’s interest whose name was Czar.

      Czar wanted to say his farewells also. Czar was Fergus’s pet and beloved companion. Fergus had cherished Czar for many years. He named Czar after one of the Gullies influential myths. Of a brave man and ruler, who represented great strength. Czar was a little furry fuzz. Fergus, knew how the furry fuzz was becoming extinct. It was unknown why, but a furry fuzz would not usually travel the South lands. So, it was ever more surprising how Fergus would be the owner of one. A furry fuzz was small the size of a rodent, but with a large head. He had adorable furry pointy ears, and deep dark blue eyes, with a black tipped bushy tail.

      The story of Czar tells of how Fergus found him lost and broken. He was thirsty and hungry searching through the Gullies waste. Fergus bathed and fed him and gave him a warm comfortable bed. Czar was uncomfortable with the bed Fergus made him. Instead, Czar found his place at the head of Fergus’s pillow. Ever since they had gained each other’s trust. Czar and Fergus had stayed forever loyal and cherished pals.

      Czar felt unsettled though, and he gazed at the burial place. After some time. Czar startled Fergus by scrambling up his leg where

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